Guests on Talk Python
We've had so many amazing guests on the show over the years.
You can find them all here, sorted by number of appearances and

Anthony Shaw
Anthony Shaw is a Python Software Foundation Fellow, ASF member, and Python-author. He works at Microsoft on the Open-Source Advocacy team focused on Python.
Anthony Shaw is a Python Software Foundation Fellow, ASF member, and Python-author. He works at Microsoft on the Open-Source Advocacy team focused on Python.
12 Episodes
- #486 CSnakes: Embed Python code in .NET
- #479 Designing Effective Load Tests for Your Python App
- #447 Parallel Python Apps with Sub Interpreters
- #373 Reinventing Azure's Python CLI
- #340 Time to JIT your Python with Pyjion?
- #265 Why is Python slow?
- #240 A guided tour of the CPython source code
- #214 Dive into CPython 3.8 and beyond
- #180 What's new in Python 3.7 and beyond
- #168 10 Python security holes and how to plug them
- #155 Practical steps for moving to Python 3
- #132 Contributing to open source

Brian Okken
Podcast Host of Python Bytes and Test and Code. Author of “Python Testing with pytest”. Software engineer.
Podcast Host of Python Bytes and Test and Code. Author of “Python Testing with pytest”. Software engineer.
12 Episodes
- #443 Python Bytes Crossover 2023
- #407 pytest tips and tricks for better testing
- #396 AI Goes on Trial For Writing Code (crossover)
- #297 Python year in review (2020 edition)
- #267 15 amazing pytest plugins
- #192 Python Year in Review 2018 Edition
- #181 30 amazing Python projects
- #170 Guido van Rossum steps down
- #148 Python Book Authors' Panel Discussion
- #145 2017 Python Year in Review
- #92 Bonus: Python Bytes Crossover: Python 3.6 is going to be awesome, Kite: your friendly co-developing AI
- #45 The Python Testing Column, Now a Thing

Brett Cannon
Python core developer; snarky Canadian. Mastodon at
Python core developer; snarky Canadian. Mastodon at
10 Episodes
- #441 Python = Syntactic Sugar?
- #391 Pyscript powered by MicroPython
- #374 PSF Survey in Review
- #360 Removing Python's Dead Batteries (in just 5 years)
- #350 Python Steering Council 2021 Retrospective
- #213 WebAssembly and CPython
- #209 Inside Python's new governance model
- #179 Python Language Summit 2018
- #170 Guido van Rossum steps down
- #49 Microsoft's JIT-based Python Project: Pyjion

Samuel Colvin
Python & Rust developer with a hint of TypeScript, maintainer of pydantic and other libraries.
Python & Rust developer with a hint of TypeScript, maintainer of pydantic and other libraries.
6 Episodes

Paul Everitt
Python and Web Developer Advocate at JetBrains for PyCharm and WebStorm. Python oldster, Zope/Plone/Pyramid mafia. Girls lacrosse, running.
Python and Web Developer Advocate at JetBrains for PyCharm and WebStorm. Python oldster, Zope/Plone/Pyramid mafia. Girls lacrosse, running.
6 Episodes

Jay Miller
Jay is a Developer Advocate at Elastic, based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community.
Jay is a Developer Advocate at Elastic, based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community.
6 Episodes

Dan Bader
Full-stack Pythonista & Python Coach. Write Clean and Pythonic code with my free tutorials, books, and courses.
Full-stack Pythonista & Python Coach. Write Clean and Pythonic code with my free tutorials, books, and courses.
6 Episodes

Carol Willing
Project Jupyter, nteract, and CPython core developer @ python | jupyter | jupyterhub | ipython | nteract | pysplash.
Project Jupyter, nteract, and CPython core developer @ python | jupyter | jupyterhub | ipython | nteract | pysplash.
5 Episodes

Ines Montani
Ines is a developer specializing in applications for AI technology. She's the co-founder of Explosion AI and a core developer of spaCy, one of the most popular libraries for Natural Language Processing, and Prodigy, an annotation tool for ...
Ines is a developer specializing in applications for AI technology. She's the co-founder of Explosion AI and a core developer of spaCy, one of the most popular libraries for Natural Language Processing, and Prodigy, an annotation tool for ...
5 Episodes

Michael Kennedy
Michael Kennedy is a Python enthusiast and entrepreneur. He's the host of Talk Python and Python Bytes podcasts, and founder of Talk Python Training. Michael is a Python Software Foundation (PSF) Fellow and is based in Portland, OR USA. Find him ...
Michael Kennedy is a Python enthusiast and entrepreneur. He's the host of Talk Python and Python Bytes podcasts, and founder of Talk Python Training. Michael is a Python Software Foundation (PSF) Fellow and is based in Portland, OR USA. Find him ...
5 Episodes

Łukasz Langa
Python committer since 2010. Chronic perfectionist. Pianist. Dad. Spreads the gospel of type checking to anyone who's listening. In his free time helps Facebook adopt Python 3.
Python committer since 2010. Chronic perfectionist. Pianist. Dad. Spreads the gospel of type checking to anyone who's listening. In his free time helps Facebook adopt Python 3.
5 Episodes

Cecil Phillip
Cecil Phillip is a software developer who’s been around the .NET space for some time. He's originally from the island of Antigua, but currently calls South Florida home. Over his career, he’s worked in different roles and created software ...
Cecil Phillip is a software developer who’s been around the .NET space for some time. He's originally from the island of Antigua, but currently calls South Florida home. Over his career, he’s worked in different roles and created software ...
5 Episodes

Anna-Lena Popkes
Anna-Lena Popkes is an enthusiastic learner who is always looking for new projects and challenges. She is deeply fascinated by machine learning and its applications in questions that affect and benefit many people.
Anna-Lena Popkes is an enthusiastic learner who is always looking for new projects and challenges. She is deeply fascinated by machine learning and its applications in questions that affect and benefit many people.
4 Episodes

Charlie Marsh
Building Ruff. Python, Rust, and WebAssembly. Past: Staff software engineer @ Spring Discovery, Khan Academy.
Building Ruff. Python, Rust, and WebAssembly. Past: Staff software engineer @ Spring Discovery, Khan Academy.
4 Episodes

Reuven Lerner
Reuven Lerner helps developers around the world to become more fluent in Python. He'd love to find ways to make you a better developer, too! Most days, he works on-site with companies around the world (US, Europe, Israel, and China), teaching ...
Reuven Lerner helps developers around the world to become more fluent in Python. He'd love to find ways to make you a better developer, too! Most days, he works on-site with companies around the world (US, Europe, Israel, and China), teaching ...
4 Episodes

Sebastián Ramírez
Sebastián Ramírez (tiangolo) is the creator of FastAPI, Typer, and other open source tools. He is currently a developer in Berlin, Germany.
Sebastián Ramírez (tiangolo) is the creator of FastAPI, Typer, and other open source tools. He is currently a developer in Berlin, Germany.
4 Episodes

Pablo Galindo Salgado
Python Steering Council and core developer. Python 3.10/3.11 release manager. @ThePSF Fellow. Deals with black holes and parsers. Attracts linker problems.
Python Steering Council and core developer. Python 3.10/3.11 release manager. @ThePSF Fellow. Deals with black holes and parsers. Attracts linker problems.
4 Episodes

Steve Dower
Steve is an engineer who tells people about Python and then gives them excuses to use it and great tools to use it with. He is a core contributor and Windows expert for CPython, and works at Microsoft making sure Python developers are well ...
Steve is an engineer who tells people about Python and then gives them excuses to use it and great tools to use it with. He is a core contributor and Windows expert for CPython, and works at Microsoft making sure Python developers are well ...
4 Episodes

Bob Belderbos
Bob Belderbos is a passionate Pythonista and software developer. He wants to help make you a well rounded Python developer. It might even be a career changer.
Bob Belderbos is a passionate Pythonista and software developer. He wants to help make you a well rounded Python developer. It might even be a career changer.
4 Episodes

Emily Morehouse
Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel is the Cofounder and Director of Engineering of Cuttlesoft, a digital product development agency focused on creating beautifully designed and highly scalable custom software. Her passion is driven by the unique blend of ...
Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel is the Cofounder and Director of Engineering of Cuttlesoft, a digital product development agency focused on creating beautifully designed and highly scalable custom software. Her passion is driven by the unique blend of ...
4 Episodes

Jonathon Morgan
Jonathon is the CEO of Popily, the automatic data startup, a co-host of the Partially Derivative data science podcast, and believes in significant whitespace.
Jonathon is the CEO of Popily, the automatic data startup, a co-host of the Partially Derivative data science podcast, and believes in significant whitespace.
4 Episodes

Philip Guo
Philip Guo is an assistant professor of cognitive science at UC San Diego. He researches human-computer interaction (HCI), with a focus on user interfaces for online learning. He is especially interested in studying how to better train software ...
Philip Guo is an assistant professor of cognitive science at UC San Diego. He researches human-computer interaction (HCI), with a focus on user interfaces for online learning. He is especially interested in studying how to better train software ...
4 Episodes

Mahmoud Hashemi
Mahmoud Hashemi is lead developer of the Python Infrastructure team at eBay/PayPal, where he focuses his development and instruction energies on service frameworks, API design, and system resiliency. Outside of work, he enjoys coding on his open- ...
Mahmoud Hashemi is lead developer of the Python Infrastructure team at eBay/PayPal, where he focuses his development and instruction energies on service frameworks, API design, and system resiliency. Outside of work, he enjoys coding on his open- ...
4 Episodes

David Lord
David Lord is the lead maintainer of the Pallets open source organization, including Flask, Jinja, and Click, as well as many other libraries. He is a member of the Python community and a PSF fellow.
David Lord is the lead maintainer of the Pallets open source organization, including Flask, Jinja, and Click, as well as many other libraries. He is a member of the Python community and a PSF fellow.
3 Episodes
- #472 State of Flask and Pallets in 2024
- #316 Flask 2.0
- #177 Flask goes 1.0

Jodie Burchell
Dr. Jodie Burchell is the Developer Advocate in Data Science at JetBrains, and was previously a Lead Data Scientist at Verve Group Europe. She completed a PhD in clinical psychology and a postdoc in biostatistics, before leaving academia for a ...
Dr. Jodie Burchell is the Developer Advocate in Data Science at JetBrains, and was previously a Lead Data Scientist at Verve Group Europe. She completed a PhD in clinical psychology and a postdoc in biostatistics, before leaving academia for a ...
3 Episodes

Philip Jones
Phil is the primary author of the Quart web microframework. Phil works as the tech coordinator for Smarkets in London, spending his day organizing and managing the tech teams and some of his evenings on open source. Before that, he worked as a ...
Phil is the primary author of the Quart web microframework. Phil works as the tech coordinator for Smarkets in London, spending his day organizing and managing the tech teams and some of his evenings on open source. Before that, he worked as a ...
3 Episodes

Will McGugan
Will is a freelance software engineer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Will has worked with Python for more than 15 years, building web applications and cloud services. He is the author of Beginning Games Development with Python and Pygame, and has ...
Will is a freelance software engineer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Will has worked with Python for more than 15 years, building web applications and cloud services. He is the author of Beginning Games Development with Python and Pygame, and has ...
3 Episodes

Gina Häußge
Passionate code monkey 🐒 Geek 👩💻 Gamer 🎮 Hobby baker 👩🍳 Creator & maintainer of OctoPrint 🐙 GitHub Star 🌟.
Passionate code monkey 🐒 Geek 👩💻 Gamer 🎮 Hobby baker 👩🍳 Creator & maintainer of OctoPrint 🐙 GitHub Star 🌟.
3 Episodes

William Vincent
William is the author of 2 (soon to be 3) books on web development with Django. He was an early employee at multiple startups including Quizlet and has taught computer science at Williams College.
William is the author of 2 (soon to be 3) books on web development with Django. He was an early employee at multiple startups including Quizlet and has taught computer science at Williams College.
3 Episodes

Nicholas Tollervey
Nicholas is a classically trained musician, philosophy graduate, teacher, writer and software developer. He's just like this biography: concise, honest and full of useful information.
Nicholas is a classically trained musician, philosophy graduate, teacher, writer and software developer. He's just like this biography: concise, honest and full of useful information.
3 Episodes

Fabio Pliger
Fabio is also the former Chairman of the EuroPython Society, where he served from 2012 to 2016, Co-Founder of the Python Italia Association, co-chair of the EuroPython Conference from 2012 to 2016 and co-chair of Pycon Italy for several years. ...
Fabio is also the former Chairman of the EuroPython Society, where he served from 2012 to 2016, Co-Founder of the Python Italia Association, co-chair of the EuroPython Conference from 2012 to 2016 and co-chair of Pycon Italy for several years. ...
3 Episodes

A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
A. Jesse Jiryu Davis is a senior staff engineer at MongoDB doing research at MongoDB Labs. He lives and climbs in New Paltz, NY. He wrote Motor, the async MongoDB Python driver, and contributed to MongoDB, the MongoDB C Driver, PyMongo, asyncio, ...
A. Jesse Jiryu Davis is a senior staff engineer at MongoDB doing research at MongoDB Labs. He lives and climbs in New Paltz, NY. He wrote Motor, the async MongoDB Python driver, and contributed to MongoDB, the MongoDB C Driver, PyMongo, asyncio, ...
3 Episodes

Although most well-known for being the original founder of the Twisted project, Glyph has also worked on massively multiplayer online games, dynamic web applications, enterprise information management software, and created or contributed to ...
Although most well-known for being the original founder of the Twisted project, Glyph has also worked on massively multiplayer online games, dynamic web applications, enterprise information management software, and created or contributed to ...
3 Episodes

Kim van Wyk
A Christian South African happy husband, Electronic Eng, software/DevOps/data engineer (mainly in Python for the last few years), proud member of North Durban Lions & all-round geeky type fellow.
A Christian South African happy husband, Electronic Eng, software/DevOps/data engineer (mainly in Python for the last few years), proud member of North Durban Lions & all-round geeky type fellow.
3 Episodes

Ned Batchelder
3 Episodes

Chris Moffitt
Chris is an active python user with over 15 years of experience using python for everything from web development to system administration and most recently data science. He is the author of the popular blog Practical Business Python where he ...
Chris is an active python user with over 15 years of experience using python for everything from web development to system administration and most recently data science. He is the author of the popular blog Practical Business Python where he ...
3 Episodes

Barry Warsaw
Barry was the project leader of Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager. He works on Python and used to be lead maintainer for Jython. He contributes to many other open source projects. His day job is at LinkedIn. He is a working semi-pro musician ...
Barry was the project leader of Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager. He works on Python and used to be lead maintainer for Jython. He contributes to many other open source projects. His day job is at LinkedIn. He is a working semi-pro musician ...
3 Episodes

Katharine Jarmul
Katharine Jarmul is a Pythonista based in Berlin, Germany focused on data analysis. She's been writing Python for 8 years, and has worked with several startups and larger corporations in her career doing automation, web development, natural ...
Katharine Jarmul is a Pythonista based in Berlin, Germany focused on data analysis. She's been writing Python for 8 years, and has worked with several startups and larger corporations in her career doing automation, web development, natural ...
3 Episodes

Richard Campbell
Podcasting at and and building software for disaster relief at
Podcasting at and and building software for disaster relief at
3 Episodes

Rusti Gregory
Rusti Gregory is an educator with 15 years experience teaching technology skills to students and school staff members. He has been teaching HTML and CSS for 10 years at the junior college level, and dabbled in PHP and JavaScript for almost as ...
Rusti Gregory is an educator with 15 years experience teaching technology skills to students and school staff members. He has been teaching HTML and CSS for 10 years at the junior college level, and dabbled in PHP and JavaScript for almost as ...
3 Episodes

