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Python past, present, and future with Guido van Rossum

Episode #100, published Wed, Feb 22, 2017, recorded Wed, Jan 18, 2017

Welcome to a very special episode. This is the 100th episode of Talk Python To Me. It's the perfect chance to take a moment and look at where we have come from, and where we are going. Not just with regard to the podcast but for Python in general.

And who better to do this than Python's inventor himself. Guido van Rossum. In this episode, we discuss how Guido go into programming, where Python came from and why, and Python's bright future with Python 3.

Links from the show:

Guido on Twitter: @gvanrossum
What's New In Python 3.6: docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.6.html
mypy: mypy-lang.org

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