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Taming Flaky Tests

Episode #429, published Mon, Sep 11, 2023, recorded Thu, Aug 10, 2023

We write tests to show us when there are problems with our code. But what if there are intermittent problems with the tests themselves? That can be big hassle. In this episode, we have Gregory Kapfhammer and Owain Parry on the show to share their research and advice for taming flaky tests.

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Links from the show

Gregory Kapfhammer: gregorykapfhammer.com
Owain Parry on Twitter: @oparry9
Radon: pypi.org
pytest-xdist: github.com
awesome-pytest: github.com
Tenacity: readthedocs.io
Stamina: github.com
Flaky Test Management: docs.cypress.io
Flaky Test Management (Datadog): datadoghq.com
Flaky Test Management (Spotify): engineering.atspotify.com
Flaky Test Management (Google): testing.googleblog.com
Detecting Test Pollution: github.com
Surveying the developer experience of flaky tests paper: www.gregorykapfhammer.com
Build Kite CI/CD: buildkite.com
Flake It: Finding and Fixing Flaky Test Cases: github.com
Unflakable: unflakable.com
CircleCI Test Detection: circleci.com
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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