William Stein
William Stein is the founder of the SageMath open-source mathematical software project, was a Professor of Mathematics at University of Washington until 2019, and is now the CEO/founder of SageMath, Inc., which is a company that provides the ...
William Stein is the founder of the SageMath open-source mathematical software project, was a Professor of Mathematics at University of Washington until 2019, and is now the CEO/founder of SageMath, Inc., which is a company that provides the ...
3 Episodes

Matthew Rocklin
Matthew Rocklin works on Dask at Coiled to enable scalable computing for the Python community.
Matthew Rocklin works on Dask at Coiled to enable scalable computing for the Python community.
3 Episodes

Matt Harrison
Matt has been using Python since 2000. His experience runs across the domains of search, build management, storage, business intelligence, data science, and machine learning. He currently runs MetaSnake, a Python and Data Science training and ...
Matt has been using Python since 2000. His experience runs across the domains of search, build management, storage, business intelligence, data science, and machine learning. He currently runs MetaSnake, a Python and Data Science training and ...
3 Episodes

Miguel Grinberg
Miguel Grinberg is a Software Developer at Rackspace, where he works on cloud applications. He blogs at about a variety of topics including web development, Python, robotics, ...
Miguel Grinberg is a Software Developer at Rackspace, where he works on cloud applications. He blogs at about a variety of topics including web development, Python, robotics, ...
3 Episodes

Cris Medina
Born and grew up in the Dominican Republic, where I learned programming from my father. I got my BS in Computer Hardware Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Worked over 15 years in the sector with large and medium corps, ...
Born and grew up in the Dominican Republic, where I learned programming from my father. I got my BS in Computer Hardware Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Worked over 15 years in the sector with large and medium corps, ...
3 Episodes

Kenneth Reitz
Software Engineer focused on abstractions, reducing cognitive overhead, and Design for Humans.
Software Engineer focused on abstractions, reducing cognitive overhead, and Design for Humans.
3 Episodes

Matthew Makai
Matt Makai (@mattmakai) is a Twilio Developer Evangelist based in San Francisco, CA where he builds open source applications in Python and Swift. Matt spoke at EuroPython on "Full Stack Python" and PyCon about virtualenvs and web app deployments. ...
Matt Makai (@mattmakai) is a Twilio Developer Evangelist based in San Francisco, CA where he builds open source applications in Python and Swift. Matt spoke at EuroPython on "Full Stack Python" and PyCon about virtualenvs and web app deployments. ...
3 Episodes

Peter Wang
Peter Wang has been developing commercial scientific computing and visualization software for over 15 years. He has extensive experience in software design and development across a broad range of areas, including 3D graphics, geophysics, large ...
Peter Wang has been developing commercial scientific computing and visualization software for over 15 years. He has extensive experience in software design and development across a broad range of areas, including 3D graphics, geophysics, large ...
2 Episodes

Hynek Schlawack
Infrastructure and software engineer from Berlin / Germany, PSF fellow, maintainer of too many open-source projects, and contributor to even more. Thinks a lot about robust software, networks, and security.
Infrastructure and software engineer from Berlin / Germany, PSF fellow, maintainer of too many open-source projects, and contributor to even more. Thinks a lot about robust software, networks, and security.
2 Episodes

Seth Michael Larson
PSF Security Developer-in-Residence 🐍 I write about #Python, #opensource, #security, and the #internet 🖥 PSF Fellow ✨ Maintainer of packages like #urllib3 and Requests 📦 Minnesoootan,
PSF Security Developer-in-Residence 🐍 I write about #Python, #opensource, #security, and the #internet 🖥 PSF Fellow ✨ Maintainer of packages like #urllib3 and Requests 📦 Minnesoootan,
2 Episodes

Stan Seibert
Stan Seibert is the Senior Director of Community Innovation at Anaconda and contributes to Anaconda's compiler-related projects. He has more than a decade of experience using Python for data analysis as well as GPU computing in C++ and Python. ...
Stan Seibert is the Senior Director of Community Innovation at Anaconda and contributes to Anaconda's compiler-related projects. He has more than a decade of experience using Python for data analysis as well as GPU computing in C++ and Python. ...
2 Episodes

Sydney Runkle
Sydney recently graduated with her BS in computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She works as a software engineer at Pydantic dev, and is currently the lead maintainer of Pydantic. She loves open source development, small ...
Sydney recently graduated with her BS in computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She works as a software engineer at Pydantic dev, and is currently the lead maintainer of Pydantic. She loves open source development, small ...
2 Episodes

Ian Maurer
2 Episodes

Eric Holscher
2 Episodes

Eric Snow
2 Episodes

Christopher Trudeau
Christopher Trudeau is a hands-on technical leader who builds high performance teams. His experience includes a variety of industries including cloud, gaming, marketing, travel, finance and consulting. Company experience ranges from small start- ...
Christopher Trudeau is a hands-on technical leader who builds high performance teams. His experience includes a variety of industries including cloud, gaming, marketing, travel, finance and consulting. Company experience ranges from small start- ...
2 Episodes

Roman Right
Author of Beanie - MongoDB ODM. Principal Software engineer at OneTrust
Author of Beanie - MongoDB ODM. Principal Software engineer at OneTrust
2 Episodes

Carlton Gibson
Django and PSF Fellow. Mostly working on and with Django. Building btnapp for simpler deployments. On Mastodon at
Django and PSF Fellow. Mostly working on and with Django. Building btnapp for simpler deployments. On Mastodon at
2 Episodes

Matt Wozniski
2 Episodes

Allen Downey
Allen Downey is a curriculum designer at and professor emeritus at Olin College. He is the author of several books -- including Think Python, Think Bayes, and Probably Overthinking It -- and a blog about ...
Allen Downey is a curriculum designer at and professor emeritus at Olin College. He is the author of several books -- including Think Python, Think Bayes, and Probably Overthinking It -- and a blog about ...
2 Episodes

Maxime Beauchemin
Maxime Beauchemin is the founder and CEO of Preset. Original creator of Apache Superset. Max has worked at the leading edge of data and analytics his entire career, helping shape the discipline in influential roles at data-dependent companies ...
Maxime Beauchemin is the founder and CEO of Preset. Original creator of Apache Superset. Max has worked at the leading edge of data and analytics his entire career, helping shape the discipline in influential roles at data-dependent companies ...
2 Episodes

Nathaniel Smith
2 Episodes

Ofek Lev
2 Episodes

Pradyun Gedam
PyPA member, PSF fellow, TOML-lang core, sphinx-doc contributor. Past intern at Enthought and IITB.
PyPA member, PSF fellow, TOML-lang core, sphinx-doc contributor. Past intern at Enthought and IITB.
2 Episodes

Simon Willison
Simon is the creator of Datasette, an open source tool for exploring and publishing data. Datasette is based on Simon's experiences working as a data journalist at the UK's Guardian newspaper. Simon is also a co-creator of the Django web ...
Simon is the creator of Datasette, an open source tool for exploring and publishing data. Datasette is based on Simon's experiences working as a data journalist at the UK's Guardian newspaper. Simon is also a co-creator of the Django web ...
2 Episodes

Mark Shannon
15+ years experience in software development; primarily in Python and C as well as C++, QL, Java, Forth, and Scheme. Expert in (software) virtual machines for dynamic languages. Expert in static analysis of dynamic languages. Extensive knowledge ...
15+ years experience in software development; primarily in Python and C as well as C++, QL, Java, Forth, and Scheme. Expert in (software) virtual machines for dynamic languages. Expert in static analysis of dynamic languages. Extensive knowledge ...
2 Episodes

Brandt Bucher
Brandt is a Python core developer currently working at Microsoft on a team tasked with improving the speed of the CPython interpreter. He has been officially involved in Python development since 2019, and has improved its performance, stability, ...
Brandt is a Python core developer currently working at Microsoft on a team tasked with improving the speed of the CPython interpreter. He has been officially involved in Python development since 2019, and has improved its performance, stability, ...
2 Episodes

Dustin Ingram
@google open source security team, @thepsf director, @pypi maintainer.
@google open source security team, @thepsf director, @pypi maintainer.
2 Episodes

Vince Knight
Vince Knight is a Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University in the School of Mathematics. His research interests are in emergent behaviour, probabilistic modelling, applications in healthcare and pedagogy. He maintains a number of open source ...
Vince Knight is a Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University in the School of Mathematics. His research interests are in emergent behaviour, probabilistic modelling, applications in healthcare and pedagogy. He maintains a number of open source ...
2 Episodes

Sam Lau
Sam Lau is a Ph.D. candidate advised by Philip Guo in the Cognitive Science department at UC San Diego. He studies human-computer interaction (HCI), where he prototypes new software for programming, statistics, and data science instructors to ...
Sam Lau is a Ph.D. candidate advised by Philip Guo in the Cognitive Science department at UC San Diego. He studies human-computer interaction (HCI), where he prototypes new software for programming, statistics, and data science instructors to ...
2 Episodes

Mike Bayer
Michael Bayer is the creator of several prominent Python libraries including SQLAlchemy, Mako Templates for Python, Alembic Migrations, and Dogpile caching. He has been working with open source software and databases since the mid-1990s. Today ...
Michael Bayer is the creator of several prominent Python libraries including SQLAlchemy, Mako Templates for Python, Alembic Migrations, and Dogpile caching. He has been working with open source software and databases since the mid-1990s. Today ...
2 Episodes

Guido van Rossum
Creator of the Python language and Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) of the language and greater Python ecosystem.
Creator of the Python language and Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) of the language and greater Python ecosystem.
2 Episodes

Scott Shawcroft
Scott Shawcroft is a software engineer. He grew up in Hansville, WA and attended North Kitsap High School in Poulsbo, WA. In June 2009 he graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering with Honors. ...
Scott Shawcroft is a software engineer. He grew up in Hansville, WA and attended North Kitsap High School in Poulsbo, WA. In June 2009 he graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering with Honors. ...
2 Episodes

Mike Driscoll
Mike Driscoll has been programming in Python since 2006. He enjoys writing about Python in his blog, and contributes to Real Python too. Mike is the author of multiple books about the Python programming ...
Mike Driscoll has been programming in Python since 2006. He enjoys writing about Python in his blog, and contributes to Real Python too. Mike is the author of multiple books about the Python programming ...
2 Episodes

Damien George
Damien George is a theoretical physicist working at the University of Cambridge, and has a background in mathematics, physics and computer engineering. He has competed in the "Robocup" competition to make robots play soccer, has written many toy ...
Damien George is a theoretical physicist working at the University of Cambridge, and has a background in mathematics, physics and computer engineering. He has competed in the "Robocup" competition to make robots play soccer, has written many toy ...
2 Episodes

Itamar Turner-Trauring
2 Episodes

Michael Herman
2 Episodes

Sebastian Witowski
Sebastian is a Python consultant and trainer based in Poland. He started his journey with programming as a software developer at CERN, where he fell in love with Python (and teaching). Now he is helping companies untangle their complicated ...
Sebastian is a Python consultant and trainer based in Poland. He started his journey with programming as a software developer at CERN, where he fell in love with Python (and teaching). Now he is helping companies untangle their complicated ...
2 Episodes

Tobias Macey
Tobias Macey is a dedicated engineer with experience spanning many years and even more domains. He currently manages and leads the Technical Operations team at MIT Open Learning where he designs and builds cloud infrastructure to power online ...
Tobias Macey is a dedicated engineer with experience spanning many years and even more domains. He currently manages and leads the Technical Operations team at MIT Open Learning where he designs and builds cloud infrastructure to power online ...
2 Episodes

Hugo Bowne-Anderson
Hugo is a Data Scientist at DataCamp, an interactive learning platform for data science, where has has done data journalism, spearheaded the Python curriculum, and evangelized data science in general. In January 2018, he'll launch a podcast for ...
Hugo is a Data Scientist at DataCamp, an interactive learning platform for data science, where has has done data journalism, spearheaded the Python curriculum, and evangelized data science in general. In January 2018, he'll launch a podcast for ...
2 Episodes

Doug Farrell
Doug Farrell is a software developer who's worked in a number of industries and languages. Currently, his language of choice is Python, which he uses to create full-stack web applications. In addition, he evangelizes Python to anyone thinking ...
Doug Farrell is a software developer who's worked in a number of industries and languages. Currently, his language of choice is Python, which he uses to create full-stack web applications. In addition, he evangelizes Python to anyone thinking ...
2 Episodes

Meredydd Luff
Meredydd is founder and CEO of Anvil, a tool for building full-stack web apps with nothing but Python. He has worked for startups in telecomms and audio encoding, but he has a Ph.D. in usable programming environments, and helping people create ...
Meredydd is founder and CEO of Anvil, a tool for building full-stack web apps with nothing but Python. He has worked for startups in telecomms and audio encoding, but he has a Ph.D. in usable programming environments, and helping people create ...
2 Episodes

Julian Sequeira
Julian is the co-founder of the PyBites website and Code Challenges platform.
Julian is the co-founder of the PyBites website and Code Challenges platform.
2 Episodes

Alessandro Molina
2 Episodes

Ewa Jodlowska
2 Episodes

Luciano Ramalho
Luciano Ramalho is the author of Fluent Python. Ramalho was a Web developer before the Netscape IPO in 1995, and switched from Perl to Java to Python in 1998. Since then he worked on some of the largest news portals in Brazil using Python, and ...
Luciano Ramalho is the author of Fluent Python. Ramalho was a Web developer before the Netscape IPO in 1995, and switched from Perl to Java to Python in 1998. Since then he worked on some of the largest news portals in Brazil using Python, and ...
2 Episodes

Eric Chou
Lead Network Automation Nerd at
Lead Network Automation Nerd at
2 Episodes

Brett Slatkin
Brett Slatkin is the author of Effective Python (Addison-Wesley 2015). He's the engineering lead and co-founder of Google Consumer Surveys. He formerly worked on Google App Engine, the PubSubHubbub protocol, and managing Google's server fleet. ...
Brett Slatkin is the author of Effective Python (Addison-Wesley 2015). He's the engineering lead and co-founder of Google Consumer Surveys. He formerly worked on Google App Engine, the PubSubHubbub protocol, and managing Google's server fleet. ...
2 Episodes

David Stewart
David Stewart is a manager in the Data Center Software Technology group in Intel's Software & Services Group. David's team focuses on optimizing open source server dynamic languages such as Python, PHP, HHVM and Node.js. David has been an ...
David Stewart is a manager in the Data Center Software Technology group in Intel's Software & Services Group. David's team focuses on optimizing open source server dynamic languages such as Python, PHP, HHVM and Node.js. David has been an ...
2 Episodes

David Beazley
David Beazley is an independent software developer, teacher, and book author living in the city of Chicago. He primarily works on programming tools and teaches programming courses for software developers, scientists, and engineers. He is the ...
David Beazley is an independent software developer, teacher, and book author living in the city of Chicago. He primarily works on programming tools and teaches programming courses for software developers, scientists, and engineers. He is the ...
2 Episodes

Al Sweigart
2 Episodes

Donald Stufft
Donald Stufft is one of the principle developers working on packaging in Python and is currently responsible for PyPI as well as being a core developer for pip. He is employed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise full time to work on improving packaging ...
Donald Stufft is one of the principle developers working on packaging in Python and is currently responsible for PyPI as well as being a core developer for pip. He is employed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise full time to work on improving packaging ...
2 Episodes

Roy Rapoport
Roy is currently managing the Insight Engineering organization at Netflix, where they write the powerful telemetry platform and graphics, alerting, and analytics systems on top of it, that allow Netflix to have complete real-time visibility into ...
Roy is currently managing the Insight Engineering organization at Netflix, where they write the powerful telemetry platform and graphics, alerting, and analytics systems on top of it, that allow Netflix to have complete real-time visibility into ...
2 Episodes

