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#442: Ultra High Speed Message Parsing with msgspec Transcript

Recorded on Thursday, Nov 2, 2023.

00:00 If you're a fan of Pydantic or data classes, you'll definitely be interested in this episode.

00:04 We are talking about a super fast data modeling and validation framework called msgspec.

00:09 And some of the types in here might even be better for general purpose use than Python's

00:15 native classes.

00:15 Join me and Jim, Chris Hariff, to talk about his framework, msgspec.

00:19 This is Talk Python to Me, episode 442, recorded November 2nd, 2023.

00:25 Welcome to Talk Python to Me, a weekly podcast on Python.

00:43 This is your host, Michael Kennedy.

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01:45 Jim.

01:48 Hello.

01:48 Hello.

01:48 Welcome to Talk Python.

01:49 It's awesome to have you here.

01:50 Yeah.

01:51 Thanks for having me.

01:51 Yeah, of course.

01:52 I spoke to the Litestar guys, you know, at Litestar.dev and had them on the show.

01:57 And I was talking about their DTOs, different types of objects they can pass around in their

02:03 APIs and their web apps.

02:04 And like FastAPI, they've got this concept where you kind of bind a type, like a class

02:09 or something, to an input, to a web API.

02:12 And it does all that sort of magic like FastAPI.

02:15 And I said, oh, so you guys probably work with PyDanty.

02:17 It's like, yes, but let me tell you about msgspec.

02:19 Because that's where the action is.

02:21 They were so enamored with your project that I just had to reach out and have you on.

02:25 It looks super cool.

02:26 I think people are going to really enjoy learning about it.

02:28 Thanks.

02:29 Yeah, it's nice to hear that.

02:30 Yeah.

02:31 We're going to dive into the details.

02:33 It's going to be a lot of fun.

02:33 Before we get to them, though, give us just a quick introduction on who you are.

02:37 So people don't know you yet.

02:39 So my name is Jim Christreif.

02:41 I am currently an engineering manager doing actually mostly dev work at Voltron Data, working

02:47 on the IBIS project, which is a completely different conversation than what we're going to have today.

02:51 Prior to that, I popped around a couple of startups and was most of them doing Dask was the main

02:58 thing I've contributed to in the past on an open source Python front.

03:01 For those not aware, Dask is a distributed compute ecosystem.

03:04 I come from the PyData side of the Python ecosystem, not the web dev side.

03:09 Nice.

03:09 Yeah, I've had Matthew Rocklin on a couple of times, but it's been a while, so people don't

03:13 necessarily know.

03:13 But it's like super distributed pandas, kind of.

03:18 Grid computing for pandas, sort of.

03:20 Or say like Spark written in Python.

03:22 Sure.

03:23 You know, another thing that's been on, kind of on my radar, but I didn't really necessarily

03:27 realize it was associated with you.

03:29 Tell people just a bit about IBIS.

03:31 Like IBIS is looking pretty interesting.

03:33 IBIS is, I don't want to say the wrong thing.

03:35 IBIS is a portable data frame library is the current tagline we're using.

03:39 If you're coming from R, it's dplyr for Python.

03:42 It's more than that.

03:43 And it's not exactly that, but that's a quick mental model.

03:46 So you write data frame like code.

03:49 We're not pandas compatible.

03:50 We're pandas like enough that you might find something familiar.

03:53 And it can compile down to generate SQL for 18 plus different database backends.

03:58 Also like PySpark and a couple other things.

04:01 Okay.

04:01 So you write your code once and you kind of run it on whatever.

04:03 I see.

04:03 And you do pandas like things, but it converts those into database queries.

04:08 Is that?

04:08 Yeah.

04:09 Yeah.

04:09 So it's a data frame API.

04:10 It's not pandas compatible, but if you're familiar with pandas, you should be able to pick it up.

04:16 You know, we cleaned up what we thought as a bunch of rough edges of the pandas API.

04:19 Yeah.

04:19 Were those pandas one or pandas two rough edges?

04:22 Both.

04:22 It's, I don't know.

04:23 It's pandas like.

04:25 Sure.

04:25 Yeah.

04:26 This looks really cool.

04:27 That's a topic for another day, but awesome.

04:29 People can check that out.

04:30 But this time you're here to talk about your personal project, msgspec.

04:37 Am I saying that right?

04:38 Or you say MSG or message spec?

04:40 Message spec is how it is.

04:42 I think a lot of these projects sometimes need a little, like here's the MP3 you can press play on.

04:48 Like how it's meant to be said, you know?

04:50 I mean, sometimes it's kind of obvious, like PyPI versus PyPI.

04:55 Other times it's just like, okay, I know you have a really clever name.

04:58 Yes, I know.

04:59 People say NumPy all the time.

05:01 I'm like, I don't want to, I try to not correct guests because it's, it's not kind.

05:05 But I also feel awkward.

05:06 They will say NumPy and I'll say, how do you feel about NumPy?

05:08 Like NumPy's great.

05:09 I'm like, okay, we're just going back and forth like this for the next hour.

05:12 It's fine.

05:12 But yeah, it's, it's always, I think some of these could use a little, like a little play.

05:17 So msgspec.

05:18 Tell people about what it is.

05:19 Yeah.

05:20 So gone through a couple of different taglines.

05:22 The current one is a fast serialization and validation library with a built-in support for

05:26 JSON, message pack, YAML, and TOML.

05:29 If you are familiar with Pydantic, that's probably one of the closest, you know, most popular libraries

05:34 that does a similar thing.

05:35 You define kind of a structure of your data using type annotations and msgspec will parse

05:40 your data to ensure it is that structure and does so efficiently.

05:44 It's also compatible with a lot of the other serialization libraries.

05:48 You could also use it as a stand-in for JSON, you know, with the JSON dumps, JSON loads.

05:53 You don't need to specify the types.

05:55 Right.

05:55 It's, I think the mental model of kind of like, it swims in the same water or the same pond

06:01 as Pydantic, but it's also fairly distinguished from Pydantic, right?

06:06 As we're going to explore throughout our chat here.

06:09 The goal from my side, one of the goals was to replicate more of the experience writing

06:14 Rust or Go with Rust-SERDE or Go's JSON, where the serializer kind of stands in the background

06:19 rather than my experience working with Pydantic, where it felt like the base model kind of stood

06:24 in the foreground.

06:25 You're defining the model.

06:27 Serialization kind of comes onto the types you've defined, but you're not actually working

06:30 with the serializers on the types themselves.

06:32 Got it.

06:32 So an example, let me see if I do have it.

06:35 An example might be if I want to take some message I got from, some response I got from

06:41 an API, I want to turn it into a Pydantic model or I'm writing an API.

06:44 I want to take something from a client, whatever.

06:46 I'll go and create a Pydantic class.

06:48 And then the way I use it is I go to that class and I'll say star, star, dictionary I got.

06:55 And then it comes to life like that, right?

06:57 Where there's a little more focus on just the serialization and it has this capability.

07:03 But like you said, it's optional in the sense.

07:06 Yeah.

07:06 In message spec, all types are on equal footing.

07:11 So we use functions, not methods, because if you want to decode into a list of ints, I

07:17 can't add a method to a list.

07:18 You know, it's a Python built-in type.

07:20 Yeah.

07:20 So you'd say msgspec dot JSON dot decode your message and then you'd specify the type

07:26 annotation as part of that function call.

07:29 So it could be, you know, list bracket int.

07:31 Right.

07:31 So you'll say decode and then you might say type equals list of your type or like you

07:37 say, list of int.

07:37 And that's hard when you have to have a class that knows how to basically become what the

07:42 model, the data passed in is, even if it's just a list, some Pydantic classes, you got

07:48 to kind of jump through some hoops to say, hey, Pydantic, I don't have a thing to give

07:52 you.

07:52 I want a list of those things.

07:54 And that's the top level thing is, you know, bracket bracket.

07:56 It's not, it's not any one thing I can specify in Python easily.

08:00 Yeah.

08:00 To be fair to the Pydantic project, I believe in V2, the type adapter.

08:04 Yes, exactly.

08:05 Object can work with that.

08:06 But that is, you know, it's a different way of working with it.

