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MicroPython and Open Source Hardware at Adafruit

Episode #108, published Fri, Apr 21, 2017, recorded Tue, Apr 18, 2017

Want to learn how to build an Iron-man like arc reactor accessory or maybe a solar charging backpack? What if you could program these devices with Python?

We'll be talking about a project and company making this possible. This week you'll meet Tony DiCola who works at Adafruit. A company making hardware programming accessible. We will also talk about micropython which lets you program these cool devices in Python!

Links from the show:

Tony D: @tdicola
AdaFruit: adafruit.com
Watch Tony D's Desk: youtube.com/playlist

Projects learn.adafruit.com:
Onion Pi: learn.adafruit.com/onion-pi
GPS Dog Collar: learn.adafruit.com/gps-dog-collar
LED Bicycle Handlebars: learn.adafruit.com/led-bicycle-handlebars
DeLorean Time Circuit: learn.adafruit.com/delorean-time-circuit
Raspberry Pi WiFi Radio: learn.adafruit.com/pi-wifi-radio
Halloween Pumpkin: learn.adafruit.com/halloween-pumpkin
Electronic Demon Costume: learn.adafruit.com/electronic-demon-costume
Solar Charging Handbag: learn.adafruit.com/solar-charging-handbag

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Advance Digital Jobs: python.advance.net
StrangeLoop Conference: talkpython.fm/strangeloop
Talk Python Courses: training.talkpython.fm

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