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Learning and teaching Pandas

Episode #471, published Mon, Jul 22, 2024, recorded Sun, Jul 7, 2024

If you want to get better at something, often times the path is pretty clear. If you get better at swimming, you go to the pool and practice your strokes and put in time doing the laps. If you want to get better at mountain biking, hit the trails and work on drills focusing on different aspects of riding. You can do the same for programming. Reuven Lerner is back on the podcast to talk about his book Pandas Workout. We dive into strategies for learning Pandas and Python as well as some of his workout exercises.

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Links from the show

Reuven Lerner on Twitter: @reuvenmlerner
Pandas Workout Book: manning.com
Bamboo Weekly: Solar eclipse: bambooweekly.com
Bamboo Weekly: Avocado hand: bambooweekly.com
Scaling data science across Python and R: talkpython.fm
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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