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Empowering developers by embedding Python

Episode #221, published Thu, Jul 18, 2019, recorded Mon, Jun 24, 2019

How do we get kids excited about programming? Make programming tangible with embedded devices. Did you know that after kids learned to code with the BBC micro:bit, 90% of kids "thought coding was for everyone" and 86% said it made CS topics more interesting?

One person doing great work in this space is Nina Zakharenko. She's here to tell us all about her projects with CircuitPython.
Links from the show

Nina on Twitter: @nnja
Nina on Github: github.com/nnja
Nina's Blog: nnja.io

IDLE doesn't call os.fsync(): bugs.python.org
Python in VS Code: code.visualstudio.com

PyPortal Python 2.7 Countdown timer
Video: twitter.com
GitHub repo: github.com

Repo: github.com/adafruit/circuitpython
Adafruit’s Python for microcontrollers newsletter: adafruitdaily.com

#PythonHardware on Twitter: #PythonHardware
Sophy Wong’s LED Jacket using MakeCode and CircuitPlayground Express in HackSpace magazine: hackspace.raspberrypi.org
Tommy Falgout’s LED Badge Lanyard: twitter.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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