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10 Tips and Tools for Developer Productivity

Episode #345, published Wed, Dec 15, 2021, recorded Wed, Nov 17, 2021

You know that feeling when one of your developer friends or colleague tells you about some amazing tool, library, or shell environment that you never heard of that you just have to run out and try right away? This episode is jam-packed full of those moments. We welcome back Jay Miller to discuss tools and tips for developer productivity. The title says 10 tips, but we actually veer into many more along the way. I think you'll really enjoy this useful and light-hearted episode.

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Links from the show

Jay on Twitter: @kjaymiller
More Oh my ZSH plugins: github.com
exa: the.exa.website
bat: github.com
ripgrep/amber: github.com
Neovim: neovim.io
RUMPS macOS Framework: github.com
Black: github.com
pypi-changes package: readthedocs.io
asdf-python: github.com
WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool: wave.webaim.org
Google PageSpeed: pagespeed.web.dev
XKCD Commit messages: xkcd.com
secure package: github.com
OWASP Top 10: owasp.org
ngrok: ngrok.com
starship: starship.rs
Homebrew: brew.sh
Chocolatey: chocolatey.org
pip-tools: github.com
Let's Encrypt: letsencrypt.org
Sourcetree Git App: sourcetreeapp.com
Oh my ZSH: ohmyz.sh
nerd fonts: nerdfonts.com
Oh my Posh: ohmyposh.dev
Windows Terminal: microsoft.com
McFly shell history: github.com
Fig IO enhanced shell: fig.io
Conduit podcast: relay.fm
htmx course at Talk Python: talkpython.fm/htmx
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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