Rich lannone
Richard is a software engineer and table enthusiast. He and R go way back and he's been getting better at writing code in Python too. For the most part, Rich enjoys creating open source packages in R and Python so that people can great things in ...
Richard is a software engineer and table enthusiast. He and R go way back and he's been getting better at writing code in Python too. For the most part, Rich enjoys creating open source packages in R and Python so that people can great things in ...
1 Episode
- #492 Great Tables

Alex Monahan
Alex Monahan is a forward deployed software engineer at MotherDuck and writes blogs part time for DuckDB Labs. Alex joined MotherDuck a year ago after 9 years at Intel. After starting at Intel as an industrial engineer, Alex later became a ...
Alex Monahan is a forward deployed software engineer at MotherDuck and writes blogs part time for DuckDB Labs. Alex joined MotherDuck a year ago after 9 years at Intel. After starting at Intel as an industrial engineer, Alex later became a ...
1 Episode

Chang She
Chang She is the CEO and cofounder of LanceDB, the developer-friendly, open-source database for multi-modal AI. A serial entrepreneur, Chang has been building DS/ML tooling for nearly two decades and is one of the original contributors to the ...
Chang She is the CEO and cofounder of LanceDB, the developer-friendly, open-source database for multi-modal AI. A serial entrepreneur, Chang has been building DS/ML tooling for nearly two decades and is one of the original contributors to the ...
1 Episode

David Seddon
Staff Engineer at Kraken Technologies Django, Software Foundation member.
Staff Engineer at Kraken Technologies Django, Software Foundation member.
1 Episode

Aaron Powell
Aaron is a Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Having spent 15 years doing web development he’s seen it all, from browser wars, the rise of AJAX and the fall of 20 JavaScript frameworks (and that was just yesterday!). Always tinkering with something ...
Aaron is a Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Having spent 15 years doing web development he’s seen it all, from browser wars, the rise of AJAX and the fall of 20 JavaScript frameworks (and that was just yesterday!). Always tinkering with something ...
1 Episode

Tanya Janca
Tanya Janca, aka SheHacksPurple, is the best-selling author of ‘Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding’, ‘Alice and Bob Learn Application Security’ and ‘Cards Against AppSec’. Over her 28-year IT career she has won countless awards (including OWASP ...
Tanya Janca, aka SheHacksPurple, is the best-selling author of ‘Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding’, ‘Alice and Bob Learn Application Security’ and ‘Cards Against AppSec’. Over her 28-year IT career she has won countless awards (including OWASP ...
1 Episode

Sheena O'Connell
Sheena has been programming in some form since my early teens. After high school, she went on to get an Honors degree in electrical engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Sheena worked for a string of startups and ...
Sheena has been programming in some form since my early teens. After high school, she went on to get an Honors degree in electrical engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Sheena worked for a string of startups and ...
1 Episode

Nikhil Rao
Nikhil is a cofounder and CEO at Reflex (YC W23), an open source framework to build web apps in pure Python and deploy with a single command. Prior to Reflex, he worked on AI teams at Apple and self-driving car startups working on developer tools ...
Nikhil is a cofounder and CEO at Reflex (YC W23), an open source framework to build web apps in pure Python and deploy with a single command. Prior to Reflex, he worked on AI teams at Apple and self-driving car startups working on developer tools ...
1 Episode

Elvis Kahoro
Elvis is a developer advocate at Reflex (YC W23)--build your both your frontend and backend in Python. Prior to he worked at, a modern terminal with AI builtin that's great for teams!
Elvis is a developer advocate at Reflex (YC W23)--build your both your frontend and backend in Python. Prior to he worked at, a modern terminal with AI builtin that's great for teams!
1 Episode

Stefanie Molin
Stefanie Molin is a full-stack software engineer at Bloomberg in New York City, where she tackles tough problems in information security. She is also a frequent speaker at conferences around the world, a core developer of numpydoc, and the author ...
Stefanie Molin is a full-stack software engineer at Bloomberg in New York City, where she tackles tough problems in information security. She is also a frequent speaker at conferences around the world, a core developer of numpydoc, and the author ...
1 Episode

Marco Gorelli
Marco is a core dev of pandas and Polars and author of Narwhals. He's spoken at several Python conferences, taught Polars professionally, and written the first complete Polars plugins tutorial. He currently works as Senior Software Engineer at ...
Marco is a core dev of pandas and Polars and author of Narwhals. He's spoken at several Python conferences, taught Polars professionally, and written the first complete Polars plugins tutorial. He currently works as Senior Software Engineer at ...
1 Episode

Vincent D. Warmerdam
Vincent is senior data professional who worked as an engineer, researcher, team lead, and educator in the past. He is well known for his PyData talks as well as many side projects for machine learning practitioners. In particular, he maintains ...
Vincent is senior data professional who worked as an engineer, researcher, team lead, and educator in the past. He is well known for his PyData talks as well as many side projects for machine learning practitioners. In particular, he maintains ...
1 Episode

Chris Ferdinandi
Chris Ferdinandi helps developers with ADHD thrive. Early in his career, he felt like he couldn’t get anything done. Since then, he’s discovered a bunch of systems and strategies that let him turn his ADHD into a superpower. His ADHD tips ...
Chris Ferdinandi helps developers with ADHD thrive. Early in his career, he felt like he couldn’t get anything done. Since then, he’s discovered a bunch of systems and strategies that let him turn his ADHD into a superpower. His ADHD tips ...
1 Episode

Wilhelm Klopp
Wil is the founder of Kolo where his mission is to put runtime data at the heart of how we make software. He previously founded Simple Poll, one of the most popular apps for Slack and scaled it to millions in revenue. Wil lives in London and ...
Wil is the founder of Kolo where his mission is to put runtime data at the heart of how we make software. He previously founded Simple Poll, one of the most popular apps for Slack and scaled it to millions in revenue. Wil lives in London and ...
1 Episode

Giovanni Barillari
Physicist, Software Engineer, SRE. OSS contributor and maintainer in Python and Rust ecosystems. In love with radical honesty.
Physicist, Software Engineer, SRE. OSS contributor and maintainer in Python and Rust ecosystems. In love with radical honesty.
1 Episode

Wes McKinney
Wes McKinney is an American software developer and businessman. He is the creator and "Benevolent Dictator for Life" (BDFL) of the open-source pandas package for data analysis in the Python programming language, and has also authored three ...
Wes McKinney is an American software developer and businessman. He is the creator and "Benevolent Dictator for Life" (BDFL) of the open-source pandas package for data analysis in the Python programming language, and has also authored three ...
1 Episode

Keiland Cooper
Keiland Cooper is a cognitive scientist, neuroscientist, and AI researcher broadly interested in the dynamics of intelligent systems. He has worked on multiple research projects ranging from how the brain learns and creates memories, to novel ...
Keiland Cooper is a cognitive scientist, neuroscientist, and AI researcher broadly interested in the dynamics of intelligent systems. He has worked on multiple research projects ranging from how the brain learns and creates memories, to novel ...
1 Episode

Jimmy Chan
Jimmy Chan is a cofounder & the CEO of Dropbase, an internal tools builder for Python developers. @jimmyechan
Jimmy Chan is a cofounder & the CEO of Dropbase, an internal tools builder for Python developers. @jimmyechan
1 Episode

Charles Coggins
Charles Coggins is a Senior Software Engineer at Phylum, responsible for integrations and author of the phylum Python package. He is a documentation and quality champion, runner, baseball and scout dad, podfaster, investor, and lover of the outdoors.
Charles Coggins is a Senior Software Engineer at Phylum, responsible for integrations and author of the phylum Python package. He is a documentation and quality champion, runner, baseball and scout dad, podfaster, investor, and lover of the outdoors.
1 Episode

Avery Smith
Avery Smith is the host of The Data Career Podcast & founder of Data Career Jumpstart, an online platform dedicated to helping individuals transition into and advance within the data analytics field. After studying chemical engineering in ...
Avery Smith is the host of The Data Career Podcast & founder of Data Career Jumpstart, an online platform dedicated to helping individuals transition into and advance within the data analytics field. After studying chemical engineering in ...
1 Episode

Pedram Navid
Pedram is the Head of Data Engineering and DevRel at Dagster Labs, previously the Head of Data at Hightouch and has also worked as both a data engineer and a data scientist at small startups and large banks. When he’s not causing trouble online, ...
Pedram is the Head of Data Engineering and DevRel at Dagster Labs, previously the Head of Data at Hightouch and has also worked as both a data engineer and a data scientist at small startups and large banks. When he’s not causing trouble online, ...
1 Episode

Tushar Gupta
Curious about tech | SDE @SamagraGovernance | @MLH Fellow'22 | Summer fellow @Processing | GitHub Campus Expert | Open Source ❤️
Curious about tech | SDE @SamagraGovernance | @MLH Fellow'22 | Summer fellow @Processing | GitHub Campus Expert | Open Source ❤️
1 Episode

Sarah Boyce
Lover of all things #Django and #Python.
Lover of all things #Django and #Python.
1 Episode

Sarah Kaiser
Dr. Sarah Kaiser is a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate @ Microsoft. She talks about #oss, #python, #community, #quantumsoftware, and #quantumcomputing. Sarah currently lives in Seattle, Washington, United States.
Dr. Sarah Kaiser is a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate @ Microsoft. She talks about #oss, #python, #community, #quantumsoftware, and #quantumcomputing. Sarah currently lives in Seattle, Washington, United States.
1 Episode
- #446 Python in Excel

Mark Russinovich
Mark Russinovich is the CTO of Microsoft Azure and a Technical Fellow, Microsoft's senior-most technical position. He joined the company when Microsoft acquired Winternals software, which he co-founded in 1996. He is also author of the popular ...
Mark Russinovich is the CTO of Microsoft Azure and a Technical Fellow, Microsoft's senior-most technical position. He joined the company when Microsoft acquired Winternals software, which he co-founded in 1996. He is also author of the popular ...
1 Episode

Jim Crist-Harif
Jim Crist-Harif is a software engineer with 10+ years experience working on scientific Python OSS. He's currently employed by Voltron Data.
Jim Crist-Harif is a software engineer with 10+ years experience working on scientific Python OSS. He's currently employed by Voltron Data.
1 Episode

David Qiu
David Qiu is a software engineer at AWS AI/ML and the founding engineer of Jupyter AI, which began as a prototype in Dec 2022. Since then, Jupyter AI has grown to become a popular open-source digital assistant for JupyterLab users, with over ...
David Qiu is a software engineer at AWS AI/ML and the founding engineer of Jupyter AI, which began as a prototype in Dec 2022. Since then, Jupyter AI has grown to become a popular open-source digital assistant for JupyterLab users, with over ...
1 Episode

Wolf Vollprecht | Package Management, Robotics and Jupyter | Package Management, Robotics and Jupyter
1 Episode

Jeremy Tuloup
Jeremy Tuloup is a Technical Director at QuantStack and a Jupyter Distinguished Contributor. Maintainer and contributor of JupyterLab, JupyterLite, Jupyter Notebook, Voilà Dashboards, and many projects within the Jupyter ecosystem.
Jeremy Tuloup is a Technical Director at QuantStack and a Jupyter Distinguished Contributor. Maintainer and contributor of JupyterLab, JupyterLite, Jupyter Notebook, Voilà Dashboards, and many projects within the Jupyter ecosystem.
1 Episode

Afshin T. Darian
Darian is one of the co-authors of JupyterLab and has worked in many different aspects of the open data science ecosystem. He currently serves as a member of the Jupyter Executive Council and is a technical director at QuantStack.
Darian is one of the co-authors of JupyterLab and has worked in many different aspects of the open data science ecosystem. He currently serves as a member of the Jupyter Executive Council and is a technical director at QuantStack.
1 Episode

Mike Fiedler
With over thirty years of software and systems experience, Mike is a seasoned professional who has accumulated extensive knowledge and expertise in the field. He has actively engaged with the Python community, contributing to open source projects ...
With over thirty years of software and systems experience, Mike is a seasoned professional who has accumulated extensive knowledge and expertise in the field. He has actively engaged with the Python community, contributing to open source projects ...
1 Episode
- #435 PyPI Security

Loren Aguey
Software engineer specializing in Flutter. Also dabbles in web development and building REST APIs with Python or Typescript. In 2023, he built the Talk Python Training mobile app in Flutter, alongside Michael, who handled all the back-end ...
Software engineer specializing in Flutter. Also dabbles in web development and building REST APIs with Python or Typescript. In 2023, he built the Talk Python Training mobile app in Flutter, alongside Michael, who handled all the back-end ...
1 Episode

Harout Boujakjian
Software engineer. Some web, some mobile, some interactive data viz. Co-founder of pinplanet. Lover of breakfast food.
Software engineer. Some web, some mobile, some interactive data viz. Co-founder of pinplanet. Lover of breakfast food.
1 Episode

Andréas Kühne
Fullstack django developer since 2013. Currently working with django backends and angular / ionic frontend to deliver a member administration system.
Fullstack django developer since 2013. Currently working with django backends and angular / ionic frontend to deliver a member administration system.
1 Episode

Janek Nouvertné
Passionate Pythonista with a past in carpentry. Maintainer of the Litestar framework. Currently working as a Python dev in Germany.
Passionate Pythonista with a past in carpentry. Maintainer of the Litestar framework. Currently working as a Python dev in Germany.
1 Episode

Jacob Coffee
Python developer, Rust enthusiast, and Litestar Maintainer working in the DevOps and system engineering space.
Python developer, Rust enthusiast, and Litestar Maintainer working in the DevOps and system engineering space.
1 Episode

Cody Fincher
Litestar Maintainer, working on the Database Blackbelts team at Google.
Litestar Maintainer, working on the Database Blackbelts team at Google.
1 Episode

Freddy Boulton
Freddy Boulton is a software engineer trying to make machine learning accessible to everyone. He is working towards that by working on gradio, an open-source python library that lets anyone create fully interactive demos of machine learning ...
Freddy Boulton is a software engineer trying to make machine learning accessible to everyone. He is working towards that by working on gradio, an open-source python library that lets anyone create fully interactive demos of machine learning ...
1 Episode

Owain Parry
Owain Parry is an early-career researcher working on flaky tests at the University of Sheffield. He has a significant publication history in the field. His diverse contributions include an extensive systematic literature review on the topic, a ...
Owain Parry is an early-career researcher working on flaky tests at the University of Sheffield. He has a significant publication history in the field. His diverse contributions include an extensive systematic literature review on the topic, a ...
1 Episode
- #429 Taming Flaky Tests

Gregory M. Kapfhammer
Gregory M. Kapfhammer is an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at Allegheny College. He is an associate editor for the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, a program committee member for conferences ...
Gregory M. Kapfhammer is an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at Allegheny College. He is an associate editor for the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, a program committee member for conferences ...
1 Episode
- #429 Taming Flaky Tests

Eric Matthes
Eric Matthes is best known in the Python community as the author of Python Crash Course, the best-selling introductory Python book for many years now. He also writes Mostly Python, a weekly newsletter that aims to help people understand Python at ...
Eric Matthes is best known in the Python community as the author of Python Crash Course, the best-selling introductory Python book for many years now. He also writes Mostly Python, a weekly newsletter that aims to help people understand Python at ...
1 Episode

Joe Cheng
Joe Cheng is the CTO of Posit (formerly known as RStudio) and the creator of Shiny, a web framework for data scientists. For the last decade he and the Shiny team have been focused on helping data scientists make their analyses more interactive.
Joe Cheng is the CTO of Posit (formerly known as RStudio) and the creator of Shiny, a web framework for data scientists. For the last decade he and the Shiny team have been focused on helping data scientists make their analyses more interactive.
1 Episode
- #424 Shiny for Python

