10 tips every Django developer should know
Episode #277,
published Mon, Aug 10, 2020, recorded Sun, Jul 19, 2020
We recently covered 10 tips that every Flask developer should know. But we left out a pretty big group in the Python web space: Django developers! And this one is for you. I invited Bob Belderbos, who's been running his SaaS business on Python and Django for several years now, to share his tips and tricks.
The 10 tips
- Django Admin
- ORM magic
- Models
- Debugging/Performance Toolbar
- Extending the User model
- Class based views (CBVs)
- manage.py
- Write your own middleware
- Config variable management with python-decouple and dj-database-url
- Built-in template tags and filters
Links from the show
Bob on Twitter: @bbelderbos
Code Challenges Platform: codechalleng.es
PyBites: pybit.es
Django admin: docs.djangoproject.com
Django admin cookbook: books.agiliq.com
Use some Django ORM magic to get the most common first names: twitter.com/pybites
Django custom manager: riptutorial.com
Debug toolbar: django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io
select_related: docs.djangoproject.com
Extending the user model / working with signals / @receiver: simpleisbetterthancomplex.com
Class-based views: docs.djangoproject.com
Comparing class and function-based views: github.com/talkpython/100daysofweb
Example of class-based views: github.com/talkpython/100daysofweb
Django command template: gist.github.com
Django middleware example: gist.github.com
Config settings management:
python-decouple: pypi.org
dj-database-url: pypi.org
Useful template tags and filters: docs.djangoproject.com
for-empty: gist.github.com
is_new filter example: gist.github.com
Asynchronous Tasks with Django and Celery: testdriven.io
Celery debugging - CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER: twitter.com/pybites
secure.py: github.com/TypeError/secure.py
django-tinymce: github.com/aljosa
Extra tools Michael mentioned
BeeKeeper Studio: beekeeperstudio.io
SimpleMDE: simplemde.com
Human time to Python parse string site (the one I forgot): pystrftime.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm
--- Stay in touch with us ---
Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy
Code Challenges Platform: codechalleng.es
PyBites: pybit.es
Django admin: docs.djangoproject.com
Django admin cookbook: books.agiliq.com
Use some Django ORM magic to get the most common first names: twitter.com/pybites
Django custom manager: riptutorial.com
Debug toolbar: django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io
select_related: docs.djangoproject.com
Extending the user model / working with signals / @receiver: simpleisbetterthancomplex.com
Class-based views: docs.djangoproject.com
Comparing class and function-based views: github.com/talkpython/100daysofweb
Example of class-based views: github.com/talkpython/100daysofweb
Django command template: gist.github.com
Django middleware example: gist.github.com
Config settings management:
python-decouple: pypi.org
dj-database-url: pypi.org
Useful template tags and filters: docs.djangoproject.com
for-empty: gist.github.com
is_new filter example: gist.github.com
Asynchronous Tasks with Django and Celery: testdriven.io
Celery debugging - CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER: twitter.com/pybites
secure.py: github.com/TypeError/secure.py
django-tinymce: github.com/aljosa
Extra tools Michael mentioned
BeeKeeper Studio: beekeeperstudio.io
SimpleMDE: simplemde.com
Human time to Python parse string site (the one I forgot): pystrftime.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm
--- Stay in touch with us ---
Subscribe to Talk Python on YouTube: youtube.com
Talk Python on Bluesky: @talkpython.fm at bsky.app
Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
Michael on Bluesky: @mkennedy.codes at bsky.app
Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy