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Modern and fast APIs with FastAPI

Episode #284, published Sun, Oct 4, 2020, recorded Thu, Jul 23, 2020

As Python 3 has eclipsed the old constrains of Python 2 and web frameworks that adopted them, we have seen a big jump in new frameworks appearing on the scene taking full advantage of things like type hints, async and await, and more.

No framework has done this more successfully than FastAPI recently. That's why we are here with the creator of FastAPI, Sebastián Ramírez to dive into this exciting new Python web framework.
Links from the show

Sebastian: @tiangolo
FastAPI: fastapi.tiangolo.com
FastAPI: One of the fastest Python frameworks available: fastapi.tiangolo.com
FastAPI for Flask Users: amitness.com
FastAPI Docker image: https://github.com/tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker
ujson: github.com
uvicorn: uvicorn.org
Traffic server: docs.traefik.io
Starlette: starlette.io
Pydantic: pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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