Koen Vossen
Founder @teamtvsport. @PyDataEindhoven committee member. Founder @PySportOrg. Instructor @Korfbalverbond.
Founder @teamtvsport. @PyDataEindhoven committee member. Founder @PySportOrg. Instructor @Korfbalverbond.
1 Episode

Thomas La Piana
Individual Contributor at Ethyca working on solving privacy engineering problems and shifting privacy left.
Individual Contributor at Ethyca working on solving privacy engineering problems and shifting privacy left.
1 Episode

James Smith
James is a Digital Signal Processing engineer at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, where he leads the effort to upgrade the MeerKAT telescope's correlator. James learned Python as a hobby in high school, trained as an Electronic ...
James is a Digital Signal Processing engineer at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, where he leads the effort to upgrade the MeerKAT telescope's correlator. James learned Python as a hobby in high school, trained as an Electronic ...
1 Episode

Jay Salmonson
Jay is a physicist doing research in inertial confinement fusion at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He currently leads a team developing the Python ecosystem and tools for use by the lab's fusion research community.
Jay is a physicist doing research in inertial confinement fusion at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He currently leads a team developing the Python ecosystem and tools for use by the lab's fusion research community.
1 Episode

Ritchie Vink
Author of Polars | Machine Learning Engineer
Author of Polars | Machine Learning Engineer
1 Episode

David Vujic
David is a software developer. Friends may know him as an early adopter of agile ideas and test driven development. He's passionate about things like that, and shares the things he learns regularly to the community. His current favorite ...
David is a software developer. Friends may know him as an early adopter of agile ideas and test driven development. He's passionate about things like that, and shares the things he learns regularly to the community. His current favorite ...
1 Episode
- #399 Monorepos in Python

Sara Issaoun
Sara Issaoun is a NASA Einstein Fellow, observational astronomer at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and member of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration. Her research centers around the collection, calibration, and ...
Sara Issaoun is a NASA Einstein Fellow, observational astronomer at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and member of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration. Her research centers around the collection, calibration, and ...
1 Episode

Gareth Thomas
Software Engineering Director at myenergi.
Software Engineering Director at myenergi.
1 Episode

Markus Schanta
Markus Schanta is a founding partner of BlueBalance Capital, independent, owner-managed alternative asset management company based in Vienna. He's done that for over 3 years now. Before that Markus was a quant at the London-based asset management ...
Markus Schanta is a founding partner of BlueBalance Capital, independent, owner-managed alternative asset management company based in Vienna. He's done that for over 3 years now. Before that Markus was a quant at the London-based asset management ...
1 Episode

Thomas Albin
Thomas Albin is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer and scientist from Stuttgart, Germany. Before he joined the automotive industry, Thomas studied Astrophysics and worked on 2 space missions (ESA' mission Rosetta/Philae & NASA/ESA's mission ...
Thomas Albin is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer and scientist from Stuttgart, Germany. Before he joined the automotive industry, Thomas studied Astrophysics and worked on 2 space missions (ESA' mission Rosetta/Philae & NASA/ESA's mission ...
1 Episode

Jeroen Janssens
Jeroen Janssens, PhD, is a data science consultant and RStudio-certified instructor. His expertise lies in visualizing data, implementing machine learning models, and building solutions using Python, R, JavaScript, and Bash. He’s passionate about ...
Jeroen Janssens, PhD, is a data science consultant and RStudio-certified instructor. His expertise lies in visualizing data, implementing machine learning models, and building solutions using Python, R, JavaScript, and Bash. He’s passionate about ...
1 Episode

Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez
On a mission to accelerate the Solidarity Economy through technology ♻️. Advocate by day, rants about bad UX in F/LOSS by night. In love with SciPy & PyData. Open knowledge, radical transparency. Trying to make a positive impact.
On a mission to accelerate the Solidarity Economy through technology ♻️. Advocate by day, rants about bad UX in F/LOSS by night. In love with SciPy & PyData. Open knowledge, radical transparency. Trying to make a positive impact.
1 Episode

Timo Furrer
Timo Furrer is an enthusiastic Software Engineer currently working for GitLab as Senior Backend Engineer where he focuses on the "Configuration" and "Operations" stages of the DevOps Lifecycle. He's been working professionally with Python for the ...
Timo Furrer is an enthusiastic Software Engineer currently working for GitLab as Senior Backend Engineer where he focuses on the "Configuration" and "Operations" stages of the DevOps Lifecycle. He's been working professionally with Python for the ...
1 Episode

Benjy Weinberger
Benjy Weinberger is a software engineer with over 25 years' experience in building scalable distributed systems. He's worked at several companies, including Google, Twitter, and Foursquare, and is one of the original creators of the Pants open- ...
Benjy Weinberger is a software engineer with over 25 years' experience in building scalable distributed systems. He's worked at several companies, including Google, Twitter, and Foursquare, and is one of the original creators of the Pants open- ...
1 Episode

Martin Turoci
Martin is currently a software engineer at where he tries to democratize the UI web development and bring it closer to Python world by working on H2O Wave, a framework for building beautiful web apps and dashboards. Open-source enthusiast, ...
Martin is currently a software engineer at where he tries to democratize the UI web development and bring it closer to Python world by working on H2O Wave, a framework for building beautiful web apps and dashboards. Open-source enthusiast, ...
1 Episode

Rhet Turnbull
Rhet is a career US military officer. Rhet entered the Air Force in 1995 after graduating from the US Air Force Academy. In 2021, he transferred from the Air Force to the US Space Force where he serves as an astronautical engineer. Rhet has been ...
Rhet is a career US military officer. Rhet entered the Air Force in 1995 after graduating from the US Air Force Academy. In 2021, he transferred from the Air Force to the US Space Force where he serves as an astronautical engineer. Rhet has been ...
1 Episode

Tonya Sims
Python Developer Advocate Deepgram AI. Former Python DevRel at Vonage, Pharma Sales at Pfizer. Hall of Fame Basketball Player for UWMadison 🏀.
Python Developer Advocate Deepgram AI. Former Python DevRel at Vonage, Pharma Sales at Pfizer. Hall of Fame Basketball Player for UWMadison 🏀.
1 Episode
- #374 PSF Survey in Review

Shayne Boyer
Principal PM Mgr Azure Developer Tools & E2E Microsoft, OpenJSF Board, Husband, Father.
Principal PM Mgr Azure Developer Tools & E2E Microsoft, OpenJSF Board, Husband, Father.
1 Episode

Geraint Palmer
Geraint Palmer is a Welsh Medium Lecturer at Cardiff University in the School of Mathematics. He is a member of the operational research group where his research interests are in simulation and probabilistic modelling, in particular applying ...
Geraint Palmer is a Welsh Medium Lecturer at Cardiff University in the School of Mathematics. He is a member of the operational research group where his research interests are in simulation and probabilistic modelling, in particular applying ...
1 Episode

Chad Smith
Chad is an aerospace engineer turned software engineer. He is the author of pipx, gdbgui, TermPair and other open source projects. Chad is currently a software engineer at Meta in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Chad is an aerospace engineer turned software engineer. He is the author of pipx, gdbgui, TermPair and other open source projects. Chad is currently a software engineer at Meta in the San Francisco Bay Area.
1 Episode

Carl Meyer
Carl is a co-founder and active developer-emeritus, providing counsel to the team. He’s a core developer of the Django Python web framework.
Carl is a co-founder and active developer-emeritus, providing counsel to the team. He’s a core developer of the Django Python web framework.
1 Episode

Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight is a software engineer. His specialty is building test automation systems from the ground up, which involves both software development for test code as well as the infrastructure to run it in continuous integration. He also does Web ...
Andrew Knight is a software engineer. His specialty is building test automation systems from the ground up, which involves both software development for test code as well as the infrastructure to run it in continuous integration. He also does Web ...
1 Episode

Michael Christofides
Michael Christofides is a product manager turned founder with a particular interest in database tools. Over 5 years at Redgate, he managed tools for SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL, but now focuses 100% on Postgres. Today he runs pgMustard, a tool ...
Michael Christofides is a product manager turned founder with a particular interest in database tools. Over 5 years at Redgate, he managed tools for SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL, but now focuses 100% on Postgres. Today he runs pgMustard, a tool ...
1 Episode

Chris White
Chris White is a mathematician turned machine learning engineer, passionate about building data-intensive tools which expose the right abstractions. He is the CEO at Prefect. He received my Ph.D. in Mathematics from The University of Texas at ...
Chris White is a mathematician turned machine learning engineer, passionate about building data-intensive tools which expose the right abstractions. He is the CEO at Prefect. He received my Ph.D. in Mathematics from The University of Texas at ...
1 Episode

Ondřej Čertík
Senior Compiler Developer at GSI Technology. Former scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Ondřej is the original author of SymPy, SymEngine and LFortran.
Senior Compiler Developer at GSI Technology. Former scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Ondřej is the original author of SymPy, SymEngine and LFortran.
1 Episode

Claudio Jolowicz
Claudio Jolowicz is a software engineer with 15 years of industry experience in C++ and Python, and an open-source maintainer active in the Python community. He is the author of the Hypermodern Python blog and project template, and co-maintainer ...
Claudio Jolowicz is a software engineer with 15 years of industry experience in C++ and Python, and an open-source maintainer active in the Python community. He is the author of the Hypermodern Python blog and project template, and co-maintainer ...
1 Episode

Ryan Abernathey
CEO and co-founder of Earthmover. Associate professor in the Columbia University Department of Earth and Environmental Science and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Research group website can be found at There you can ...
CEO and co-founder of Earthmover. Associate professor in the Columbia University Department of Earth and Environmental Science and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Research group website can be found at There you can ...
1 Episode

Joe Hamman
Joe Hamman is a climate scientist and engineer. He is an active developer of a number of open-source Python, C, and Fortran software projects. Previously, Ia co-founder and the Technology Director at CarbonPlan, a non-profit working on data ...
Joe Hamman is a climate scientist and engineer. He is an active developer of a number of open-source Python, C, and Fortran software projects. Previously, Ia co-founder and the Technology Director at CarbonPlan, a non-profit working on data ...
1 Episode

Christian Heimes
Python core developer, Python security team at the PSF fellow, speaker. On Mastodon at
Python core developer, Python security team at the PSF fellow, speaker. On Mastodon at
1 Episode

Vishnu Rachakonda
Vishnu is a machine learning engineer working on a healthcare product. Motivated to learn about and solve problems in these realms.
Vishnu is a machine learning engineer working on a healthcare product. Motivated to learn about and solve problems in these realms.
1 Episode

Kate Kuznecova
Kate Kuznecova is a data scientist at OLX Group based in Berlin, Germany. Currently, she is working on projects with a focus on Natural Language Processing and experimentation. Having transitioned to a career in data from a marketing background, ...
Kate Kuznecova is a data scientist at OLX Group based in Berlin, Germany. Currently, she is working on projects with a focus on Natural Language Processing and experimentation. Having transitioned to a career in data from a marketing background, ...
1 Episode

Demetrios Brinkmann
Demetrios Brinkmann is one of the main organizers of the MLOps Community and currently resides in a small town outside Frankfurt, Germany. He is an avid traveler who taught English as a second language to see the world and learn about new ...
Demetrios Brinkmann is one of the main organizers of the MLOps Community and currently resides in a small town outside Frankfurt, Germany. He is an avid traveler who taught English as a second language to see the world and learn about new ...
1 Episode

Yury Selivanov
Co-founder & CEO of EdgeDB @edgedatabase • Python core developer • PSF fellow • async/await • asyncio • uvloop • asyncpg
Co-founder & CEO of EdgeDB @edgedatabase • Python core developer • PSF fellow • async/await • asyncio • uvloop • asyncpg
1 Episode

Chris Holdgraf
Executive Director 2i2c_org. Working on Project Jupyter + mybinder team. Open communities 🙌 open infrastructure 💻 open science 🧪. On Mastodon at
Executive Director 2i2c_org. Working on Project Jupyter + mybinder team. Open communities 🙌 open infrastructure 💻 open science 🧪. On Mastodon at
1 Episode

Thomas Wouters
Cat owner, Googler, Python Steering Council and the PSF Board, Release Manager for Python 3.12 and 3.13. Masto:
Cat owner, Googler, Python Steering Council and the PSF Board, Release Manager for Python 3.12 and 3.13. Masto:
1 Episode

Antonio Andrade
Antonio is a MSc Software Engineer and BEng Electronic Engineer professional and intrapreneur with experience in the Oil & Gas energy sector. He has committed the last 15 years to Digital Transformation initiatives and Technology with the ...
Antonio is a MSc Software Engineer and BEng Electronic Engineer professional and intrapreneur with experience in the Oil & Gas energy sector. He has committed the last 15 years to Digital Transformation initiatives and Technology with the ...
1 Episode

Gui Talarico
Gui Talarico is a (Building) Architect turned Software Engineering living the Bay Area. In his prior Architecture career, Gui was a Building Information Specialist & Architectural Technologist, and worked on the intersection of software ...
Gui Talarico is a (Building) Architect turned Software Engineering living the Bay Area. In his prior Architecture career, Gui was a Building Information Specialist & Architectural Technologist, and worked on the intersection of software ...
1 Episode

Bex Tuychiev
Bex is data science content creator from Uzbekistan. He is a top 10 writer on Medium in AI, Machine Learning and Data Science topics. He has written over 100 articles teaching hard data-related topics to thousands of aspiring learners. Bex is ...
Bex is data science content creator from Uzbekistan. He is a top 10 writer on Medium in AI, Machine Learning and Data Science topics. He has written over 100 articles teaching hard data-related topics to thousands of aspiring learners. Bex is ...
1 Episode

Henry Schreiner
Henry Schreiner is a Computational Physicist / Research Software Engineer in High Energy Physics at Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. in experimental high-energy physics from the University of Texas at Austin. Henry is currently funded ...
Henry Schreiner is a Computational Physicist / Research Software Engineer in High Energy Physics at Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. in experimental high-energy physics from the University of Texas at Austin. Henry is currently funded ...
1 Episode

Yetunde Dada
#kedro Product Manager at Quantum Black, a McKinsey company | #OxfordMBA 2017/2018 | Instagram: @yetudada | 🇿🇦
#kedro Product Manager at Quantum Black, a McKinsey company | #OxfordMBA 2017/2018 | Instagram: @yetudada | 🇿🇦
1 Episode

David Born
David Born is a computational biologist and software engineer focused on scalable solutions to biological data challenges. He is currently a Senior Scientist at Beam Therapeutics where he develops data pipelines, cloud infrastructure, and ...
David Born is a computational biologist and software engineer focused on scalable solutions to biological data challenges. He is currently a Senior Scientist at Beam Therapeutics where he develops data pipelines, cloud infrastructure, and ...
1 Episode

Rob Emanuele
Rob Emanuele is a geospatial architect at Microsoft where he works on applying geospatial technology to environmental sustainability use cases as part of the AI for Earth program. Previously he was Vice President of Research at Azavea, a ...
Rob Emanuele is a geospatial architect at Microsoft where he works on applying geospatial technology to environmental sustainability use cases as part of the AI for Earth program. Previously he was Vice President of Research at Azavea, a ...
1 Episode

Patrick Viafore
Pat Viafore is the author of Robust Python, a book centered on writing clean and maintainable code. He spends his days as a Senior Software Engineer at Canonical, building CI/CD pipelines and tooling for deploying Ubuntu images to public clouds. ...
Pat Viafore is the author of Robust Python, a book centered on writing clean and maintainable code. He spends his days as a Senior Software Engineer at Canonical, building CI/CD pipelines and tooling for deploying Ubuntu images to public clouds. ...
1 Episode
- #332 Robust Python

Leah Cole
Developer Programs Engineer at Google.
Developer Programs Engineer at Google.
1 Episode