08:09 I wanted to have one API that did it all.

08:12 Sure.

08:12 And it's awesome.

08:13 They made it.

08:13 I mean, I want to just put this out front.

08:15 Like, I'm a massive fan of Pydantic.

08:17 What Samuel's done there is incredible.

08:19 And it's just, it's really made a big difference in the way that people work with data and Python.

08:24 It's awesome.

08:25 But it's also awesome that you have this project that is an alternative and it makes different assumptions.

08:29 And you can see those really play out in like the performance or the APIs.

08:33 So, you know, like Pydantic encourages you to take your classes and then send them the data.

08:39 But you've kind of got to know, like, oh, there's this type adapter thing that I can give a list of my class and then make it work.

08:45 Right.

08:45 But it's not just, oh, you just fall into that by trying to play with the API, you know?

08:50 Yeah.

08:51 Yeah.

08:51 And I think having, being able to specify any type means we work with standard library data classes.

08:56 The same as we work with our built-in struct type or we also work with adders types.

09:00 You know, everything is kind of on equal footing.

09:02 Yeah.

09:02 And what I want to really dig into is your custom struct type that has some really cool properties.

09:10 Not class properties, but components.

09:11 Features of the class of the type there.

09:14 Yeah.

09:14 Let's look at a couple of things here.

09:16 So, as you said, it's fast and I love how somehow italicies on the word fast makes it feel even faster.

09:23 Like it's leaning forward, you know, it's leaning into the speed.

09:26 A fast serialization and validation library.

09:28 The validation is kind of can be, but not required, right?

09:32 The types can be, but they don't have to be.

09:34 So, I think that's one of the ways it really differs from Pydantic.

09:37 But the other is Pydantic is quite focused on JSON, whereas this is JSON, message pack, YAML, and TOML.

09:45 Everyone knows what JSON is.

09:47 I always thought of TOML as kind of like YAML.

09:49 Are they really different?

09:51 It's another configuration focused language.

09:54 I think some people do JSON for config files, but I personally don't like to handwrite JSON.

09:59 YAML and TOML are like more human friendly, in quotes, forms of that.

10:04 YAML is a superset of JSON.

10:06 TOML is its own thing.

10:08 Got it.

10:08 And then message pack is a binary JSON-like file format.

10:12 Yeah, message pack.

10:13 I don't know how many people work with that.

10:15 Where would people run into message pack?

10:16 Yeah.

10:17 If they were, say, consuming an API, or what API framework would people be generating message

10:22 pack in Python, typically?

10:23 That's a good question.

10:24 So, going back to the creation of this project, actually, msgspec sounds a lot like message

10:29 pack.

10:30 And that was intentional.

10:30 It does, yeah.

10:31 Because that's what I wrote it for originally.

10:33 So, as I said at the beginning, I'm one of the original contributors to Dask.

10:37 Worked on Dask forever.

10:38 And the Dask distributed scheduler uses message pack for its RPC serialization layer.

10:43 That kind of fell out of what was available at the time.

10:46 We benchmarked a bunch of different libraries.

10:48 And that was the fastest way to send bytes between nodes in 2015.

10:52 Sure.

10:53 The distributed scheduler's RPC framework has kind of grown haphazardly over time.

10:58 And there were a bunch of bugs due to some hacky things we were doing with it.

11:01 And also, it was slower than we would have wanted.

11:03 So, this was an attempt to write a faster message pack library for Python that also did

11:09 fancier things.

11:10 Supported more types.

11:11 Did some schema validation because we wanted to catch the worker is sending this data and

11:16 the scheduler is getting it and saying it's wrong.

11:18 And we wanted to also add in a way to make schema evolution, meaning that I can have different

11:25 versions of my worker and scheduler and client process and things kind of work.

11:28 If I add new features to the scheduler, they don't break the client.

11:33 You know, we have a nice forward and backward compatibility story.

11:36 And so, that's what kind of fell out.

11:38 Yeah, it's a really nice feature.

11:39 We're going to dive into that.

11:40 But, you know, you might think, oh, well, just update your client or update the server.

11:45 But there's all sorts of situations that get really weird.

11:47 Like, if you have Redis as a caching layer and you create a message pack object and stick

11:54 it in there and then you deploy a new version of the app, it could maybe can't,

11:58 deserialize anything in the cache anymore because it says something's missing or something's

12:02 there that it doesn't expect.

12:04 Right.

12:04 And so, this evolution is important there.

12:07 If you've got long running work and you stash it into a database and you pull it back out,

12:10 like all these things where it kind of lives a little outside the process, all of a sudden

12:14 it starts to matter that before you even consider like clients that run separate code.

12:19 Right.

12:19 Like you could be the client, just different places in time.

12:22 Yeah.

12:22 Yeah.

12:23 So, adding a little bit more structure to how you define messages in a way to make the

12:26 scheduler more maintainable.

12:27 That work never landed.

12:28 It's as it is with open source projects.

12:31 It's a democracy and also a democracy.

12:33 And, you know, you don't always, paths can be done at dead ends.

12:36 I still think it'll be valuable in the future, but some stuff was changing the scheduler and

12:40 serialization is no longer the bottleneck that it was two and a half years ago when this originally

12:45 started.

12:46 So, let me put this in context for people to maybe make it relevant.

12:49 Like maybe right now someone's got a FastAPI API and they're using Pydantic and obviously

12:55 it generates all the awesome JSON they want.

12:58 Is there a way to, how would you go about creating, say, a Python server-based system set

13:06 of APIs that maybe as an option take message pack or maybe use that as a primary way?

13:11 Like it could be maybe, you know, passing an accept header.

13:14 To take message pack?

13:15 If you want to exchange message pack, client server, Python right now, what do you do?

13:19 That's a good question.

13:20 To be clear, I am not a web dev.

13:22 I do not do this for a living.

13:23 I think there is no standard application slash message pack.

13:26 I think people can use it if they want, but that's not a, it's a standardized thing the

13:31 same way that JSON is.

13:32 Yeah.

13:32 I think that Litestar as a framework does support this out of the box.

13:35 I don't know about FastAPI.

13:37 I'm sure there's a way to hack it in as there is with any ASCII server.

13:41 Yeah, Litestar, like I said, I had Litestar on those guys maybe a month ago and...

13:45 Yeah, super, super cool about that.

13:47 So, yeah, I know that they support msgspec and a lot of different options there, but,

13:52 you know, you could just, I imagine you could just return binary bits between you and your

13:57 client.

13:58 I'm thinking of like latency sensitive microservice type things sort of within your data center.

14:04 How can you lower serialization, deserialization, serialization, like all that cost that could

14:08 be the max, you know, the biggest part of what's making your app spend time and energy?

14:14 Michael out there says, would love PyArrow parquet support for large data.

14:18 There's been a request for Aero integration with msgspec.

14:22 I'm not exactly sure what that would look like.

14:24 Aero containers are pretty efficient on their own.

14:26 Breaking them out into a bunch of objects or stuff to work with msgspec doesn't necessarily

14:31 make sense in my mind.

14:32 But anyway, if you have ideas on that, please open an issue or comment on the existing issue.

14:36 Yeah, indeed.

14:37 All right.

14:38 So let's see.

14:39 Some of the highlights are high performance encoders and decoders across those protocols

14:43 we talked.

14:44 You have benchmarks.

14:45 We'll look at them for in a minute.

14:46 You have a really nice, a lot of support for different types that can go in there that

14:51 can be serialized, but there's also a way to extend it to say, I've got a custom type that

14:56 you don't think is serializable to whatever end thing, a message pack, JSON, whatever.

15:01 But I can write a little code that'll take it either way.

15:04 You know, dates are something that drive me crazy, but it could be like an object ID out

15:09 of MongoDB or other things that seem like they should go back and forth, but don't, you know,

15:13 right?

15:13 So that's really nice.

15:14 And then zero cost schema validation, right?

15:18 It validates, decodes and validates JSON two times as fast as ORJSON, which is one of

15:22 the high performance JSON decoders.

15:24 And that's just decoding, right?

15:26 And then the struct thing that we're going to talk about, which the struct type is kind

15:30 of what brings the parody with Pydantic, right?

