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A Pythonic Database Tour

Episode #105, published Mon, Mar 27, 2017, recorded Thu, Mar 16, 2017

There are many reasons it's a great time to be a developer. One of them is because there are so many choices around data access and databases. So this week we take tour with our guest Jim Fulton of some databases you may not have heard of or given a try.

You'll hear about the pure Python database ZODB. There's Zero DB, an end-to-end encrypted database in which the database server knows nothing about the data it is storing, and NewtDb spanning the world of ZODB and JSON friendly Postgres.

Links from the show:

Jim on Twitter: @j1mfulton
ZODB: zodb.org
ZODB Book: zodb.readthedocs.io
ZeroDB: opensource.zerodb.com
NewtDb: newtdb.org
Buildout: docs.buildout.org
Two-tiered Kanban: github.com/feature-flow/twotieredkanban
Jim's Webcast: Why Postgres Should be your Document Database: blog.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2017/03/why-postgres-should-be-your-document-database-webinar-recording

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