Kaxil Naik
Apache Airflow Committer & PMC Member | Director of Airflow Engineering, & Founding team at | OpenSource Advocate | Cricket Lover
Apache Airflow Committer & PMC Member | Director of Airflow Engineering, & Founding team at | OpenSource Advocate | Cricket Lover
1 Episode

Jarek Potiuk
Independent Open-Source Contributor and Advisor, Committer and PMC member of Apache Airflow, Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Independent Open-Source Contributor and Advisor, Committer and PMC member of Apache Airflow, Member of the Apache Software Foundation
1 Episode

Daniel Townsend
Dan is a full stack developer and tech lead, with a love for Python, and creating nice UI. He is based in the UK, and started his career after picking up a secondhand book on HTML, which sparked a lifelong interest in building digital products. ...
Dan is a full stack developer and tech lead, with a love for Python, and creating nice UI. He is based in the UK, and started his career after picking up a secondhand book on HTML, which sparked a lifelong interest in building digital products. ...
1 Episode

Rivers Cuomo
Rivers Cuomo is an American musician. He is the lead vocalist, guitarist, pianist, and songwriter of the rock band Weezer. He also enjoys writing Python code in his spare time.
Rivers Cuomo is an American musician. He is the lead vocalist, guitarist, pianist, and songwriter of the rock band Weezer. He also enjoys writing Python code in his spare time.
1 Episode

Sanyam Bhutani
Sanyam Bhutani is the host of Chai Time Data Science & an ML Engineer/AI Content Creator at He is an active Kaggler Master, ranked in the Global Top 1% across 3 categories as well as an active AI blogger on the medium, Hackernoon with 1.5 ...
Sanyam Bhutani is the host of Chai Time Data Science & an ML Engineer/AI Content Creator at He is an active Kaggler Master, ranked in the Global Top 1% across 3 categories as well as an active AI blogger on the medium, Hackernoon with 1.5 ...
1 Episode

Jack Simpson
Jack Simpson is a quantitative analyst at the Australian Energy Market Commission where he is fascinated by the complexity and immense data that can be found in the energy sector. Before joining the AEMC, Jack completed a PhD in computational ...
Jack Simpson is a quantitative analyst at the Australian Energy Market Commission where he is fascinated by the complexity and immense data that can be found in the energy sector. Before joining the AEMC, Jack completed a PhD in computational ...
1 Episode

John Speed Meyers
John Speed Meyers is an engineer in IQT Labs and a researcher who focuses on software security, especially open source software supply chain security. He holds a PhD in policy analysis from the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He’s ambivalent about ...
John Speed Meyers is an engineer in IQT Labs and a researcher who focuses on software security, especially open source software supply chain security. He holds a PhD in policy analysis from the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He’s ambivalent about ...
1 Episode

Bentz Tozer
Bentz Tozer is a Vice President in In-Q-Tel’s Cyber Practice, where he identifies and works with startups with the potential for high impact on national security. In previous roles, he has performed security research and software development with ...
Bentz Tozer is a Vice President in In-Q-Tel’s Cyber Practice, where he identifies and works with startups with the potential for high impact on national security. In previous roles, he has performed security research and software development with ...
1 Episode

Victor Schmidt
Polytechnique at UCL, PhD Mila Quebec, (Machine) Learning enthusiast, ex Etalab - AI vs Climate Change -
Polytechnique at UCL, PhD Mila Quebec, (Machine) Learning enthusiast, ex Etalab - AI vs Climate Change -
1 Episode

Jonathan Wilson
Haverford College associate professor with tenure, and in the summer of 2018 my position was converted to be dedicated to the Environmental Studies Department. He chaired the Environmental Studies Department from 2019 to 2022. Enjoys field-based ...
Haverford College associate professor with tenure, and in the summer of 2018 my position was converted to be dedicated to the Environmental Studies Department. He chaired the Environmental Studies Department from 2019 to 2022. Enjoys field-based ...
1 Episode

Laura Beaufort
Laura Beaufort is the Technical Lead for the Federal Election Commission. At the FEC, she works to increase transparency in elections by making campaign finance data available at and through the FEC API. Her favorite things to work on are ...
Laura Beaufort is the Technical Lead for the Federal Election Commission. At the FEC, she works to increase transparency in elections by making campaign finance data available at and through the FEC API. Her favorite things to work on are ...
1 Episode

Julien Danjou
Julien is an open-source software engineer for the last 20 years. He contributed to multiple free software projects, from Debian to OpenStack. During the day, he works as a Staff Engineer at Datadog in the Profiling team, where he built the ...
Julien is an open-source software engineer for the last 20 years. He contributed to multiple free software projects, from Debian to OpenStack. During the day, he works as a Staff Engineer at Datadog in the Profiling team, where he built the ...
1 Episode

Rob Richardson
Rob Richardson is a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET and Node, React and Vue. He’s a Microsoft MVP, published author, frequent speaker at conferences, user groups, and community events, and a diligent teacher and student of ...
Rob Richardson is a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET and Node, React and Vue. He’s a Microsoft MVP, published author, frequent speaker at conferences, user groups, and community events, and a diligent teacher and student of ...
1 Episode

Patrik Hlobil
Pythonista with broader interest from IT to history.
Pythonista with broader interest from IT to history.
1 Episode

Eugene Yan
Eugene Yan works at the intersection of machine learning & product to build pragmatic, customer-facing ML systems. He's currently an Applied Scientist at Amazon. Previously, he led the data science teams at Lazada and He writes & speaks ...
Eugene Yan works at the intersection of machine learning & product to build pragmatic, customer-facing ML systems. He's currently an Applied Scientist at Amazon. Previously, he led the data science teams at Lazada and He writes & speaks ...
1 Episode

Min Ragan-Kelley
Min is a Senior Research Engineer and head of the department of Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis at Simula Research Lab in Oslo, Norway. Min has been a core member of the widely used open source project now known as Jupyter since 2006.
Min is a Senior Research Engineer and head of the department of Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis at Simula Research Lab in Oslo, Norway. Min has been a core member of the widely used open source project now known as Jupyter since 2006.
1 Episode

Leon Sandøy
Just a regular dude with a big-ass beard. Father, open-source enthusiast, musician.
Just a regular dude with a big-ass beard. Father, open-source enthusiast, musician.
1 Episode

Dr. Becky Smethurst
Dr. Becky Smethurst is an astrophysicist researching how supermassive black holes affect galaxies. She gets overly enthusiastic about space on YouTube at
Dr. Becky Smethurst is an astrophysicist researching how supermassive black holes affect galaxies. She gets overly enthusiastic about space on YouTube at
1 Episode

Chip Huyen
Chip Huyen works to bring the best practices to machine learning production. Her experiences include Snorkel AI, Netflix, NVIDIA, Primer, and Stanford, where she taught TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research. She’s also the author of four ...
Chip Huyen works to bring the best practices to machine learning production. Her experiences include Snorkel AI, Netflix, NVIDIA, Primer, and Stanford, where she taught TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research. She’s also the author of four ...
1 Episode

Joe Borg
Joe is a software engineer at Canonical, working on delivering Kubernetes to the masses with Python. Before moving into full time open source, Joe spent 7 years working in the Formula 1 industry where he tried his hardest to replace everything ...
Joe is a software engineer at Canonical, working on delivering Kubernetes to the masses with Python. Before moving into full time open source, Joe spent 7 years working in the Formula 1 industry where he tried his hardest to replace everything ...
1 Episode
- #296 Python in F1 racing

Silas Toms
Silas Toms is a geographer and geospatial developer from California. Over the last decade, Silas has become an expert in the use of Python programming for geospatial analysis, publishing two books on the use of ArcPy. Silas teaches classes on ...
Silas Toms is a geographer and geospatial developer from California. Over the last decade, Silas has become an expert in the use of Python programming for geospatial analysis, publishing two books on the use of ArcPy. Silas teaches classes on ...
1 Episode
- #295 GIS + Python

Graham Neray
Cofounder/CEO at OSO. Prev @MongoDB. Amateur boxer. Husband of Meghan Gill, dad of 3.
Cofounder/CEO at OSO. Prev @MongoDB. Amateur boxer. Husband of Meghan Gill, dad of 3.
1 Episode

John Patrick Dandison
Dev. I build for the cloud. Identity stuff Microsoft. Modern identity junkie. Find him on Mastodon at
Dev. I build for the cloud. Identity stuff Microsoft. Modern identity junkie. Find him on Mastodon at
1 Episode

Christos Matskas
Principal Keynote Tech Lead @AWS | ex Microsoft | Cloud | Security | Programmer | Speaker | Triathlete. Find him on Mastodon at
Principal Keynote Tech Lead @AWS | ex Microsoft | Cloud | Security | Programmer | Speaker | Triathlete. Find him on Mastodon at
1 Episode

Clark Petri
Born and raised in rural Northern California, Clark Petri is a data analyst, technical team leader, optimizer, and technology enthusiast. With experience as a senior Naval Officer working in the Pentagon performing analytics, buoyed by over ...
Born and raised in rural Northern California, Clark Petri is a data analyst, technical team leader, optimizer, and technology enthusiast. With experience as a senior Naval Officer working in the Pentagon performing analytics, buoyed by over ...
1 Episode

Keith McCormick
Keith McCormick is an independent data miner, trainer, speaker, and author. Keith is skilled at explaining complex methods to new users or decision-makers at many levels of technical detail. He specializes in predictive models and segmentation ...
Keith McCormick is an independent data miner, trainer, speaker, and author. Keith is skilled at explaining complex methods to new users or decision-makers at many levels of technical detail. He specializes in predictive models and segmentation ...
1 Episode

David Armstrong
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow at University of Warwick working on exoplanet detection, characterization and populations with the TESS mission data. Also study the habitability of known exoplanets, mixing exoplanet and Earth observations to track ...
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow at University of Warwick working on exoplanet detection, characterization and populations with the TESS mission data. Also study the habitability of known exoplanets, mixing exoplanet and Earth observations to track ...
1 Episode

Chris Mattmann
Chris Mattmann is the Division Manager for the Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Innovation Development Organization in the Information Technology and Solutions Directorate (ITSD) at NASA JPL. Dr. Mattmann is also JPL's first Principal ...
Chris Mattmann is the Division Manager for the Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Innovation Development Organization in the Information Technology and Solutions Directorate (ITSD) at NASA JPL. Dr. Mattmann is also JPL's first Principal ...
1 Episode

Carolyn Stransky
Carolyn Stransky is a journalist and software developer based in Berlin. She is also a conference speaker and workshop organizer.
Carolyn Stransky is a journalist and software developer based in Berlin. She is also a conference speaker and workshop organizer.
1 Episode

Nick Winter
Nick is the CEO and cofounder of CodeCombat, a game for teaching kids to code in Python and JavaScript played by more than 20 million learners. He previously was CTO and cofounder of Skritter, the #1 app for foreigners learning to write Chinese ...
Nick is the CEO and cofounder of CodeCombat, a game for teaching kids to code in Python and JavaScript played by more than 20 million learners. He previously was CTO and cofounder of Skritter, the #1 app for foreigners learning to write Chinese ...
1 Episode

Conor Hoekstra
Conor is a Senior Library Software Engineer at NVIDIA working on the RAPIDS team. He has six years of professional C++ experience (and is on the ISO C++ Canadian National Body) and one year of professional Python experience. He is extremely ...
Conor is a Senior Library Software Engineer at NVIDIA working on the RAPIDS team. He has six years of professional C++ experience (and is on the ISO C++ Canadian National Body) and one year of professional Python experience. He is extremely ...
1 Episode

Sayyeda Mussa
Program Manager, Visual Studio.
Program Manager, Visual Studio.
1 Episode

Kevin Nguyen
Software Engineer at Microsoft.
Software Engineer at Microsoft.
1 Episode

Andrea Mah
Software Engineer (Visual Studio Code) at Microsoft.
Software Engineer (Visual Studio Code) at Microsoft.
1 Episode

Paul Ganssle
Paul is the maintainer of the dateutil package and also a maintainer of the setuptools project.
Paul is the maintainer of the dateutil package and also a maintainer of the setuptools project.
1 Episode

Ravin Kumar
Ravin Kumar is a senior engineer that uses data and statistics to inform humans decision making from C Suite long term strategy to ground floor “in the moment” choices. Ravin is (likely) a big proponent of Bayesian statistics and is Core ...
Ravin Kumar is a senior engineer that uses data and statistics to inform humans decision making from C Suite long term strategy to ground floor “in the moment” choices. Ravin is (likely) a big proponent of Bayesian statistics and is Core ...
1 Episode

Philipp Rudiger
Philipp Rudiger is a Software Engineer at Anaconda, Inc. developing open-source and client-specific solutions for data management, visualization and analysis. He is the author of the open-source dashboarding and visualization libraries Panel, ...
Philipp Rudiger is a Software Engineer at Anaconda, Inc. developing open-source and client-specific solutions for data management, visualization and analysis. He is the author of the open-source dashboarding and visualization libraries Panel, ...
1 Episode

Nick Thapen
Founder - refactoring Python with AI.
Founder - refactoring Python with AI.
1 Episode

Jacqueline Nolis
Dr. Jacqueline Nolis is a data science leader with over a decade of experience in data science consulting. For fun she likes to use machine learning for humor.
Dr. Jacqueline Nolis is a data science leader with over a decade of experience in data science consulting. For fun she likes to use machine learning for humor.
1 Episode

Emily Robinson
Emily is currently working as a data science consultant, primarily as an expert witness on a trade secrets case. She's a coauthor of the book Build a Career in Data Science with Jacqueline Nolis, and the accompanying podcast.
Emily is currently working as a data science consultant, primarily as an expert witness on a trade secrets case. She's a coauthor of the book Build a Career in Data Science with Jacqueline Nolis, and the accompanying podcast.
1 Episode

Andrew Clark
Andrew Clark is a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of a machine learning assurance company called Monitaur. Monitaur solves a key problem that has been preventing wide-spread machine learning adoption: the lack of a holistic approach to ...
Andrew Clark is a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of a machine learning assurance company called Monitaur. Monitaur solves a key problem that has been preventing wide-spread machine learning adoption: the lack of a holistic approach to ...
1 Episode

Adrien Treuille
Dr. Treuille has been a Zoox VP, Google X project lead, and Computer Science faculty at Carnegie Mellon. He has won numerous scientific awards, including the MIT TR35. Adrien has been featured in the documentaries What Will the Future Be Like by ...
Dr. Treuille has been a Zoox VP, Google X project lead, and Computer Science faculty at Carnegie Mellon. He has won numerous scientific awards, including the MIT TR35. Adrien has been featured in the documentaries What Will the Future Be Like by ...
1 Episode

Kaylea Haynes
Currently learning to juggle work/life with a 1 year old. Data Scientist in cybersecurity and mum to Douglas. Trying to also squeeze in some running. Find her on Mastodon at
Currently learning to juggle work/life with a 1 year old. Data Scientist in cybersecurity and mum to Douglas. Trying to also squeeze in some running. Find her on Mastodon at
1 Episode

Eslene Bikoumou
Doctor in Applied Maths, specializing in memory and spatial effects in foraging and games.
Doctor in Applied Maths, specializing in memory and spatial effects in foraging and games.
1 Episode

Dr. Jennifer Stark
Data Engineer/Science Consultant, Associate at Equal Experts, Co-organiser for PyDataMCR, Neuroscience PhD. Find her on Mastodon at
Data Engineer/Science Consultant, Associate at Equal Experts, Co-organiser for PyDataMCR, Neuroscience PhD. Find her on Mastodon at
1 Episode

Jayson Phillips
Jayson J. Phillips is an engineering leader and instructor residing in Oakland, California. By day, he's the Director of Engineering for Bootcamp Academic Systems at Trilogy Education Services, a 2U Inc brand, leading teams that aspire to build ...
Jayson J. Phillips is an engineering leader and instructor residing in Oakland, California. By day, he's the Director of Engineering for Bootcamp Academic Systems at Trilogy Education Services, a 2U Inc brand, leading teams that aspire to build ...
1 Episode