15:33 Yeah.

15:34 You could think of it as Pydantic's base model.

15:36 It's our built-in data class-like type.

15:38 Nice.

15:38 So structs are data class-like.

15:40 Like everything in msgspec are implemented fully as a C extension.

15:45 Getting these to work required reading a lot of the CPython source code because we're doing

15:50 some things that I don't want to say that they don't want you to do.

15:54 We're not doing them wrong, but they're not really documented.

15:57 So for example, when you subclass for msgspec.struct, that's using a metaclass mechanism,

16:03 which is a way of defining types to define types.

16:06 And the metaclass is written in C, which CPython doesn't make easy to do.

16:11 So it's a C extension metaclass that creates new C types.

16:16 They're pretty speedy.

16:17 They are 10 to 100x faster for most operations than even handwriting a class that does the

16:23 same thing, but definitely more than data classes or adders.

16:25 Yeah.

16:26 It's super interesting.

16:27 And I really want to dive into that.

16:28 I almost can see the struct type being relevant even outside of msgspec in general, potentially.

16:34 So yeah, we'll see about that.

16:36 But it's super cool.

16:37 And Michael also points out, like, he's the one who made the issue.

16:40 So sorry about that.

16:42 He's commented already, I suppose, in a sense.

16:45 But yeah, awesome.

16:46 Cool.

16:47 All right.

16:47 So let's do this.

16:49 I think probably the best way to get started is we could talk through an example.

16:53 And there's a really nice article by Itmar Turner-Trowing, who's been on the show a couple

16:59 of times, called Faster, More Memory-Efficient Python, JSON parsing with msgspec.

17:04 And just as a couple of examples that I thought maybe we could throw up.

17:06 And you could talk to, speak to your thoughts, like, why does the API work this way?

17:11 Here's the advantages and so on.

17:13 Yeah.

17:13 So there's this big, I believe this is the GitHub API, just returning these giant blobs of stuff

17:17 about users.

17:18 Okay.

17:19 And it says, well, if we want to find out what users follow what repos or how many,

17:24 given a user, how many repos do they follow, right?

17:27 We could just say, with open, read this, and then just do a JSON load.

17:31 And then do the standard dictionary stuff, right?

17:34 Like, for everything, we're going to go to the element that we got out and say, bracket some

17:38 key, bracket some key.

17:40 You know, it looks like key not found errors are just lurking in here all over the place.

17:44 But, you know, it's, you should know that maybe it'll work, right?

17:48 If you know the API, I guess.

17:49 So it's like, this is the standard way.

17:51 How much memory does this use?

17:52 How much time does it take?

17:53 Look, we can basically swap out ORJSON.

17:57 I'm not super familiar with ORJSON.

17:59 Are you?

17:59 Yeah.

18:00 ORJSON is compatible-ish with the standard lib JSON, except that it returns bytes rather

18:05 than strings.

18:06 Got it.

18:06 Okay.

18:07 There's also iJSON, I believe, which makes it streaming.

18:10 So there's that.

18:11 And then it says, okay, well, how would this look if we're going to use message spec?

18:15 And in his example, he's using structured data.

18:19 So the structs, this is like the Pydantic version, but it doesn't have to be this way,

18:23 but it is this way, right?

18:25 This is the one he chose.

18:26 So maybe just talk us through, like, how would you solve this problem using message

18:30 spec and classes?

18:31 Yeah.

18:31 So as he's done here in this blog post, he's defined a couple struct types for the various

18:37 levels of this message.

18:38 So repos, actors, and interactions, and then parses the message directly into those types.

18:45 So the final call there is passing in the red message and then specifying the type as a list

18:51 of interactions, which are tree down into actors and repos.

18:54 Exactly.

18:55 So this is what you mentioned earlier about having more function-based.

18:58 So you just say decode, give it the string or the bytes, and you say type equals list of

19:04 bracket, top-level class.

19:06 And just like Pydantic, these can be nested.

19:09 So there's an interaction, which has an actor.

19:10 There's an actor class, which has a login, which has a type.

19:13 So your Pydantic model for how those kind of fit together is pretty straightforward, right?

19:19 Pretty similar.

19:19 Yeah.

19:20 And then you're just programming with classes.

19:21 Awesome.

19:22 Yep.

19:22 And it'll all work well with, like, mypy or PyRite or whatever you're using if you're doing

19:26 static analysis tools.

19:27 Yeah.

19:27 So you've thought about making sure that not just does it work well from a usability perspective,

19:32 but it, like, the type checkers don't go crazy.

19:35 Yeah.

19:35 And any, you know, editor integration you have should just work.

19:38 Nice.

19:39 Because there's sometimes, oh gosh, I think maybe FastAPIs changes, but you'll have things

19:45 like you would say the type of an argument being passed in, if it's, say, coming off the

19:50 query string, you would say it's depend.

19:52 It's a type depends, not an int, for example.

19:56 It's because it's being pulled out of the query string.

19:58 I think that's FastAPI.

19:59 And while it makes the runtime happy and the runtime says, oh, I see you want to get this

20:04 int from the query string, the type checkers and stuff are like, depends.

20:09 What is this?

20:09 Like, this is an int.

20:10 Why are you trying to use this depends as an int?

20:12 This doesn't make any sense.

20:13 I think it's a bit of a challenge to have the runtime, the types drive the runtime, but

20:17 still not freak it out, you know?

20:19 Yeah.

20:19 I think that the Python typing ecosystem, especially with the recent changes in new versions and

20:25 the annotated wrapper, are moving towards a system where these kinds of APIs can be spelled

20:30 natively in ways that the type checkers will understand.

20:33 But if your project that existed before these changes, you obviously had some preexisting

20:38 way to make those work that might not play as nicely.

20:41 So there's the upgrade cost of the project.

20:43 I'm not envious of the work that Samuel Covenant team have had to do to upgrade Pydantic to erase

20:49 some old warts in the API that they found.

20:50 It's nice to see what they've done and it's impressive.

20:52 But it's, I have the benefit of starting this project after those changes in typing

20:56 ecosystem existed.

20:57 You know, can look at hindsight mistakes others have made and learn from them.

21:01 Yeah, that's really excellent.

21:01 They have done, like I said, I'm a big fan of Pydantic and it took them almost a year.

21:06 I interviewed Samuel about that change and it was no joke.

21:09 You know, it was a lot of work.

21:10 But, you know, what they came up with, pretty compatible, pretty much feels like the same

21:15 Pydantic.

21:15 But, you know, if you peel back the covers, it's definitely not.

21:18 All right.

21:19 So the other interesting thing about Ipmar's article here is the performance side.

21:23 So it's okay.

21:23 Do you get fixed memory usage or does it vary based on the size of the data?

21:28 And do you get schema validation?

21:29 Right.

21:30 So standard lib, just straight JSON module, 420 milliseconds.

21:35 OR JSON, the fast one, a little less than twice as fast, 280 milliseconds.

21:39 iJSON for iterable JSON.

21:42 300, so a little more than the fast one.

21:45 Message spec, 90 milliseconds.

21:47 That's awesome.

21:48 That's like three times as fast as the better one.

21:51 Over four times as fast as the built-in one.

21:54 It also is doing, you know, quote unquote, more work.

21:56 It's validating the response as it comes in.

21:58 Exactly.

21:59 So you're sure that it's correct then too.

22:01 All those other ones are just giving you dictionaries and YOLO.

22:04 Do what you want with them, right?

22:06 But here you're actually, all those types that you described, right?

22:09 The interaction and the actors and the repos and the class structure, that's all validation.

22:13 So in on top of that, you've created classes which are heavier weight than dictionaries because

22:18 general classes are heavier weight than dictionaries because they have the dunder dict that has

22:23 all the fields in there effectively anyway, right?

22:26 That's not true for structs.

22:28 Structs are slot classes.

22:29 Yes.

22:30 Structs.

22:30 They are a lighter weight to allocate than a dictionary or a standard class.

22:34 That's one of the reasons they're faster.

22:35 Yeah.

22:35 Structs are awesome.

