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Making the most out of in-person training

Episode #210, published Thu, May 2, 2019, recorded Tue, Mar 19, 2019

How do you stay up on your Python skills. Many of us are self-starters and good at learning on our own or online with the video courses like the ones we have over at Talk Python. But sometimes, having everyone on your team go from zero to ready to work on a project is the best path. And that usually means in-person training.

This is something I did and enjoyed for many years. Our guest on this episode is Reuven Learner who does independent Python training. He's here to tell us how to make the most out of in-person training for your team and how you might get started in this side of software development yourself.
Links from the show

Reuven’s site: lerner.co.il
“Better developers” newsletter (about Python and development): lerner.co.il/newsletter
“Trainer weekly” newsletter: TrainerWeekly.com
Reuven’s online courses: store.lerner.co.il
Freelancers Podcast: devchat.tv/freelancers
Reuven on Twitter: @reuvenmlerner
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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