Rodrigo Tobar
Currently helping astronomers to develop software in C++11, MPI, OpenMP and OpenCL, maintaining and further developing an archiving system in python 2.7/3.5+, and developing a prototype execution engine for the SKA project.
Currently helping astronomers to develop software in C++11, MPI, OpenMP and OpenCL, maintaining and further developing an archiving system in python 2.7/3.5+, and developing a prototype execution engine for the SKA project.
1 Episode

Kevin Vinsen
Senior Research Fellow at ICAR.
Senior Research Fellow at ICAR.
1 Episode

Shea Newton
Shea Newton writes software from Portland, Oregon. Besides talking to cars, some of his favorite things include esolang interpreters, lit zines, flash fiction, grammars for generative poetry, and oxford commas. He’s currently working at ...
Shea Newton writes software from Portland, Oregon. Besides talking to cars, some of his favorite things include esolang interpreters, lit zines, flash fiction, grammars for generative poetry, and oxford commas. He’s currently working at ...
1 Episode

Martin Héroux
Martin Héroux is a neuroscientist who works at Neuroscience Research Australia with a passion for quality, reproducible research.
Martin Héroux is a neuroscientist who works at Neuroscience Research Australia with a passion for quality, reproducible research.
1 Episode

C.K. Sample III
Electronic musician, dad, artist and Chief Customer Officer, Hypergiant.
Electronic musician, dad, artist and Chief Customer Officer, Hypergiant.
1 Episode

Ryan Kubik
I make games, usually with JavaScript!
I make games, usually with JavaScript!
1 Episode

Kevin Whinnery
Dad, husband, JavaScripter, assistant pig keeper. Head of Developer Experience at Retool. Former purveyor of fine text messages at Twilio.
Dad, husband, JavaScripter, assistant pig keeper. Head of Developer Experience at Retool. Former purveyor of fine text messages at Twilio.
1 Episode

Dane Hillard
Author of Practices of the Python Pro 🐍📘 Lead web application developer at ITHAKA
Author of Practices of the Python Pro 🐍📘 Lead web application developer at ITHAKA
1 Episode

Brian Clark
Developer Advocate Snyksec | Prev Microsoft, Disney.Learn live with us at community.
Developer Advocate Snyksec | Prev Microsoft, Disney.Learn live with us at community.
1 Episode

Fred Kingham
Fred Kingham is lead developer of UK-based software company Open Healthcare, which develops applications for a number of hospital teams around the country. A fan of both the UK National Health Service (NHS) and of open source, he’s one of the ...
Fred Kingham is lead developer of UK-based software company Open Healthcare, which develops applications for a number of hospital teams around the country. A fan of both the UK National Health Service (NHS) and of open source, he’s one of the ...
1 Episode

Sebastian Proost
After struggling to decide between studying biology and computer science, Sebastian ultimately started Biology which curbed into a Biotechnology degree. Never really able to let go of informatics he was able to get the best of both by pursuing a ...
After struggling to decide between studying biology and computer science, Sebastian ultimately started Biology which curbed into a Biotechnology degree. Never really able to let go of informatics he was able to get the best of both by pursuing a ...
1 Episode

Ethan Swan
Ethan is a lead data scientist at 84.51°, where he has been teaching Python and Linux courses since 2016. He also teaches Python for Data Science at the University of Cincinnati. In his free time, he enjoys technology projects – many with ...
Ethan is a lead data scientist at 84.51°, where he has been teaching Python and Linux courses since 2016. He also teaches Python for Data Science at the University of Cincinnati. In his free time, he enjoys technology projects – many with ...
1 Episode

Brad Boehmke
Brad Boehmke is a Director of Data science at 84.51° where his team develops and teaches R and Python programming to enable 84.51° data scientists to efficiently implement data science and machine learning processes, solutions, and tools. He is ...
Brad Boehmke is a Director of Data science at 84.51° where his team develops and teaches R and Python programming to enable 84.51° data scientists to efficiently implement data science and machine learning processes, solutions, and tools. He is ...
1 Episode

Ricardo Tellez
Ricardo Tellez is founder and CEO of The Construct, a company dedicated to teaching how to program robots with ROS and how to make developers transform their future becoming robotics developers. Ricardo has more than 7 years experience with ROS ...
Ricardo Tellez is founder and CEO of The Construct, a company dedicated to teaching how to program robots with ROS and how to make developers transform their future becoming robotics developers. Ricardo has more than 7 years experience with ROS ...
1 Episode

Cornelis van Lit
Cornelis van Lit is a scholar of medieval Islamic philosophy. He has studied and worked at universities around the world, such as McGill, Yale, and Freie Universitat Berlin. Having been into programming since a young age, he found himself drawn ...
Cornelis van Lit is a scholar of medieval Islamic philosophy. He has studied and worked at universities around the world, such as McGill, Yale, and Freie Universitat Berlin. Having been into programming since a young age, he found himself drawn ...
1 Episode

Jonathan Pyle
Jonathan Pyle is a lawyer and computer programmer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By day, he works at Philadelphia Legal Assistance, a non-profit that provides free legal representation to low-income people in civil matters. In his spare ...
Jonathan Pyle is a lawyer and computer programmer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By day, he works at Philadelphia Legal Assistance, a non-profit that provides free legal representation to low-income people in civil matters. In his spare ...
1 Episode

Elissa Shevinsky
Elissa Shevinsky is CEO at Faster Than Light, a dev tools company. She helped launch Geekcorps (acquired), Everyday Health (IPO) and Brave ($35M ICO.) Shevinsky is also the editor of the critically acclaimed book "Lean Out." She can be found on ...
Elissa Shevinsky is CEO at Faster Than Light, a dev tools company. She helped launch Geekcorps (acquired), Everyday Health (IPO) and Brave ($35M ICO.) Shevinsky is also the editor of the critically acclaimed book "Lean Out." She can be found on ...
1 Episode

Daniel Chen
Daniel is a Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech in the Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology program. His current research topic is in education, where he is aiming to bring data science skills to medical practitioners. He's also ...
Daniel is a Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech in the Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology program. His current research topic is in education, where he is aiming to bring data science skills to medical practitioners. He's also ...
1 Episode

AJ Pryor
AJ is a data scientist, full stack developer, and Ph.D. physicist with expertise in high-performance computing and software engineering who focuses on driving business value through conception and strategic deployment of data-driven applications. ...
AJ is a data scientist, full stack developer, and Ph.D. physicist with expertise in high-performance computing and software engineering who focuses on driving business value through conception and strategic deployment of data-driven applications. ...
1 Episode

Paul V. Craven
Paul Craven is the author of "Program Arcade Games with Python and Pygame", an online and in-print resource for learning to program. He is the primary maintainer of the Arcade Python game library for 2D graphics. Paul is also a professor at ...
Paul Craven is the author of "Program Arcade Games with Python and Pygame", an online and in-print resource for learning to program. He is the primary maintainer of the Arcade Python game library for 2D graphics. Paul is also a professor at ...
1 Episode

Nina Zakharenko
Nina loves teaching developers, and she has spoken at conferences around the world like PyCon Russia, EuroPython, and DjangoCon. In 2019, she gave the closing keynote at PyCon US, and co-organized Mentored Sprints for Diverse Beginners. She is ...
Nina loves teaching developers, and she has spoken at conferences around the world like PyCon Russia, EuroPython, and DjangoCon. In 2019, she gave the closing keynote at PyCon US, and co-organized Mentored Sprints for Diverse Beginners. She is ...
1 Episode

Francesca Lazzeri
Francesca Lazzeri, PhD is Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Microsoft on the Cloud Advocacy team and an expert in big data technology innovations and the applications of machine learning-based solutions to real-world problems. Her work on ...
Francesca Lazzeri, PhD is Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Microsoft on the Cloud Advocacy team and an expert in big data technology innovations and the applications of machine learning-based solutions to real-world problems. Her work on ...
1 Episode

David Holmes
David is software engineer born and raised in New York City. Before working at USDS, he was a software consultant/contractor for various tech startups in NYC.
David is software engineer born and raised in New York City. Before working at USDS, he was a software consultant/contractor for various tech startups in NYC.
1 Episode

Asavari Tayal
Asavari is a Program/Product Manager for Microsoft Azure Functions & App Service. Leading language extensibility for Functions, she is responsible for driving net-new users to the platform by building support for open source languages such as ...
Asavari is a Program/Product Manager for Microsoft Azure Functions & App Service. Leading language extensibility for Functions, she is responsible for driving net-new users to the platform by building support for open source languages such as ...
1 Episode

Rong Lu
PM at Microsoft, working on Data Science tools for Python in Visual Studio Code and Azure. Love travel, pingpong, photography, and Chinese food. ☺️
PM at Microsoft, working on Data Science tools for Python in Visual Studio Code and Azure. Love travel, pingpong, photography, and Chinese food. ☺️
1 Episode

Dan Taylor
Dan is a Senior Program Manager on the Visual Studio Azure Tools team at Microsoft, focusing on performance and diagnostics tools for Azure developers.
Dan is a Senior Program Manager on the Visual Studio Azure Tools team at Microsoft, focusing on performance and diagnostics tools for Azure developers.
1 Episode

Michael Droettboom
Michael Droettboom is a Data Engineer at Mozilla, using data to improve the web while respecting the privacy of its users. He has built software tools to support many other disciplines, including the computational humanities, astronomy and ...
Michael Droettboom is a Data Engineer at Mozilla, using data to improve the web while respecting the privacy of its users. He has built software tools to support many other disciplines, including the computational humanities, astronomy and ...
1 Episode

Sergio Sanchez
data engineer. public policy wonk. Hip Hop head. tijuana, baja california, méxico -> san francisco bay area, ca, usa
data engineer. public policy wonk. Hip Hop head. tijuana, baja california, méxico -> san francisco bay area, ca, usa
1 Episode

Scott Stoltzman
Data Scientist in Fort Collins, Colorado. Always looking for a fun project to work on and constantly dabbling with publicly available data.
Data Scientist in Fort Collins, Colorado. Always looking for a fun project to work on and constantly dabbling with publicly available data.
1 Episode

Kelly Schuster-Paredes
Co-Host of Teaching Python Podcast, Experienced Educator, Pythonista, Educational Technology Specialist, STEAM educator, and Curriculum Design
Co-Host of Teaching Python Podcast, Experienced Educator, Pythonista, Educational Technology Specialist, STEAM educator, and Curriculum Design
1 Episode

Jason Pecor
Co-Founder, VPBD, and demonstration tinkerer at @AloriumTechnology. Fan of profile images that represent the fun side of our personalities.
Co-Founder, VPBD, and demonstration tinkerer at @AloriumTechnology. Fan of profile images that represent the fun side of our personalities.
1 Episode

Christopher Ariza
Christopher Ariza is Head of Investment Systems, the core software engineering team at Research Affiliates, a global leader in investment strategies and research. He has developed tools in a variety of domains, including algorithmic music ...
Christopher Ariza is Head of Investment Systems, the core software engineering team at Research Affiliates, a global leader in investment strategies and research. He has developed tools in a variety of domains, including algorithmic music ...
1 Episode

Karly Sindy
Software Developer with a Molecular Biologist alter ego. Also love mountain biking or hanging out with my daughter, husband, and dog.
Software Developer with a Molecular Biologist alter ego. Also love mountain biking or hanging out with my daughter, husband, and dog.
1 Episode

Joy Dantong Ma
I code, write and speak on Artificial Intelligence.
I code, write and speak on Artificial Intelligence.
1 Episode

Peter Kazarinoff
Peter teaches Engineering at Portland Community College in Portland, OR. Teaching at a community college is his dream job. He is the author of the book Problem Solving with Python. Peter wants to reduce textbook costs for students with open ...
Peter teaches Engineering at Portland Community College in Portland, OR. Teaching at a community college is his dream job. He is the author of the book Problem Solving with Python. Peter wants to reduce textbook costs for students with open ...
1 Episode

Adam Hood
I'm a software developer at JetBrains, working on Datalore. I'm fascinated by the wide world of machine learning and data science and their applications to various fields ranging from neuroscience to sabermetrics.
I'm a software developer at JetBrains, working on Datalore. I'm fascinated by the wide world of machine learning and data science and their applications to various fields ranging from neuroscience to sabermetrics.
1 Episode

Ronald Hayden
Ronald Hayden worked at NeXT/Apple for 25 years. He managed Developer Publications, then founded Software University and taught Python to thousands of people around the world. His specialty is teaching non-data scientists how to use Python to ...
Ronald Hayden worked at NeXT/Apple for 25 years. He managed Developer Publications, then founded Software University and taught Python to thousands of people around the world. His specialty is teaching non-data scientists how to use Python to ...
1 Episode

Colton Myers
Colton is the co-creator of HubbleStack and the primary developer. He is also a core contributor to SaltStack and was previously on the SaltStack core engineering team. He's a full time python developer for Adobe.
Colton is the co-creator of HubbleStack and the primary developer. He is also a core contributor to SaltStack and was previously on the SaltStack core engineering team. He's a full time python developer for Adobe.
1 Episode

Cristián Maureira-Fredes
Cristián has been a Python enthusiast for more than 10 years, and due to his academic background he has been using it in different topics like Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Data Science, and Astrophysics. Currently he is a ...
Cristián has been a Python enthusiast for more than 10 years, and due to his academic background he has been using it in different topics like Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Data Science, and Astrophysics. Currently he is a ...
1 Episode
- #183 Qt for Python

Hank Preston III
Hank is a long time technophile, and loves learning and helping others learn about technology in exciting ways. His experience in IT is wide and varied including web/database development and infrastructure engineering. After many years away from ...
Hank is a long time technophile, and loves learning and helping others learn about technology in exciting ways. His experience in IT is wide and varied including web/database development and infrastructure engineering. After many years away from ...
1 Episode

Brian Skinn
MIT ChemE PhD. Pythonista specializing in data analysis and general automation tool/library development. Dabbler in quantum chemistry.
MIT ChemE PhD. Pythonista specializing in data analysis and general automation tool/library development. Dabbler in quantum chemistry.
1 Episode

Rob Ward
Hot-air ballooning, tech and aviation geek. Private pilot (fixed-wing). Data Engineer.
Hot-air ballooning, tech and aviation geek. Private pilot (fixed-wing). Data Engineer.
1 Episode

Derrick Chambers
Research engineer for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's mining program. CDC (work) + personal projects.
Research engineer for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's mining program. CDC (work) + personal projects.
1 Episode

Arash Soheili
Technologist and entrepreneur. Currently working on making car buying and ownership better for consumers at
Technologist and entrepreneur. Currently working on making car buying and ownership better for consumers at
1 Episode

Adam Rule
Adam Rule is a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher and recent PhD graduate with the Design Lab at UC San Diego. His work explores how people use computational notebooks like Jupyter Notebook to analyze data and share their results.
Adam Rule is a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher and recent PhD graduate with the Design Lab at UC San Diego. His work explores how people use computational notebooks like Jupyter Notebook to analyze data and share their results.
1 Episode

Corey Schafer
Corey graduated from Marshall University with a BS in Computer Science. He has mainly worked in the public sector. His job list includes: Tech Support at Marshall University, Launch Control Systems Intern at NASA Kennedy Space Center, GIS Front- ...
Corey graduated from Marshall University with a BS in Computer Science. He has mainly worked in the public sector. His job list includes: Tech Support at Marshall University, Launch Control Systems Intern at NASA Kennedy Space Center, GIS Front- ...
1 Episode