22:36 And so the other thing I was going to point out is, you know, you've got 40 megabytes

22:39 of memory usage versus 130.

22:41 So almost four times less than the standard module.

22:45 And the only thing that beats you is the iterative one because it literally only has one in memory

22:50 at a time, right?

22:50 One element.

22:51 Yeah.

22:52 So this benchmark is kind of hiding two things together.

22:56 So there is the output, what you're parsing.

22:59 Everything here except for iJSON is going to parse the full input into something.

23:03 One big batch.

23:04 It's more efficient than orJSON or the standard lib in this respect because we're only extracting

23:08 the fields we care about.

23:09 But you're still going to end up with a list of a bunch of objects.

23:11 iJSON is only going to pull one in a memory at a time.

23:14 So it's going to have less in memory there.

23:16 And then you have the memory usage of the parsers themselves, which can also vary.

23:21 So orJSON's memory usage in its parser is a lot higher than message specs, regardless

23:26 of the output size.

23:27 There's a little more internal state.

23:29 So this is a pretty interesting distinction that you're calling out here.

23:33 So for example, if people check out this article, which I'll link, there's like tons of stuff

23:39 that people don't care about in the JSON, like the avatar URL, the gravatar ID, you know,

23:45 the reference type, whether it's a brand, like this stuff that you just don't care about,

23:49 right?

23:49 But to parse it in, you got to read that.

23:51 But what's pretty cool you're saying is like, in this case, the class that Edmar came up with

23:56 is just repo driving from struct.

23:59 It just has a name.

23:59 There's a bunch of other stuff in there, but you don't care about it.

24:02 And so what you're saying is like, if you say that that's the decoder, it looks at that

24:06 and goes, there's a bunch of stuff here.

24:07 We're not loading that.

24:09 We're just going to look for the things you've explicitly asked us to model, right?

24:13 There's no sense in doing the work if you're never going to look at it.

24:16 A lot of different serialization frameworks.

24:18 I can't remember how Pydantic responds when you do this, but, you know, the comments beyond

24:23 Pydantic, so it doesn't really matter, is they'll freak out to say, oh, there's extra

24:27 stuff here.

24:28 What am I supposed, you know, for example, this repo, it just has name, but in the data model,

24:32 it has way more in the JSON data.

24:35 So you try to deserialize it.

24:37 It'll go, well, I don't have room to put all this other stuff.

24:39 Things are, you know, freak out.

24:40 And this one is just like, no, we're just going to filter down to what you asked for.

24:43 I really, it's nice in a couple of ways.

24:45 It's nice from performance, nice from clean code.

24:47 I don't have to put all those other fields I don't care about, but also from, you talked

24:51 about the evolution friendliness, right?

24:53 Because what's way more common is that things get added rather than taken away or changed.

24:59 It's like, well, the complexity grows.

25:01 Now repos also have this, you know, related repos or sub repos or whatever the heck they

25:06 have, right?

25:06 And this model here will just let you go, whatever, don't care.

25:10 Yeah.

25:10 If GitHub updates their API and adds new fields, you're not going to get an error.

25:14 And if they remove a field, you should get a nice error that says expected, you know,

25:19 field name, and now it's missing.

25:20 You can track that down a lot easier than a random key error.

25:24 I agree.

25:24 I think, okay, let's, let's dive into the struct a little bit because that's where we're

25:28 kind of on that now.

25:29 And I think this is one of the highlights of what you built.

25:32 Again, it's kind of the same mental model as people are familiar with some data classes

25:36 with Pydantic and adders and so on.

25:39 So when I saw your numbers, I won't come back and talk about benchmarks with numbers.

25:43 But I just thought like, wow, this is fast.

25:45 And while the memory usage is low, you must be doing something native.

25:49 You must be doing something crazy in here.

25:51 That's not just Dunder slots.

25:53 While Dunder slots is awesome.

25:55 There's more to it than that, right?

25:57 And so they're written in C, quite speedy and lightweight.

26:01 So measurably faster than data classes, adders and Pydantic.

26:04 Like, tell us about these classes.

26:06 Like, this is, this is pretty interesting.

26:07 It's mentioned earlier.

26:08 They're not exactly, but they're, they're basically slots classes.

26:11 So Python's data model, actually CPython's data model is either a class is a standard class

26:16 where it stores its attributes in a dict.

26:19 That's not exactly true.

26:20 There's been some optimizations where the keys are stored separately alongside the class structure

26:25 and all the values are stored on the object instances.

26:27 But in model, there's dict classes and there's slots classes, which you pre-declare your attributes

26:32 to be in this, this Dunder slots interval.

26:35 And those get stored in line in the same allocation as the object instance.

26:40 There's no pointer chasing.

26:41 What that means is that you can't set extra attributes on them that weren't pre-declared,

26:45 but also things are a little bit more efficient.

26:48 We create those automatically when you subclass from a struct type.

26:51 And we do a bunch of other interesting things that are stored on the type.

26:55 That is why we had to write a metaclass in C.

26:58 I went to read it.

26:59 I'm like, whoa, okay.

27:00 Maybe we'll come back to this.

27:01 There's a lot of stuff going on in that type.

27:03 One of the problems with this hobby project is that I wrote this for fun

27:07 and a little bit of work related, but mostly fun.

27:09 And it's not the easiest code base for others to step into.

27:12 It fits my mental model, not necessarily everyone's.

27:15 Yeah.

27:15 I can tell you weren't looking for VC funding because you didn't write it in Rust.

27:18 Seems to be the common denominator these days.

27:22 Yeah.

27:22 Why C?

27:23 Just because CPython's already in C?

27:25 And that's the...

27:26 And I use C.

27:27 I do know Rust, but for what I wanted to do in the use case I had in mind,

27:31 I wanted to be able to touch the C API directly.

27:34 And that felt like the easiest way to go about doing it.

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29:05 Okay, so from a consumer of this struct class, I just say class.

29:11 And your example is user.

29:12 You say class, user, parentheses, derived from struct.

29:14 In the field, colon, type.

29:16 So like name, colon, string, groups, colon, set of, str, and so on.

29:20 It looks like standard data classes type of stuff.

29:23 But what you're saying is your meta class goes through and looks at that and says, okay,

29:27 we're going to create a class called user, but it's going to have slots called name, email,

29:31 and groups, among other things, right?

29:33 Like does that magic for us?

29:35 Yeah.

29:35 And then it sets up a bunch of internal data structures that are stored on the type.

29:39 Okay.

29:40 Give me a sense of like, like, what's something, why do you got to put that in there?

29:43 What's in there?

29:44 So the way data classes work, after they do all the type parsing stuff, which we have

29:48 to do too, they then generate some code and eval it to generate each of the methods.

29:54 So when you're importing or when you define a new data class, it generates an init method

29:59 and evals it and then stores it on the instance.

30:01 That means that you have little bits of bytecode floating around for all of your new methods.

30:05 msgspec structs instead, each of the standard methods that the implementation provides, which

30:10 would be, you know, init, wrapper, equality checks, copies, you know, various things are

30:16 single C functions.

30:19 And then the type has some data structures on it that we can use to define those.

30:25 So we have a single init method for all struct types that's used everywhere.

30:29 And as part of the init method, we need to know the fields that are defined on the struct.

30:34 So we have some data stored on there about like the field names, default values, various

30:38 things.

30:38 Nice.

30:38 Because they're written in C rather than, you know, Python bytecode, they could be a lot

30:42 faster.

30:43 And because we're not having to eval a new method every time we define a struct, importing

30:47 structs is a lot faster than data classes.

30:49 Something, I'm not going to guess, I have to look up on my benchmarks, but they are basically

30:54 as efficient to define as a handwritten class where data classes have a bunch of overhead.

30:59 If you've ever written a project that has, you know, a hundred of them, importing

31:02 can slow down.

31:03 Yeah.

31:03 Okay.

31:03 Because you basically are dynamically building them up, right?

31:06 Yeah.

31:06 In data class story.

31:07 Yeah.

31:08 So you've got kind of the data class stuff.

31:10 You got, as you said, dunder net, repper, copy, et cetera.

31:13 But you also have dunder match args for pattern matching.

