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Data Science from the Command Line

Episode #392, published Fri, Dec 2, 2022, recorded Mon, Nov 28, 2022

When you think data science, Jupyter notebooks and associated tools probably come to mind. But I want to broaden your toolset a bit and encourage you to look around at other tools that are literally at your fingertips. The terminal and shell command line tools.

On this episode, you'll meed Jeroen Janssens. He wrote the book Data Science on The Command Line Book and there are a bunch of fun and useful small utilities that will make your life simpler that you can run immediately in the terminal. For example, you can query a CSV file with SQL right from the command line.

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Links from the show

Jeroen's Website: jeroenjanssens.com
Jeroen on LinkedIn: linkedin.com
Jeroen cohort-based course, Embrace the Command Line. Listeners can use coupon code TALKPYTHON20 for a 20% discount: maven.com

Data Science on The Command Line Book: datascienceatthecommandline.com
McFly Shell History Tool: github.com
Explain Shell: explainshell.com
CSVKit: csvkit.readthedocs.io
sql2csv: csvkit.readthedocs.io
pipx: github.com
PyProject.toml to add entry points: github.com
rich-cli: github.com
Typer: typer.tiangolo.com
FasD: github.com
Nerd Fonts: nerdfonts.com
Xonsh: xon.sh
iTerm: iterm2.com
Windows Terminal: microsoft.com
ohmyposh: ohmyposh.dev
ohmyz: ohmyz.sh
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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