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Djangonauts, Ready for Blast-Off

Episode #451, published Fri, Mar 1, 2024, recorded Wed, Jan 10, 2024

Are you interested in contributing to Django? Then there is an amazing mentorship program that helps Python and Django enthusiasts, because contributes and potentially core developers of Django. It's called Djangonauts and their slogan is "where contributors launch." On this episode, we have Sarah Boyce from the Django team and former Djangonaut and now Djangonaut mentor, Tushar Gupta. Not only is this excellent for the Django community, many of other open source communities would do well to keep an eye on how this creative project is working.

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Links from the show

Sarah on Mastodon: @sarahboyce@mastodon.social
Sarah on LinkedIn: linkedin.com
Tushar on Twitter: @tushar5526
Djangonaut Space on Mastodon: @djangonaut@indieweb.social
Djangonaut Space on Twitter: @djangonautspace
Djangonaut Space on LinkedIn: linkedin.com

Website: djangonaut.space
Djangonaut Space Launch Video: youtube.com
Sessions: djangonaut.space
Djangonaut Space Interest Form: google.com/forms
Program: github.com
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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