31:16 That's pretty cool.

31:18 And dunder rich repper for pretty printing support with rich.

31:21 Yeah.

31:22 If you just rich.print, it'll take that, right?

31:24 What happens then?

31:25 It preprints it similar to like how a data class should be rendered.

31:28 Rich is making a pretty big impact.

31:29 So rich is special.

31:31 I enjoy using it.

31:32 This is excellent.

31:33 You've got all the stuff generated.

31:35 So much of it isn't C and super lightweight and fast.

31:38 But from the way we think of it, it's just a Python class, even a little less weird than

31:43 data classes, right?

31:44 Because you don't have to put a decorator on it.

31:45 You just derive from this thing.

31:47 So that's super cool.

31:48 Yeah.

31:49 Super neat.

31:50 The hope was that these would feel familiar enough to users coming from data classes or

31:54 adders or Pydantic or all the various models that learning a new one wouldn't be necessary.

32:00 They're the same.

32:02 Excellent.

32:02 One difference if you're coming from Pydantic is there is no method defined on these by default.

32:06 So you define a struct with fields A, B, and C. Only A, B, and C exist as attributes on that class.

32:13 You don't have to worry about any conflicting names.

32:14 Okay.

32:15 So for example, like the Pydantic ones have, I can't remember, the V1 versus V2.

32:22 It's like, I can't remember, like two dictionary effectively, right?

32:25 Where they'll like dump out the JSON or strings or things like that.

32:28 In V1, there's a method dot JSON.

32:30 Yeah, that's right.

32:31 Which if you have a field name JSON will conflict.

32:33 They are remedying that by adding a model prefix for everything, which I think is a good idea.

32:38 I think that's a good way of handling it.

32:40 Yeah.

32:40 Yeah.

32:40 It's like model underscore JSON or dict or something like that.

32:43 Yeah.

32:43 Cool.

32:43 Yeah, that's one of the few breaking changes they actually, unless you're deep down in

32:47 the guts of Pydantic that you might encounter.

32:49 Yeah.

32:50 You don't have to worry about that stuff because you're more function-based, right?

32:53 You would say decode, or I guess, yeah, decode.

32:57 Here's some data, some JSON or something.

33:00 And then the thing you decode it into would be your user type.

33:03 You'd say type equals user rather than going to the user directly, right?

33:07 Can we put our own properties and methods and stuff on these classes and that'll work all right?

33:12 Yeah.

33:13 To a user, you should think of this as a data class that doesn't use a decorator.

33:17 Okay.

33:17 They should be identical unless you're ever trying to touch the dunder data class fields attribute

33:23 that exists on data classes.

33:24 There should be no runtime differences as far as you can tell.

33:27 And when you're doing the schema validation, it sounds like you're basically embracing the

33:31 optionality of the type system.

33:35 If you say int, it has to be there.

33:36 If you say optional int or int pipe none, it may not be there, right?

33:40 No.

33:40 It's close.

33:41 I'm going to be pedantic here a little bit.

33:43 The optional fields are ones that have default values set.

33:46 So optional bracket int without a default is still a required field.

33:50 It's just one that could be an int or none.

33:52 You'd have to have a literal none passed in.

33:53 Otherwise, we'd error.

33:54 This more matches with how mypy interprets the type system.

33:57 Got it.

33:57 Okay.

33:58 So if I had an optional thing, but it had no value, I'd have to explicitly set it to

34:02 none.

34:02 Yes.

34:03 Or would, yeah.

34:03 Or it'd have to be there in the data every time.

34:06 Like other things, you have default factories, right?

34:09 Passing a function that gets called.

34:10 If it does, I guess if it doesn't exist, right?

34:12 If the data's in there, it's being deserialized, it won't.

34:15 Okay.

34:15 Excellent.

34:16 And I guess your decorator creates the initializer.

34:19 But another thing that I saw that you had was you have this post init, which is really nice.

34:24 Like a way to say like, okay, it's been deserialized.

34:26 Let me try a little further.

34:28 Tell us about this.

34:29 This is cool.

34:29 Yeah, it's coming from data classes.

34:31 They have the same method.

34:32 So if you need to do any extra thing after init, you can use it here rather than trying to override

34:37 the built-in init, which we don't let you do.

34:40 Right.

34:40 Because it has so much magic to do.

34:42 Like let it do it.

34:43 And you don't want to override that anyway.

34:45 You'll have to deal with like passing all the arguments.

34:48 Yeah, it runs Python instead of maybe C, all these things, right?

34:51 So post init would exist if you have more complex constraints, right?

34:56 Currently, that's one reason to use it.

34:58 We currently don't support custom validation functions.

35:01 There's no .validate, decorator, various frameworks, different ways of defining these.

35:06 We have some constraints that are built in.

35:07 You can constraint the number to be greater than some value, but there's no way to specify

35:12 custom constraints currently.

35:14 It's on the roadmap.

35:15 It's a thing we want to add.

35:16 Post init's a way to hack around that.

35:18 So right now, you're looking at the screen.

35:20 You have a post init defined, and you're checking if low is greater than high, raise an error.

35:25 And that'll bubble up through decodes and raise an ice user facing validation error.

35:29 In the long run, we'd like that to be done a little bit more field-based.

35:32 Somewhere to come from other frameworks.

35:34 It is tricky, though, because the validation goes onto one field or the other.

35:38 You don't have composite validators necessarily, right?

35:41 And so there's totally valid values of this low, but whatever it is, it has to be lower than high.

35:47 But how do you express that relationship?

35:49 So I think this is awesome.

35:50 Other areas where it could be interesting is under some circumstances, maybe you've got to compute some field also that's in there that's not set.

35:59 I don't know.

35:59 There's some good options in here.

36:00 I like it a lot.

36:01 Yeah, I guess the errors just come out as just straight out of like something went wrong with under post init rather than field low has this problem.

36:08 It's a little harder to relate an error being raised to a specific field if you raise it in a post init.

36:13 Yeah.

36:13 Also, since you're looking at this, and I'm proud that I got this to work, the errors raised in post init use chained exceptions.

36:20 So you can see a little bit of the cause of where it comes from.

36:22 And getting those to work at the Python C API is completely undocumented and a little tricky to figure out.

36:28 It's a lot of reading how the interpreter does it and making me write, you know, 12 incantations to get them to bubble up right.

36:34 Yeah, I do not envy you working on this struct, this base class.

36:38 But I mean, that's where part of the magic is, right?

36:41 And that's why I wanted to dive into this because I think it behaves like Python classes, but it has these really special features that we don't normally get, right?

36:49 Like low memory usage, high performance, accessing the fields.

36:53 Is that any quicker or is it like standard struct level quick?

36:57 Attribute access and settings should be the same as any other class.

37:00 Things that are faster are init.

37:02 Reper, not that that should matter.

37:04 If you're looking for a high performance reper, that's...

37:06 You're doing it wrong.

37:07 Seems like you're doing something wrong.

37:08 Equality checks, comparisons, so sorting, you know, less than, greater than.

37:12 I think that's it.

37:12 Everything else should be about the same.

37:14 So field ordering, you talked about like evolution over time.

37:17 Does it, does this matter?

37:19 Field ordering is mostly defining how, what happens if you do subclasses and stuff.

37:22 This whole section is, if you're not subclassing, shouldn't hopefully be relevant to you.

37:27 So we match how data class handles things for ordering.

37:30 Okay.

37:30 So I could have my user, but I could have a super user that derives from my user that derives

37:35 from struct and things will still hang together.

37:37 And so figuring out how all the fields order out through that subclassing is what this doc

37:41 is about.

37:41 Yeah.

37:42 Another type typing system thing you can do a lot is have explicitly claimed something

37:46 as a class variable.

37:47 You know, Python is weird about its classes and what makes a variable that's associated

37:53 with a class and or not.

37:55 Right.

37:56 So with these type of classes, you would say like class example colon, and then you have

37:59 x colon int.

38:00 Right.

38:01 And that appears, will appear on the static type, like example.x, but it also imbues each

38:06 object with its own copy of that x.

38:08 Right.

38:09 Which is like a little bit, is it a static thing or part of the type or is it not?

