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3D Printing with Python at Authentise

Episode #23, published Tue, Sep 1, 2015, recorded Wed, Aug 5, 2015

Guests and sponsors
You've heard of the full-stack developer and full-stack Python, but this week Authentise is taking it to a new level with Python all the way from the cloud to the client to the printer. It's all about 3D printing with Python on episode 23 with Eli Ribble. You'll learn how Eli and his team are using Python to allow independent makers to sell their designs while retaining control over the IP and copyrights. Plus, you'll learn about the most common and the craziest thing that Eli has seen printed lately.

Links from the show:

Authentise: authentise.com
Rumps: github.com/jaredks/rumps
XKCD: import antigravity: xkcd.com/353
Twitter: @EliRibble
Authentise at GitHub: github.com/Authentise
isort: pypi.python.org/pypi/isort
Autodesk partnership: 3dprint.com/22063/investment-fund-autodesk

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