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18 awesome asyncio packages in Python

Episode #389, published Wed, Nov 9, 2022, recorded Thu, Nov 3, 2022

If you're a fan of Python's async and await keywords and the powers they unlock, then this episode is for you. We have Timo Furrer here to share a whole bunch of asyncio related Python packages. Timo runs the awesome-asyncio list and he and I picked out some of our favorites to share with you.

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Links from the show

Timo on Twitter: @tuxtimo
awesome-asyncio list: github.com

Some of the highlighted packages
FastAPI: github.com
starlette: github.com
sanic: github.com
uvicorn - The lightning-fast ASGI server: github.com
Tech Empower Python Framework benchmarks: techempower.com
aioamqp - AMQP implementation using asyncio: github.com
pyzmq - Python bindings for ZeroMQ: github.com
Scaling Python and Jupyter with ZeroMQ Talk Python episode: talkpython.fm/306
asyncpg - Fast PostgreSQL Database Client: github.com
Piccolo - An ORM / query builder: github.com
aiosqlite: github.com
motor - The async Python driver for MongoDB: github.com
AsyncSSH: github.com
HTTPX: github.com
pytest-asyncio - Pytest support for asyncio: github.com
uvloop - Ultra fast implementation of asyncio event loop: github.com
aiocache - Cache manager for different backends: github.com
aiofiles - File support for asyncio: github.com
aiopath - Asynchronous pathlib for asyncio: github.com
Video: Demystifying Python's Async and Await Keywords - JetBrains TV 2020 (Michael Kennedy): youtube.com
tenacity: readthedocs.io
Michael's full 5 hour async course: talkpython.fm/async
Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

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