38:14 It's kind of funky.

38:14 But you also can say that explicitly from the typing, you say this is a class variable.

38:19 What happens then?

38:20 Right.

38:20 Like, so standard attributes exist on the instances where a class var exists on the class itself.

38:26 Class fars are accessible on an instance, but the actual data is stored on the class.

38:31 So you don't have an extra copy.

38:33 I see.

38:33 So if there's some kind of singleton type of thing or just one of them.

38:37 Yeah.

38:37 Yeah.

38:37 It has to do with how Python does attribute resolution where it'll check on the instance

38:43 and then on the type and also there's descriptors in there, you know, somewhere.

38:46 Interesting.

38:47 Okay.

38:47 Like other things, I suppose it's pretty straightforward that you take these types and you use them

38:53 to validate them.

38:53 But one of the big differences with msgspec.struct versus pydantic.base model and others is the

39:00 validation doesn't happen all the time.

39:02 It just happens on encode decode.

39:04 Right.

39:05 Like you could call the constructor and pass in bad data or like it just doesn't pay attention.

39:10 Right.

39:11 Yeah.

39:11 Why is it like that?

39:12 So this is one of the reasons I wrote my own thing rather than building off of something

39:17 existing like pydantic.

39:18 Side tangent here, just to add history context here.

39:21 Message spec was started about three years ago.

39:22 The JSON and it kind of fell into its full model about two years ago.

39:26 So this has existed for around two years.

39:27 Yeah.

39:28 We're pre the pydantic rewrite.

39:30 Anyway, the reason I wanted all of this was when you have your own code, where bugs can

39:36 come up.

39:36 Are bugs in your own code?

39:37 I've typed something wrong.

39:39 I've made a mistake and I want that to be checked.

39:41 Or it can be user data that's coming in.

39:43 Or, you know, maybe it's a distributed system and it's still my own code.

39:46 It's just a file or database.

39:47 Yeah.

39:47 Whatever.

39:48 Yeah.

39:48 We have many mechanisms of testing our own code.

39:51 You can write tests.

39:52 You have static analysis tools like mypy, pyright, or checking.

39:55 It's a lot easier for me to validate that a function I wrote is correct.

39:59 Got it.

39:59 There are other tools I believe that we should lean on rather than runtime validation in those

40:05 cases.

40:05 But when we're reading in external data, whether it's coming over the wire, coming from a file,

40:10 coming from user input in some way, we do need to validate because the user could have

40:13 passed us something that doesn't match our constraints.

40:17 As soon as you started trusting user input, you're in for a bad time.

40:20 We don't want to arbitrarily be trusting.

40:21 We do validate on JSON decoding.

40:24 We validate on message pack decoding.

40:25 We also have a couple of functions for doing in-memory conversions.

40:28 So there's msgspec convert, msgspec to built-ins for going the other way.

40:33 So that's for doing conversion of runtime data that you got from someone rather than a specific

40:37 format.

40:37 Yeah, because if you're calling this constructor and passing the wrong data, mypy should check

40:42 that.

40:42 PyCharm should check that.

40:44 Maybe Ruff would catch it.

40:46 I'm not sure.

40:46 But there's a bunch of tools.

40:48 Yeah, Ruff doesn't have a type checker yet.

40:49 TBD on that.

40:51 Yeah, OK.

40:52 Yeah, being able to check these statically, it means that we don't have to pay the cost

40:57 every time we're running, which I don't think we should.

40:59 That's extra runtime performance that we don't need to be spending.

41:02 Yeah, definitely.

41:03 Check it on the boundaries, right?

41:04 Check it where it comes into the system, and then it should be good.

41:07 The other reason I was against adding runtime validation to these structs is I want all types

41:11 to be on equal footing.

41:12 And so if I am creating a list, the list isn't going to be doing any validation because it's

41:17 the Python built-in.

41:18 Same with data classes, same with adders, types, whatever.

41:21 And so only doing a validation when you construct some object type that subclasses from a built-in

41:26 that I've defined, or a type I've defined, doesn't give parity across all types and might

41:31 give a user misconceptions about when something is validated and when they can be sure it's

41:35 correct first when it hasn't.

41:36 Yeah.

41:37 Have you seen bear type?

41:38 I have.

41:39 Yeah.

41:39 Bear type's a pretty interesting option.

41:41 If people really want runtime validation, they could go in and throw bear type onto their

41:46 system and let it do its thing.

41:48 Even if you're not doing it, you should read the docs just for the sheer joy that these

41:51 docs are.

41:52 Oh, they are pretty glorious.

41:53 Yeah, I'll do it.

41:54 It's kind of like burying the lead a little down here, but they described themselves as

41:58 bear type brings Rust and C++ inspired zero-cost abstractions into the lawless world of the

42:04 dynamically typed Python by enforcing type safety at the granular level of functions and methods

42:09 against type hints standardized by the Python community of O order one, non-amortized worst

42:14 case time with negligible constant factors.

42:17 Oh my gosh.

42:18 So much fun, right?

42:20 They're just joking around here, but it's a pretty cool library.

42:22 If you want runtime type checking, it's pretty fast.

42:25 Okay.

42:25 Interesting.

42:26 You talked about the pattern matching.

42:28 I'll come back to that.

42:29 One thing I want to talk about.

42:30 Well, okay.

42:31 Frozen.

42:31 Frozen instances.

42:32 This comes from data classes.

42:34 Without the instances being frozen, the structs are mutable.

42:37 Yeah, I can get one, change its value, serialize it back out, things like that.

42:42 Yep.

42:42 But frozen, I suppose, means what you would expect, right?

42:44 Yeah.

42:45 Frozen has the same meaning as a data class equivalent.

42:47 How deep does frozen go?

42:49 So for example, is it frozen all the way down?

42:51 So in the previous example from Itamar, it had the top level class and then other structs

42:57 that were nested in there.

42:58 If I say the top level is frozen, do the nested ones themselves become frozen?

43:02 No.

43:03 So frozen applies to the type.

43:05 So if you define a type as frozen, that means you can't change values that are set as attributes

43:10 on that type.

43:10 But you can still change things that are inside it.

43:13 So if a frozen class contains a list, you can still append stuff to the list.

43:16 There's no way to get around that except if we were to do some deep, deep, deep magic,

43:20 which we shouldn't.

43:21 It would definitely slow it down if you had to go through and recreate frozen lists every

43:25 time you saw a list and stuff like that.

43:27 Yeah.

43:27 Okay.

43:27 And then there's one about garbage collection in here.

43:30 Yeah.

43:31 Which is pretty interesting.

43:32 There we go.

43:33 Disabling garbage collection.

43:35 This is under the advanced category.

43:36 Warning box around this that tells you not to.

43:39 What could go wrong?

43:40 Come on.

43:40 Part of this was experimenting with the DAS distributed scheduler, which is a unique application,

43:46 I think, for people that are writing web stuff in that all of its data is kept in memory.

43:50 There's no backing database that's external.

43:52 And so it is as fast to respond as the bits of in-memory computation it needs to do before

43:58 it sends out a new task to a worker.

43:59 So in this case, their serialization performance matters.

44:03 But also, it's got a lot of in-memory state.

44:05 It's a dict of types of lots of chaining down.

44:09 The way the CPython garbage collector works is that these large dictionaries could add GC overhead.

44:15 Every time a GC thing happens, it has to scan the entire dictionary.

44:19 Any container thing could contain another.

44:20 And once you do that, there could be a cycle.

44:22 And then for very large graphs, GC pauses could become noticeable.

44:27 Yes.

44:27 This is an experiment and seeing ways around that.

44:29 Because we've done some deep magic with how structs work, we can disable GC for subclasses,

44:34 user-defined types, which CPython does not expose normally and really isn't something you

44:40 probably want to be doing in most cases.

44:42 But if you do, you get a couple benefits.

44:44 The types are smaller.

44:45 Every instance needs to include some extra state for tracking GC.

44:49 I believe on recent builds, it's 16 bytes.

44:52 So it's two pointers.

44:53 So that's, you know, you're saving 16 bytes print.

44:56 That's non-trivial.

44:56 Yeah.

