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Terminal magic with Rich and Textual

Episode #336, published Tue, Oct 5, 2021, recorded Mon, Sep 27, 2021

Have you heard of the package Rich? This library allows you to create very, well, rich terminal-based UIs in Python. When you think of what you can typically build with basic print statements, that may seem quite limited. But with Rich, imagine justified tables, progress bars, rendering of markdown, and way more.

This is one of the fastest growing projects in the Python space these days. And the creator, Will McGugan is here to give is the whole history and even a peak at the future of Rich and a follow on library called Textual.

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Links from the show

Will on Twitter: @willmcgugan
Rich: github.com
Textual: github.com
Pyfilesystem: pyfilesystem.org
A Look At – and Inside – Textual Video: youtube.com
ObjExplore: reposhub.com
ghtop: ghtop.fast.ai
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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