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Tools for README.md Creation and Maintenance

Episode #395, published Thu, Dec 22, 2022, recorded Mon, Dec 5, 2022

If you maintain projects on places like GitHub, you know that having a classy readme is important and that maintaining a change log can be helpful for you and consumers of the project. It can also be a pain. That's why I'm excited to welcome back Ned Batchelder to the show. He has a lot of tools to help here as well as some opinions we're looking forward to hearing. We cover his tools and a bunch of others he and I found along the way.

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Links from the show

Ned on Mastodon: @nedbat@hachyderm.io
Ned's website: nedbatchelder.com

Readme as a Service: readme.so
hatch-fancy-pypi-readme: github.com
Shields.io badges: shields.io
All Contributors: allcontributors.org
Keep a changelog: keepachangelog.com
Scriv: Changelog management tool: github.com
changelog_manager: github.com
executablebooks' github activity: github.com
dinghy: A GitHub activity digest tool: github.com
cpython's blurb: github.com
release drafter: github.com
Towncrier: github.com
mktestdocs testing code samples in readmes: github.com
shed: github.com
blacken-docs: github.com
Cog: github.com
Awesome tools for readme: github.com

coverage.py: coverage.readthedocs.io
Tailwind CSS "Landing page": tailwindcss.com
Poetry "Landing page": python-poetry.org
Textual: textualize.io
Rich: github.com
Join Mastodon Page: joinmastodon.org
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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