44:57 If you got a huge list of them, that could be a lot.

44:59 Yeah.

44:59 And two, they don't, they're not traced.

45:02 And so if you have a lot of them, that's reducing reduction in tracing overhead every time

45:07 a GC pass happens.

45:08 GC puts more overhead on top of stuff than you would think.

45:12 So I did some crazy GC stuff over at Talk Python and training with my courses.

45:16 You go to slash sitemap.xml.

45:19 I don't know how many entries are in the sitemap, but there are 30,000 lines of sitemap.

45:24 Like many, many, many, many, many, many thousands of URLs up to come back with details.

45:29 Just to generate that page in one request with the default Python settings in Python 3.10,

45:35 I think it was, it was doing 77 garbage collections while generating this page.

45:40 That's not ideal.

45:43 I switched it to just change or tweak how frequently the GC runs.

45:46 So like every 70,000, no, every 50,000 allocations instead of every 700.

45:51 And the site runs 20% faster now and uses the same amount of memory, right?

45:55 And so this is not exactly what you're talking about here, but it's in the, it plays in the

46:00 same space as like, you can dramatically change the things that are triggering this and dramatically

46:05 change the performance potentially.

46:08 The caveat is you better not have cycles.

46:10 Yeah.

46:11 So the other thing with these is, as you pointed out, is the indicator of when a GC pass happens

46:16 has to do with how many GC aware types have been allocated.

46:19 Yep.

46:19 And so if your market type is not a GC type, then the counter is an increment.

46:22 You're not paying that cost.

46:23 Right.

46:24 You can allocate all the integers you want all day long.

46:26 It'll never affect the GC.

46:27 But if you start allocating classes, dictionaries, tuples, et cetera, that is like, well, those

46:31 could contain cycles.

46:32 You have 700 more than you've deallocated since last time.

46:35 I'm going to go check it.

46:36 One place this comes up is if you have, say, a really, really large JSON file.

46:41 Because any deserialization is an alien allocation heavy workload, which means that you can have

46:46 a GC pause happen, you know, several times during it because you've allocated, you know,

46:50 that many types.

46:51 Turning up GC for these types lets you avoid those GC pauses, which gives you actual runtime

46:56 benefits.

46:56 A different way of doing this that is less insane is to just disable GC during the decode.

47:01 Do a, you know, GC disable, JSON decode, GC enable, and you only do a GC pass once.

47:07 Especially because JSON as a tree-like structure can never create cycles.

47:10 You're not going to be having an issue there.

47:12 But you're probably allocating a lot of different things that are container types.

47:15 And so it looks to the GC like, oh, this is some really sketchy stuff.

47:20 We better get on the game here.

47:21 But you know, as you said, there's no cycles in JSON.

47:25 So there's a lot of scenarios like that, like database queries.

47:29 You know, I got a thousand records back from a table.

47:31 They're all some kind of container.

47:33 So minimum one GC happens just to read back that data.

47:36 But you know, there's no cycles.

47:38 So why is the GC happening?

47:39 You can kind of control that a little bit.

47:41 Or you just turn the number up to 50,000 like I did.

47:43 It still happens, but less.

47:46 A lot less.

47:46 Yeah.

47:47 So this is pretty interesting, though, that you just set GC equals false.

47:50 Where do you set this?

47:51 Is this like in the derived bit?

47:54 It's part of the class definition.

47:56 So we make use of class definition keyword arguments.

48:00 So it goes after the struct type in the subclass.

48:03 You do, you know, my class, open over at the C, struct, comma, GC equals false, close, comma,

48:08 colon, rest of the class.

48:10 Yeah, that's where I thought.

48:11 But it is a little funky.

48:12 Yeah.

48:13 I mean, it kind of highlights the meta class action going on there, right?

48:16 What else should people know about these structs?

48:18 They're fast and they can be used for not just serialization.

48:21 So if you are just writing a program and you happen to have msgspec on your system,

48:25 it should be faster to use them than data classes.

48:27 Whether that matters is, of course, application dependent.

48:30 But they're like generally a good idea.

48:32 They happen to live in this serialization library, but that's just because that's where I wrote

48:35 them.

48:36 Yeah, that's where they.

48:37 In a future world, we might split them out into a sub package.

48:39 Yeah.

48:40 Fast struck.

48:41 Pippin saw fast struck.

48:42 Who knows?

48:43 Yet to be named.

48:45 So better than data classes.

48:47 I mean, they have the capabilities of data classes.

48:48 So that's cool.

48:49 But better than straight up regular classes, like Bayer classes, you know, class colon name.

48:54 Are opinionated a little bit.

48:56 They're how I think people probably should be writing classes.

48:59 And they're opinionated in a bit.

49:00 That means that you can't write them in ways that I don't want you to.

49:03 So the way a struct works is you define attributes on it using type annotations.

49:07 And we generate a fast init method for you.

49:09 We don't let you write your own init.

49:11 In the subclass, you can't override init.

49:13 The generated one is the one you get.

49:15 That means that like if you're trying to create an instance from something that isn't those field

49:19 names, you can't do that.

49:21 You need to use a new class method for writing those.

49:23 I believe this is how people, at least on projects I work on, generally use classes.

49:27 So I think it's a fine limitation.

49:29 But it is putting some guardrails around how the arbitrariness of how you can define a Python

49:35 class.

49:35 You could have a, you know, a handwritten class that has two attributes, X and Y, and your

49:40 init takes, you know, parameters A and B.

49:43 Sure.

49:43 Or maybe it just takes X and it always defaults Y unless you go and change it after or whatever,

49:48 right?

49:48 I guess you could do sort of do that with default values, right?

49:51 But you couldn't prohibit it from being passed in.

49:53 I'm feeling some factory classes.

49:55 The adders docs have a whole, whole page telling people about why this pattern is, is better

50:01 and nudging them to do this.

50:02 So this isn't a new idea.

50:03 Yeah.

50:03 Go check out adders and see what they're saying as well.

50:06 There's probably a debate in the issues somewhere on GitHub.

50:08 There always is a debate.

50:10 Yeah.

50:10 Let's see.

50:10 Let's go get a bunch of stuff up here I want to talk about.

50:12 I guess really quickly, since there's a lot of like C native platform stuff, right?

50:17 This is available on, you know, pip install msgspec.

50:21 We're getting a wheel.

50:22 It seemed like it worked fine on my M2 MacBook Air.

50:26 Like what are the platforms that I get a wheel that don't have to worry about compiling?

50:30 So we use CI BuildWheel for building everything.

50:33 And I believe I've disabled some of the platforms.

50:36 The ones that are disabled are mostly disabled because CI takes time.

50:40 I need to minimize them.

50:42 But everything common should exist, including Raspberry Pi and various ARM builds.

50:46 Excellent.

50:47 Okay.

50:47 Yeah.

50:47 It seemed like it worked just fine.

50:49 I didn't really know that it was like doing a lot of native code stuff, but it seems like

50:53 it.

50:53 And also available on Conda, Conda Forge.

50:55 So that's cool.

50:56 If you Conda, you can also just Conda install it.

50:59 Kind of promised talking about the benchmarks a little bit, didn't I?

51:02 So benchmarks are always...

51:04 If you click on the graph on the bottom, it'll bring you to it.

51:06 Yeah.

51:06 They're always rife with like, that's not my benchmark.

51:10 I'm doing it different, you know?

51:11 But give us a sense of just...

51:13 It says fast, italicies leaning forward.

51:16 Give us a sense of like, where does this land?

51:18 Is it, you know, 20% faster or is it a lot better?

51:21 Yeah.

51:21 So as you said, benchmarks are a problem.

51:22 The top of this benchmark docs is a whole argument against believing them and telling you to run

51:27 your own.

51:27 So take a grain of salt.

51:29 I started benchmarking this mostly just to know how we stacked up.

51:33 It's important if you're making changes to know if you're getting slower.

51:35 It's also important to know what the actual trade-offs of your library are.

51:38 All software engineering is trade-offs.

51:40 So msgspec is generally fast.

51:43 The JSON parser in it is one of the fastest in Python or the fastest, depending on what

51:50 your message structure is and how you're invoking it.