Stuart Farmer
The CEO, lead developer, and visionary behind Lamden. Stuart has been programming for as long as he could type, creating his own coding language at the age of twelve. After obtaining his degree in Human Computer Interaction from Ohio State ...
The CEO, lead developer, and visionary behind Lamden. Stuart has been programming for as long as he could type, creating his own coding language at the age of twelve. After obtaining his degree in Human Computer Interaction from Ohio State ...
1 Episode

Justin Kiggins
Justin Kiggins is a Product Manager at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, where he works with the Science Tools and Applications team, building open source data processing and visualization tools for computational biology and microscopy.
Justin Kiggins is a Product Manager at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, where he works with the Science Tools and Applications team, building open source data processing and visualization tools for computational biology and microscopy.
1 Episode

Corinne Teeter
Experienced computational scientist with an employment history in the biotechnology, government, and engineering sectors. Skilled in Python, Modeling, Data Analysis and Machine Learning. Strong research professional with a high impact publication ...
Experienced computational scientist with an employment history in the biotechnology, government, and engineering sectors. Skilled in Python, Modeling, Data Analysis and Machine Learning. Strong research professional with a high impact publication ...
1 Episode

Lindsey Heagy
Lindsey Heagy is a PhD student in #geophysics at UBC, where she works on @simpegpy, @geoscixyz.
Lindsey Heagy is a PhD student in #geophysics at UBC, where she works on @simpegpy, @geoscixyz.
1 Episode
- #163 Python in Geoscience

Mark Mendez
Mark Mendez is a BIM Consulting professional. He is the Director of Product Development at EvolveLAB, based in Boulder, Colorado where he develops custom software solutions for the AEC industry. He’s an active moderator of the EvolveLAB Community ...
Mark Mendez is a BIM Consulting professional. He is the Director of Product Development at EvolveLAB, based in Boulder, Colorado where he develops custom software solutions for the AEC industry. He’s an active moderator of the EvolveLAB Community ...
1 Episode

Daniel Roy Greenfeld
Co-Author Two Scoops of Django), open source coder, husband of @audreyr, former NASA coder.
Co-Author Two Scoops of Django), open source coder, husband of @audreyr, former NASA coder.
1 Episode
- #161 Django 2.0

Nicole Harris
Director of product UKG_FR. UX, UI, front-end dev and fundraising PyPI. ♥ design, coding, cooking & the outdoors.
Director of product UKG_FR. UX, UI, front-end dev and fundraising PyPI. ♥ design, coding, cooking & the outdoors.
1 Episode

Hannah Sim
Sukin (Hannah) Sim is a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. She received her B.A. in chemical physics from Wellesley College. Her research in Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik’s group focuses on ...
Sukin (Hannah) Sim is a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. She received her B.A. in chemical physics from Wellesley College. Her research in Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik’s group focuses on ...
1 Episode

Arfon Smith
Head of Data Science Mission Office @stsci. Ex GitHubber. Zooniverse co-founder. Editor-in-chief of The Journal of Open Source Software.
Head of Data Science Mission Office @stsci. Ex GitHubber. Zooniverse co-founder. Editor-in-chief of The Journal of Open Source Software.
1 Episode

Yenny Cheung
Originally from Hong Kong, Yenny moved to the US to study Computer Science at Swarthmore College. She was a KPCB engineering fellow during her college years. After graduation, Yenny moved to Hamburg and joined Yelp as a full-stack software ...
Originally from Hong Kong, Yenny moved to the US to study Computer Science at Swarthmore College. She was a KPCB engineering fellow during her college years. After graduation, Yenny moved to Hamburg and joined Yelp as a full-stack software ...
1 Episode

Nicholas Hunt-Walker
I moved to Seattle in 2010 to study for a Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Washington. After 5.5 years, I decided to move out of the field and into tech to teach programming and software development at Code Fellows, a Seattle-area ...
I moved to Seattle in 2010 to study for a Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Washington. After 5.5 years, I decided to move out of the field and into tech to teach programming and software development at Code Fellows, a Seattle-area ...
1 Episode

Bruce Eckel
Author of Thinking in Java, Thinking in C++, Atomic Kotlin, On Java 8, Atomic Scala and others. Co-podcaster of
Author of Thinking in Java, Thinking in C++, Atomic Kotlin, On Java 8, Atomic Scala and others. Co-podcaster of
1 Episode

Michela Paganini
Senior Research Scientist @DeepMind | #AI🤝#Science | Model Understanding Previously: @facebookAI | @Yale Physics PhD | @CERN | @BerkeleyLab | @UCBerkeley
Senior Research Scientist @DeepMind | #AI🤝#Science | Model Understanding Previously: @facebookAI | @Yale Physics PhD | @CERN | @BerkeleyLab | @UCBerkeley
1 Episode

Michael Kagan
Physics + Machine Learning, @slaclab, @stanford.
Physics + Machine Learning, @slaclab, @stanford.
1 Episode

Matthew Feickert
Postdoc @UWMadison @datascience_uw working on #LHC #physics and data science with @ATLASexperiment @CERN and @IRIS_HEP. PhD @SMU. Previously @PhysicsIllinois.
Postdoc @UWMadison @datascience_uw working on #LHC #physics and data science with @ATLASexperiment @CERN and @IRIS_HEP. PhD @SMU. Previously @PhysicsIllinois.
1 Episode

Ben Cane
Benjamin is a Staff Engineer at American Express, where he focuses on engineering high availability systems for the payment network. He actively blogs at, and his personal site Ben has also ...
Benjamin is a Staff Engineer at American Express, where he focuses on engineering high availability systems for the payment network. He actively blogs at, and his personal site Ben has also ...
1 Episode

James Stone
James Stone is a independent design systems engineering consultant and a top contributor to the Open Source ZURB Foundation CSS front-end framework. He is most well known for his videos on YouTube which have had over 300k views to date. He has ...
James Stone is a independent design systems engineering consultant and a top contributor to the Open Source ZURB Foundation CSS front-end framework. He is most well known for his videos on YouTube which have had over 300k views to date. He has ...
1 Episode

Troy Hunt
Troy Hunt is an Australian Microsoft Regional Director and also a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Developer Security. He doesn't work for Microsoft, but they're kind enough to recognize my community contributions by way of their award ...
Troy Hunt is an Australian Microsoft Regional Director and also a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Developer Security. He doesn't work for Microsoft, but they're kind enough to recognize my community contributions by way of their award ...
1 Episode

Vincent Spruyt
Vincent has been Chief Scientist and Vice President of Sentiance since joining in 2014 after he finished his Ph.D. research on machine learning at Ghent University. He is responsible for the machine learning team at Sentiance, applying state-of- ...
Vincent has been Chief Scientist and Vice President of Sentiance since joining in 2014 after he finished his Ph.D. research on machine learning at Ghent University. He is responsible for the machine learning team at Sentiance, applying state-of- ...
1 Episode

Damien Irving
Dr. Damien Irving is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Science at CSIRO and a strong advocate for open and reproducible science. Possibly best well-known for his "Dr. Climate" blog on research best practice in the atmosphere and ocean sciences, ...
Dr. Damien Irving is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Science at CSIRO and a strong advocate for open and reproducible science. Possibly best well-known for his "Dr. Climate" blog on research best practice in the atmosphere and ocean sciences, ...
1 Episode

Pete Garcin
Pete Garcin is Developer Evangelist @ActiveState. Pete has over 15 years in software development in both web and games having shipped over 40 titles in roles ranging from Programmer to Audio Director to Executive Producer. He earned his ...
Pete Garcin is Developer Evangelist @ActiveState. Pete has over 15 years in software development in both web and games having shipped over 40 titles in roles ranging from Programmer to Audio Director to Executive Producer. He earned his ...
1 Episode

Timo Koola
Timo Koola is a CTO and Python developer at Skadi Oy. He spends his days with chatbots, natural language processing, and hacking together Python applications. You can follow him at @tkoola or follow his literary bots @UlyssesReader and ...
Timo Koola is a CTO and Python developer at Skadi Oy. He spends his days with chatbots, natural language processing, and hacking together Python applications. You can follow him at @tkoola or follow his literary bots @UlyssesReader and ...
1 Episode

Kurt Griffiths
Kurt is an eclectic, hands-on architect who believes software is for humans, not the other way around. Over the years, he's had the opportunity to work in a wide variety of roles in fields such as video game development, drivers, system ...
Kurt is an eclectic, hands-on architect who believes software is for humans, not the other way around. Over the years, he's had the opportunity to work in a wide variety of roles in fields such as video game development, drivers, system ...
1 Episode

David Barroso
Although my current title is Senior Software Developer I am a Network Engineer at heart that also happens to love Systems and basically anything you can manipulate into doing things for you without too much arguing (which immediately qualifies ...
Although my current title is Senior Software Developer I am a Network Engineer at heart that also happens to love Systems and basically anything you can manipulate into doing things for you without too much arguing (which immediately qualifies ...
1 Episode

Alex Lavin
Alex studied mechanical and aerospace engineering at Cornell, then pursued robotics in Carnegie Mellon's MS in Mechanical Engineering program, where he led a team to building a lunar rover. Previously, he was a Senior Software Engineer with ...
Alex studied mechanical and aerospace engineering at Cornell, then pursued robotics in Carnegie Mellon's MS in Mechanical Engineering program, where he led a team to building a lunar rover. Previously, he was a Senior Software Engineer with ...
1 Episode

Susan Tan
Susan is a software engineer at bepress (Berkeley Electronic Press) in Downtown Berkeley. She used to work at Rotten Tomatoes, then at Piston a cloud computing startup which got acquired by Cisco. Susan loves to drink warm cups of tea while ...
Susan is a software engineer at bepress (Berkeley Electronic Press) in Downtown Berkeley. She used to work at Rotten Tomatoes, then at Piston a cloud computing startup which got acquired by Cisco. Susan loves to drink warm cups of tea while ...
1 Episode

Paulus Schoutsen
Paulus Schoutsen is the founder of Home Assistant, an open source home automation framework that has been taking the world by storm. It’s written in Python 3, is powered by asyncio and integrates over 740 devices and services.
Paulus Schoutsen is the founder of Home Assistant, an open source home automation framework that has been taking the world by storm. It’s written in Python 3, is powered by asyncio and integrates over 740 devices and services.
1 Episode

Yves Hilpisch
Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch is founder and managing partner of The Python Quants (, a group focusing on the use of open source technologies for financial data science, algorithmic trading and computational finance. He ...
Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch is founder and managing partner of The Python Quants (, a group focusing on the use of open source technologies for financial data science, algorithmic trading and computational finance. He ...
1 Episode
- #120 Python in Finance

Evan Hubinger
Evan Hubinger is an undergraduate mathematics and computer science major at Harvey Mudd College with three summers of professional Python software engineering experience at Yelp and Ripple. Evan is the creator and lead developer of Coconut, an ...
Evan Hubinger is an undergraduate mathematics and computer science major at Harvey Mudd College with three summers of professional Python software engineering experience at Yelp and Ripple. Evan is the creator and lead developer of Coconut, an ...
1 Episode

Suresh Srinivas
Senior Principal Engineer, Intel.
Senior Principal Engineer, Intel.
1 Episode

Sergey Maidanov
Software Engineering Manager at Intel.
Software Engineering Manager at Intel.
1 Episode

Rick Copeland
Rick Copeland is the Principal Consultant of Arborian Consulting, which provides Python and MongoDB-focused consulting, training, and custom development services. Rick has been using Python since 2005, MongoDB since 2009, and has spoken at ...
Rick Copeland is the Principal Consultant of Arborian Consulting, which provides Python and MongoDB-focused consulting, training, and custom development services. Rick has been using Python since 2005, MongoDB since 2009, and has spoken at ...
1 Episode

Tony DiCola
Tony is an engineer for Adafruit Industries and writes Python code to support the educational electronics that Adafruit creates for artists, engineers, makers, and hobbyists.
Tony is an engineer for Adafruit Industries and writes Python code to support the educational electronics that Adafruit creates for artists, engineers, makers, and hobbyists.
1 Episode

Jim Fulton
Jim is the creator of Zope (the first open source application server) and ZODB, a pure-Python object database. Jim now works on NewtDB, which combines the ease of use of ZODB’s object with PostgreSQL’s JSONB to provide a hybrid object-oriented ...
Jim is the creator of Zope (the first open source application server) and ZODB, a pure-Python object database. Jim now works on NewtDB, which combines the ease of use of ZODB’s object with PostgreSQL’s JSONB to provide a hybrid object-oriented ...
1 Episode

Owen Campbell
Owen is a well-established Freelance Software Engineer & Consultant (MIET & CEng) with 30+ years’ experience. He is UK based with clients around the world - of all sizes and in a wide variety of sectors, both public and private. And he's a Python ...
Owen is a well-established Freelance Software Engineer & Consultant (MIET & CEng) with 30+ years’ experience. He is UK based with clients around the world - of all sizes and in a wide variety of sectors, both public and private. And he's a Python ...
1 Episode

Dougal Matthews
Scottish Pythonista. Skier. Husband. Speaker. Python Glasgow organiser. OpenStack hacker at Red Hat
Scottish Pythonista. Skier. Husband. Speaker. Python Glasgow organiser. OpenStack hacker at Red Hat
1 Episode

Andrew Godwin
Andrew is a member of the Django core team, a Senior Software Engineer at Eventbrite, and spends far too much of his day worrying about software architecture. In the past he's worked on Django's migrations framework and South, helped scale ...
Andrew is a member of the Django core team, a Senior Software Engineer at Eventbrite, and spends far too much of his day worrying about software architecture. In the past he's worked on Django's migrations framework and South, helped scale ...
1 Episode

Ian Dennis Miller
Ian is a scientist and entrepreneur currently based in Toronto. He is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto studying memes, social networks, and social simulation. His latest work, pplapi (People A-P-I), is one of 2017's hottest AI ...
Ian is a scientist and entrepreneur currently based in Toronto. He is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto studying memes, social networks, and social simulation. His latest work, pplapi (People A-P-I), is one of 2017's hottest AI ...
1 Episode

Dylan Trotter
Dylan Trotter is a software engineer at YouTube. For the past couple of years he's been the technical lead for the application server infrastructure team, helping to make sure that YouTube continues to scale. Previously he was the technical lead ...
Dylan Trotter is a software engineer at YouTube. For the past couple of years he's been the technical lead for the application server infrastructure team, helping to make sure that YouTube continues to scale. Previously he was the technical lead ...
1 Episode

Phil Elson
Proud parent of conda-forge, cartopy, Iris and 2 real-world kids. Former Au Pair of matplotlib. Working on accelerator controls at CERN. On Mastodon at
Proud parent of conda-forge, cartopy, Iris and 2 real-world kids. Former Au Pair of matplotlib. Working on accelerator controls at CERN. On Mastodon at
1 Episode

Kale Franz
Principal Engineer • Anaconda, Inc.
Principal Engineer • Anaconda, Inc.
1 Episode

Jonah Duckles
Jonah Duckles is a data science professional with decades of experience in developing computational workflows to solve scientific problems. He catalyzes research by enabling scientific teams to tackle challenging problems through more effective ...
Jonah Duckles is a data science professional with decades of experience in developing computational workflows to solve scientific problems. He catalyzes research by enabling scientific teams to tackle challenging problems through more effective ...
1 Episode

DJ Patil
DJ Patil is the Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Data Policy and Chief Data Scientist in the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
DJ Patil is the Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Data Policy and Chief Data Scientist in the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
1 Episode

Julia Solórzano
Julia Solórzano is a Security Experience Supervisor based in Durham, North Carolina. She leads security, user experience and engineering teams, and coach people to help them reach their full potential and create amazing things. Her most recent ...
Julia Solórzano is a Security Experience Supervisor based in Durham, North Carolina. She leads security, user experience and engineering teams, and coach people to help them reach their full potential and create amazing things. Her most recent ...
1 Episode