51:52 It at least is on par with or JSON, which is generally what people consider to be the fast

51:56 parser.

51:57 Right.

51:57 That's where they go when they want fast.

51:59 Yeah.

51:59 Yes.

51:59 If you are specifying types, so if you, you know, add in a type annotation to a JSON decode

52:05 call with message spec, even if you're decoding the whole message, you're not doing

52:08 a subset.

52:08 We're about 2x faster than our JSON.

52:10 You actually get a speed up by defining your types because struct types are so efficient

52:15 to allocate versus a deck.

52:17 That's kind of the opposite of what you might expect, right?

52:19 It seems like we're doing more work, but we're actually able to do less because we can

52:23 take some more, you know, efficient fast paths.

52:25 And then a thousand objects with validation compared to.

52:29 Yeah.

52:29 Mesher, Murrow, Seatters, Pydantic, and so on.

52:34 Probably the last one.

52:34 This was a grab bag of various validation libraries that seemed popular.

52:38 Mashemar is the one that DBT uses.

52:40 I think they're the primary consumer of that.

52:42 Catters is for adders.

52:43 Pydantic is, you know, ubiquitous.

52:45 This right here in this benchmark graph we're looking at is against Pydantic V1.

52:50 I have not had a chance to update our benchmarks to go against V2.

52:54 There's a separate gist somewhere that has got some numbers there.

52:57 Standard number they throw out is like 22 times faster.

53:00 So it still puts you multiples faster.

53:02 In that benchmark, we're averaging 10 to 20x faster than Pydantic V2.

53:06 In numbers I run against V1, we're about 80 to 150x faster.

53:11 So it really is structure dependent.

53:13 Yeah, sure.

53:14 Do you have one field or do you have a whole bunch of stuff?

53:17 Yeah, exactly.

53:17 And what types of fields?

53:19 To be getting more into the weeds here, JSON parsing is not easy.

53:24 Message pack parsing is like the format was designed for computers to handle it.

53:27 It's, you know.

53:28 Seven bytes in there is an integer here.

53:30 Yeah, okay.

53:31 Where JSON is human readable and parsing strings into stuff is slow.

53:35 Right.

53:35 The flexibility equals slowness, yeah.

53:37 Our string parsing routines in msgspec are faster than the ones used by orJSON.

53:43 Our integer parsing routines are slower.

53:46 But there's a different trade-off there.

53:47 Interesting.

53:48 Okay.

53:48 Yeah, I think this is, it just seems so neat.

53:50 There's so much flexibility, right, with all the different formats.

53:53 And the restrictions on the class, they exist, but they're unstruck.

53:56 But they're not insane, right?

53:58 I mean, you build proper OOP type of things.

54:02 You don't need super crazy hierarchies.

54:04 Like, that's where you get in trouble with that stuff anyway.

54:06 So don't do it.

54:07 I guess we don't have much time left.

54:09 One thing I think we could talk about a bit maybe would be, I find it, the extensions.

54:13 Just maybe talk about parsing stuff that is kind of unknown.

54:16 This is pretty interesting.

54:17 So the way we allow extension currently, there's an intention to change this and expand it.

54:23 But currently, extending adding new types is done via a number of different hooks.

54:28 They're called when a new type is encountered.

54:30 So custom user defined type of some form.

54:32 I liked doing this rather than adding it into the annotation because if I have a new type, I want it to exist probably everywhere.

54:38 And I don't want to have to keep adding in and use the serializer and deserializer as part of the type annotations.

54:45 So to define a new type that you want to encode, you can add an encode hook, which takes in the instance and returns something that msgspec knows how to handle.

54:54 This is similar to, you know, if you're coming from standard library JSON, there's a default callback.

54:59 It's the same.

54:59 We renamed it to be a little better name in my mind, but it's the same thing.

55:02 Right.

55:03 So your example here is taking a complex number, but storing it as a tuple of real and imaginary numbers, but then pulling it back into a proper complex number object.

55:12 Super straightforward.

55:13 Yeah.

55:13 But makes it possible.

55:14 Yeah.

55:15 Yeah.

55:15 That's really cool.

55:16 So people can apply this.

55:17 And this, I guess, didn't really matter on the output destination, does it?

55:21 Your job here is to take a type that's not serializable to one that is, and then whether that goes to a message pack or JSON or whatever is kind of not your problem.

55:31 Yeah.

55:31 And then the decode hook is the inverse.

55:32 You get a bunch of stuff that is, you know, core types, ints, strings, whatever, and you compose them up into your new custom type.

55:39 Jim, I think we're getting about out of time here.

55:41 But I just want to point out, like, if people hit the user guide, there's a lot of cool stuff here.

55:44 And there's a whole performance tips section that people can check out.

55:50 You know, if we had more time, maybe we'd go into them.

55:52 But, like, for example, you can call msgspec dot JSON dot encode, or you can create an encoder and say the type and stuff and then reuse that.

55:59 Right.

55:59 Those kinds of things.

56:01 Yeah.

56:01 There's another method that is, again, a terrible internal hack for reusing buffers.

56:07 So you don't have to keep allocating byte buffers every message.

56:09 You can allocate a byte array once and use it for everything.

56:12 Save some memory.

56:13 Let me ask, Ellie's got a question.

56:14 I'm going to read some words that don't mean anything to me, but they've made to you.

56:17 How does the performance of message pack plus msgspec with the array-like equals true optimization compared to flat buffers?

56:25 So by default, objects, so struct types, data classes, whatever, encode as objects in the stream.

56:31 So a JSON object has keys and values, right?

56:34 If you have a point with fields X and Y, it's got X and Y, you know, one, two.

56:39 We have an array-like optimization, which lets you drop the field names.

56:42 And so that would instead include as an array of, you know, one comma two, dropping the X and Y.

56:47 Reduces the message size on the wire.

56:48 If the other side knows what the structure is, it can, you know, pull that back up into a type.

56:53 In terms of message pack as a format, plus with the array-like optimization, the output size should be approximately the same as you would expect it to come out of flat buffers.

57:03 The Python flat buffers library is not efficient for creating objects from the binary.

57:09 So it's going to be a lot faster to pull it in.

57:11 Obviously, this is then a very custom format.

57:13 You're doing a weird thing.

57:15 And so compatibility with other ecosystems will be slower.

57:18 Or it's not slower necessarily, but you'll have to write them yourself.

57:21 Yeah.

57:21 Not everything knows how to read the message pack.

57:23 More brittle, potentially.

57:24 Yeah.

57:25 Yes.

57:25 Yeah.

57:25 But for Python, talking to Python, that's probably the fastest way to go between processes.

57:29 And probably a lot faster than JSON or YAML or something like that.

57:33 Okay.

57:33 Excellent.

57:34 I guess, you know, there's many more things to discuss, but we're going to leave it here.

57:38 Thanks for being on the show.

57:39 Final call to action.

57:40 People want to get started with message pack.

57:43 Are you accepting PRs if they want to contribute?

57:45 What do you tell them?

57:47 First, I encourage people to try it out.

57:48 I'm available, you know, to answer questions on GitHub and stuff.

57:51 It is obviously a hobby project.

57:53 So, you know, if the usage bandwidth increases significantly, we'll have to get some more

57:58 maintainers on and hopefully we can make this more maintainable over time.

58:01 But once the sponsor funds exceed $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 a month, like you'll reevaluate

58:06 your...

58:07 No, just kidding.

58:07 Sure.

58:08 Sure.

58:08 But yeah, please try it out.

58:10 Things work, should be hopefully faster than what you're currently using and hopefully intuitive

58:15 to use.

58:15 We've done a lot of work to make sure the API is friendly.

58:17 Yeah.

58:17 It looks pretty easy to get started with.

58:19 The docs are really good.

58:20 No, thank you.

58:21 Congrats on the cool project.

58:22 Thanks for taking the time to come on the show and tell everyone about it.

58:25 Thanks.

58:25 Yeah.

58:26 See you later.

58:26 Bye.

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59:43 Thanks so much for listening.

59:45 I really appreciate it.

59:46 Now get out there and write some Python code.

59:48 Thank you.

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