Alexey Malashkevich
Alexey has more than 15 years of IT industry experience. Author of PonyORM. Prior to founding PonyORM, Alexey was a Principal Engineer at a New York-based financial company.
Alexey has more than 15 years of IT industry experience. Author of PonyORM. Prior to founding PonyORM, Alexey was a Principal Engineer at a New York-based financial company.
1 Episode

Martijn Pieters
Martijn Pieters is a community moderator and prolific Python expert on Stack Overflow. He works at Facebook, where he helps keep source control systems in working order.
Martijn Pieters is a community moderator and prolific Python expert on Stack Overflow. He works at Facebook, where he helps keep source control systems in working order.
1 Episode

Erik Rose
Erik makes static analysis, search, and pattern-finding software at Mozilla, venting a byproduct of eclectic Python libraries. Skeletons in his closet include the self-bootstrapping mechanism for Let's Encrypt, the hash-verification functionality ...
Erik makes static analysis, search, and pattern-finding software at Mozilla, venting a byproduct of eclectic Python libraries. Skeletons in his closet include the self-bootstrapping mechanism for Let's Encrypt, the hash-verification functionality ...
1 Episode

Paul Logston
Paul Logston is part of the team at 15Five and teaches at Columbia. Paul is also an avid member of Big Apple Py (aka. the New York City based Python user groups).
Paul Logston is part of the team at 15Five and teaches at Columbia. Paul is also an avid member of Big Apple Py (aka. the New York City based Python user groups).
1 Episode

Aditya Bhargava
Adit is the author of Grokking Algorithms. He has also taught the Introduction to Python class at Noisebridge. He blogs at
Adit is the author of Grokking Algorithms. He has also taught the Introduction to Python class at Noisebridge. He blogs at
1 Episode

Jake VanderPlas
Jake VanderPlas is a Senior Data Science Fellow at University of Washington’s eScience institute. His background is in Astronomy, and apart from his own research and writing, he spends much of his time developing, maintaining, and training users ...
Jake VanderPlas is a Senior Data Science Fellow at University of Washington’s eScience institute. His background is in Astronomy, and apart from his own research and writing, he spends much of his time developing, maintaining, and training users ...
1 Episode

Markus Siemens
Markus Siemens is a programmer and student of Electrical Engineering from Hannover, Germany. When he’s not studying, he enjoys spending time programming in Python and Rust (amongst other languages).
Markus Siemens is a programmer and student of Electrical Engineering from Hannover, Germany. When he’s not studying, he enjoys spending time programming in Python and Rust (amongst other languages).
1 Episode

Russell Keith-Magee
Dr Russell Keith-Magee is a 10 year veteran of the Django core team, and for 5 years, was President of the Django Software Foundation. He's also the founder of the BeeWare project, developing GUI tools to support the development of Python ...
Dr Russell Keith-Magee is a 10 year veteran of the Django core team, and for 5 years, was President of the Django Software Foundation. He's also the founder of the BeeWare project, developing GUI tools to support the development of Python ...
1 Episode

Joseph Cherlin
Kingbee (aka Joseph) is a game programmer living in Bellevue, WA. He likes programming, art, music, gaming, and working.
Kingbee (aka Joseph) is a game programmer living in Bellevue, WA. He likes programming, art, music, gaming, and working.
1 Episode

Anna Schneider
Anna Schneider, PhD is co-founder and CTO at WattTime, a nonprofit that fights climate change with Python by connecting real-time power grid data to the Internet of Things. She's spoken at DjangoCon about Django for IoT, at Pyladies about the ...
Anna Schneider, PhD is co-founder and CTO at WattTime, a nonprofit that fights climate change with Python by connecting real-time power grid data to the Internet of Things. She's spoken at DjangoCon about Django for IoT, at Pyladies about the ...
1 Episode
- #76 Renewable Python

John Sonmez
John Sonmez is the founder of Simple Programmer and author of “Soft Skills: The Software Developer’s Life Manual.” He created Simple Programmer with the goal of making the complex simple. As a software developer, John often found that people tend ...
John Sonmez is the founder of Simple Programmer and author of “Soft Skills: The Software Developer’s Life Manual.” He created Simple Programmer with the goal of making the complex simple. As a software developer, John often found that people tend ...
1 Episode

David MacIver
David is the primary author of Hypothesis, a property-based testing system for Python. He consults on software quality and testing, and offer a variety of training courses and workshops, especially centred around the use of Hypothesis. He's also ...
David is the primary author of Hypothesis, a property-based testing system for Python. He consults on software quality and testing, and offer a variety of training courses and workshops, especially centred around the use of Hypothesis. He's also ...
1 Episode

Mike Müller
Mike Müller has been using Python as his primary programming language since 1999. He is a Python trainer and the CEO at Python Academy ( He teaches a wide variety of Python topics including "Introduction to Python", ...
Mike Müller has been using Python as his primary programming language since 1999. He is a Python trainer and the CEO at Python Academy ( He teaches a wide variety of Python topics including "Introduction to Python", ...
1 Episode

Slava Akhmechet
Slava Akhmechet is the founder of RethinkDB, a database company dedicated to helping developers build realtime web applications. Prior to RethinkDB he was a systems engineer in the financial industry, working on scaling custom database systems. ...
Slava Akhmechet is the founder of RethinkDB, a database company dedicated to helping developers build realtime web applications. Prior to RethinkDB he was a systems engineer in the financial industry, working on scaling custom database systems. ...
1 Episode

Austin Bingham
Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. A native of Texas, in 2008 Austin moved to Stavanger, Norway where he helped develop industry-leading oil reservoir modeling ...
Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. A native of Texas, in 2008 Austin moved to Stavanger, Norway where he helped develop industry-leading oil reservoir modeling ...
1 Episode

Scott Reed
Scott is an independent software consultant and an instructor for DevelopMentor, as well as the father of two girls.
Scott is an independent software consultant and an instructor for DevelopMentor, as well as the father of two girls.
1 Episode

Ike Ellis
GM for Data & AI Practice at Solliance. Think a lot about Azure Synapse, Power BI, ADF, ADLS, Databricks, DAX, CosmosDB, ML, Azure SQL DB MI, & Hyperscale
GM for Data & AI Practice at Solliance. Think a lot about Azure Synapse, Power BI, ADF, ADLS, Databricks, DAX, CosmosDB, ML, Azure SQL DB MI, & Hyperscale
1 Episode

Brad Cunningham
Independent Software Consultant / Microsoft C# MVP Alumni
Independent Software Consultant / Microsoft C# MVP Alumni
1 Episode

Pete Fein
Pete Fein has written 95% of his code in Python for the last 15 years. He's a freelance developer and big data architect and author of several open source libraries. From 2010 to 2014, he was an Internet activist who helped defend free speech ...
Pete Fein has written 95% of his code in Python for the last 15 years. He's a freelance developer and big data architect and author of several open source libraries. From 2010 to 2014, he was an Internet activist who helped defend free speech ...
1 Episode

Braxton McKee
Braxton is the technical lead and founder of Ufora, a software company that has built an adaptively distributed, implicitly parallel runtime for Python programs. Before founding Ufora with backing from Two Sigma Ventures and others, Braxton led ...
Braxton is the technical lead and founder of Ufora, a software company that has built an adaptively distributed, implicitly parallel runtime for Python programs. Before founding Ufora with backing from Two Sigma Ventures and others, Braxton led ...
1 Episode

Mark Summerfield
Mark Summerfield has been programming in Python since 1999. Mark is a computer science graduate who has worked as a software developer, technical writer, and manager. He started his own busines, Qtrac Ltd., in 2006, where he still works today. He ...
Mark Summerfield has been programming in Python since 1999. Mark is a computer science graduate who has worked as a software developer, technical writer, and manager. He started his own busines, Qtrac Ltd., in 2006, where he still works today. He ...
1 Episode

Joel Grus
Joel Grus is a research scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the author of *Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python*. Previously he worked as a software engineer at Google and as a data scientist at a ...
Joel Grus is a research scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the author of *Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python*. Previously he worked as a software engineer at Google and as a data scientist at a ...
1 Episode

Kate Heddleston
Kate Heddleston is a software engineer from San Francisco who builds web applications using python and flask. She has a Masters in CS from Stanford and studied Human-Computer Interaction for her undergraduate degree. She enjoys using open source ...
Kate Heddleston is a software engineer from San Francisco who builds web applications using python and flask. She has a Masters in CS from Stanford and studied Human-Computer Interaction for her undergraduate degree. She enjoys using open source ...
1 Episode

Leah Culver
Leah Culver is a iOS and Python developer and at Dropbox where she works on the Paper team. She's a former founder of Grove, Convore, and Pownce. She is also an author of both the OAuth and oEmbed API specifications.
Leah Culver is a iOS and Python developer and at Dropbox where she works on the Paper team. She's a former founder of Grove, Convore, and Pownce. She is also an author of both the OAuth and oEmbed API specifications.
1 Episode

Florian Motlik
Flo is the Co-Founder and CTO of Codeship, a Continuous Delivery Service. While studying and working at the Technical University of Vienna he stumbled into running test infrastructure for other teams and hasn't stopped since. He sometimes blogs ...
Flo is the Co-Founder and CTO of Codeship, a Continuous Delivery Service. While studying and working at the Technical University of Vienna he stumbled into running test infrastructure for other teams and hasn't stopped since. He sometimes blogs ...
1 Episode

Justin Seitz
A respected cyber security expert who has trained and consulted with Fortune 500s, law enforcement agencies, and governments around the world. Author of two Python books that were translated into 7 languages, I have helped to teach tens of ...
A respected cyber security expert who has trained and consulted with Fortune 500s, law enforcement agencies, and governments around the world. Author of two Python books that were translated into 7 languages, I have helped to teach tens of ...
1 Episode

Travis Oliphant
Travis has a Ph.D. from the Mayo Clinic and B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering from Brigham Young University. Since 1997, he has worked extensively with Python for numerical and scientific programming, most notably as ...
Travis has a Ph.D. from the Mayo Clinic and B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering from Brigham Young University. Since 1997, he has worked extensively with Python for numerical and scientific programming, most notably as ...
1 Episode

Flavio Percoco
Flavio Percoco is a Software Engineer at Red Hat, where he spend his days working on OpenStack. In his spare time he speaks at conferences, contributes to Rust, plays with MongoDB, smokes his coffee and drinks his pipe.
Flavio Percoco is a Software Engineer at Red Hat, where he spend his days working on OpenStack. In his spare time he speaks at conferences, contributes to Rust, plays with MongoDB, smokes his coffee and drinks his pipe.
1 Episode

Ryan Kelly
Ryan is a software developer based near Melbourne, Australia. Most of his days are spent coding in Python and JavaScript, commercially as an engineer at Mozilla as well as for a variety of open-source projects. He also maintains a strong interest ...
Ryan is a software developer based near Melbourne, Australia. Most of his days are spent coding in Python and JavaScript, commercially as an engineer at Mozilla as well as for a variety of open-source projects. He also maintains a strong interest ...
1 Episode

Alexandre Gramfort
Alexandre Gramfort is currently an assistant professor at Telecom ParisTech and scientific consultant for the CEA Neurospin brain imaging center. His work is on statistical machine learning, signal and image processing, optimization, scientific ...
Alexandre Gramfort is currently an assistant professor at Telecom ParisTech and scientific consultant for the CEA Neurospin brain imaging center. His work is on statistical machine learning, signal and image processing, optimization, scientific ...
1 Episode

Jessica McKellar
Jessica McKellaris a startup founder, software engineer, and open source developer living in San Francisco, California. She enjoys the Internet, networking, low-level systems engineering, relational databases, tinkering on electronics projects, ...
Jessica McKellaris a startup founder, software engineer, and open source developer living in San Francisco, California. She enjoys the Internet, networking, low-level systems engineering, relational databases, tinkering on electronics projects, ...
1 Episode

Kyle Cranmer
Kyle Cranmer is an American physicist and a professor at New York University at the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics and Affiliated Faculty member at NYU's Center for Data Science. He is an experimental particle physicist working, ...
Kyle Cranmer is an American physicist and a professor at New York University at the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics and Affiliated Faculty member at NYU's Center for Data Science. He is an experimental particle physicist working, ...
1 Episode

Davis Silverman
Davis Silverman is currently a student at the University of Maryland, working part time at The HumanGeo Group. He writes mostly Python, with an emphasis on performant, pythonic code.
Davis Silverman is currently a student at the University of Maryland, working part time at The HumanGeo Group. He writes mostly Python, with an emphasis on performant, pythonic code.
1 Episode

Eli Ribble
Eli Ribble has been hacking since he was little and discovered BASIC, Nethack and debuggers. He's enchanted by magic as implemented via technology and holds a BSc in Computer Engineering and MSc in CS from the University of Utah. He's developed ...
Eli Ribble has been hacking since he was little and discovered BASIC, Nethack and debuggers. He's enchanted by magic as implemented via technology and holds a BSc in Computer Engineering and MSc in CS from the University of Utah. He's developed ...
1 Episode

Lynn Root
An insomniac software engineer for Spotify, founder of the San Francisco Chapter of PyLadies, board member of the Python Software Foundation, and member of the Django Software Foundation. I have a business degree in finance and economics, but ...
An insomniac software engineer for Spotify, founder of the San Francisco Chapter of PyLadies, board member of the Python Software Foundation, and member of the Django Software Foundation. I have a business degree in finance and economics, but ...
1 Episode

Adrian Rosebrock
Adrian Rosebrock is an author and blogger at He has a PhD in computer science with a focus in computer vision and machine learning and has been studying computer vision his entire adult life. He has consulted for the National ...
Adrian Rosebrock is an author and blogger at He has a PhD in computer science with a focus in computer vision and machine learning and has been studying computer vision his entire adult life. He has consulted for the National ...
1 Episode

Harry Percival
1 Episode

Patrick Chanezon
Patrick Chanezon is member of technical staff at Docker Inc. He helps to build Docker, an open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins. Software developer and storyteller, he spent 10 years building platforms at ...
Patrick Chanezon is member of technical staff at Docker Inc. He helps to build Docker, an open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins. Software developer and storyteller, he spent 10 years building platforms at ...
1 Episode

Dr. James Curran
James Curran is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Sydney, and co-founder of Grok Learning (which you can find at James has been teaching computer science to students and teachers for over a decade. ...
James Curran is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Sydney, and co-founder of Grok Learning (which you can find at James has been teaching computer science to students and teachers for over a decade. ...
1 Episode

Dirk Thomas
Dirk joined the ROS project at Willow Garage before the "Fuerte" release and is maintaining the client libraries including "rospy" since then. After focusing on the C++ world during his studies he started diving into Python when working on a ...
Dirk joined the ROS project at Willow Garage before the "Fuerte" release and is maintaining the client libraries including "rospy" since then. After focusing on the C++ world during his studies he started diving into Python when working on a ...
1 Episode

Chris McDonough
Chris McDonough is the primary author of the Pyramid web framework and the Supervisor process manager. He been a member of the Python community since 1999. He is a principal of Agendaless Consulting.
Chris McDonough is the primary author of the Pyramid web framework and the Supervisor process manager. He been a member of the Python community since 1999. He is a principal of Agendaless Consulting.
1 Episode

Nicola Iarocci
Nicola is a passionate Python and C# open source hacker based in Ravenna, Italy. Back in 1991 he co-founded CIR2000, a small company focusing on delivering accounting software solutions for the small businesses. He is the creator and maintainer ...
Nicola is a passionate Python and C# open source hacker based in Ravenna, Italy. Back in 1991 he co-founded CIR2000, a small company focusing on delivering accounting software solutions for the small businesses. He is the creator and maintainer ...
1 Episode