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#472: State of Flask and Pallets in 2024 Transcript

Recorded on Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024.

00:00 Flask is one of the most important Python web frameworks and it powers a bunch of the internet.

00:04 David Lord, Flask's lead maintainer, is here to give us an update on the state of Flask and

00:09 palettes in 2024. If you care about Flask and where it is and where it's going, you'll definitely

00:14 want to listen in. This is Talk Python to Me, episode 472, recorded July 9th, 2024.

00:21 Are you ready for your host, Darius? You're listening to Michael Kennedy on Talk Python to Me.

00:28 Live from Portland, Oregon, and this segment was made with Python.

00:31 Welcome to Talk Python to Me, a weekly podcast on Python. This is your host, Michael Kennedy.

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01:21 Yeah, that's right. Check them out at talkpython.fm/courses. Before we jump into the

01:26 interview, I want to let you know that we still have some spots left in my Code in a Castle event.

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02:03 michael@talkpython.fm, or find me on the socials, and I'm happy to talk about it.

02:07 I hope to see you there. David, welcome back to Talk Python To Me. Great to have you here.

02:11 Yeah, hello.

02:12 Going to be super fun to talk about Flask and more broadly, Palettes, just all the different

02:19 projects around Flask and tools and variations like Court and so on. You give a really nice talk

02:26 at Embedded FlaskCon, talk a bit about that in a second, about the state of Palettes. I thought,

02:32 "You know what? Let's just take that idea and share it with everyone." Looking forward to

02:36 talking about that.

02:37 Yeah, there's been a lot going on.

02:39 I bet there has. I bet there has. I can't remember exactly when you were on. I think it's about 100

02:46 episodes ago, which puts that at a couple of years. What have you been up to the last couple of years?

02:50 Just more Flask. It's all Flask all the time.

02:53 Seems like such a simple API, but you can work on it forever, right?

02:57 I've acquired a few more libraries, so I've written more libraries and stuff as well.

03:01 But still same job. Well, I guess I got a house. I got married.

03:05 Okay. Congratulations, two times. That's awesome.

03:09 So a little bit of life changes.

03:11 Life keeps marching on. It's amazing. Flask is certainly one of the most popular web frameworks.

03:17 I guess we could start with giving people a sense of the popularity, but my thought is just like,

03:23 "Wow, the pressure of working on something that affects so many folks." Have you pushed out a

03:30 change?

03:30 Yeah. I've had a weird thought before that I try not to think about the numbers too often,

03:37 because it's like 100 million or more if you add up all the different libraries and stuff a month.

03:41 I've had a thought before, if I push out something that doesn't work for enough people,

03:47 that probably has some very minor but noticeable effect on the tech sector for that day or hour,

03:57 which is scary.

03:59 Yeah. It's not quite an AWS US-1 East downtime, but it's also not that.

04:07 Yeah. I think definitely since I've started, a lot more people have become aware of better

04:15 practices around pinning their dependencies, that sort of thing. In part because we did make some

04:22 deprecations and then breaking changes in Flask and the other libraries, and people came to our

04:28 issue tracker saying, "Oh, you broke something." And ultimately, I had to tell them, "You need to

04:34 be using a tool. There's quite a few tools out now, although we don't have a lock file standard

04:38 yet, but there's pip compile, there's PDM, there's Rye. You need to use a tool and pin your

04:44 dependency tree, because then you can see when there's updates, and you can update them deliberately

04:50 and test and adapt to those changes." I was giving that message a lot in the beginning, and over the

04:58 past five years or so, I've definitely had to post it less often. I feel like more people are

05:03 like aware of those tools and practices now. I would also add that the tooling has gotten a lot

05:10 better at that. It used to be, "Okay, so what you're going to do is you're going to write a

05:16 requirements.txt file, and then you set your versions explicitly." And that, for many people,

05:21 only addressed the primary dependencies, not the transitive dependency. They might pin Flask,

05:27 but did they pin Werkzeug? I don't know. They may have, probably they didn't, unless they use pip

05:32 freeze, but then you gather a bunch of garbage that isn't actually about your project that got

05:37 sucked in from some other thing. It was really sort of funky before. I don't know, you mentioned

05:44 pip tools and pip compile. I am loving that workflow these days.

05:48 Yeah, that's what I've switched all the projects themselves to. If you go look at Flask or Werkzeug

05:53 or any of those, we have a requirements folder with different environment files that say, "Here

05:59 are our direct dependencies," and then we compile those into fully locked dependencies. All our

06:04 tests run off of those. Our build and publish workflow runs off of those. It's not quite the

06:10 same because those are our development dependencies instead of our runtime dependencies, but it's still

06:15 really helpful just to know that if we don't do anything, our process will continue to work

06:20 because it worked last time. If we have contributors at sprints, now it's much easier.

06:28 I had a problem the first few sprints I was running where every developer would try to set

06:32 up their own machine and get different versions of things or have different versions.

06:36 Point in time snapshots, just whenever they got started, right?

06:39 Yeah, so now they all install the exact same list of dependencies, so everybody's development environment looks exactly the same, which is a lot more usable.

06:47 Yeah, that's excellent. I have the same workflow. I have a top level dependencies that I actually

06:51 would consider my dependencies, and then I pip compile, and then unpin, and I pip compile those

06:56 to a pin dependencies, and I just do the upgrade when I feel like, "Oh, let's go get some new

07:02 dependencies and see how that goes." Yeah, yeah, very nice. Okay, well, let's start with FlaskCon.

07:06 I called it an embedded conference, and this is different than it has been before. I think FlaskCon

07:12 at one point was a purely online one, or maybe that was just COVID, and we just didn't have

07:16 the timing or memory. Yeah, so it was timing, really. Years ago, right before COVID started,

07:25 or quarantine started, I had been working myself up to do an in-person conference. It's something

07:32 I've wanted to do for a while because I love attending conferences. I love the community

07:37 around it. DjangoCon happened in San Diego a few times, and that was really fun. I just crashed it.

07:42 It's the Flask person, the San Diego Flask person. I was getting ready to do that, and then

07:50 COVID happened, but some other members of the community, the Palettes team, stepped up and said,

07:56 "Hey, we can do an online one." Running a conference, even online, is very hard. There's

08:01 a lot of stuff to keep track of. Oh, yeah. We ran three online conferences, I think 2020, 2021,

08:09 and 2023. I think we skipped one, but those are all on pyvideo.org if you want to find them.

08:15 Now FlaskCon 2024 is there also. I finally got the opportunity with PyCon. They previously had

08:23 this hatchery program where you could propose, "I want to do this event," and the hatchery program

08:29 will say, "That sounds great. We'll handle the venue, the food, the insurance, the legal stuff.

08:38 You get one of our rooms, and you can do whatever you want in it or whatever you propose in it."

08:42 Last year at PyCon, I talked to some of the organizers, and they suggested, "Hey,

08:49 the hatchery is coming back. This would be a great way to do it so that you don't have to

08:53 learn everything at once. You can practice." We managed to do some advertising. It's hard to

09:00 advertise new conferences in general, and then especially now that a lot of the Python community

09:08 is not on Twitter anymore, I'm not, and even if they were, everything is fragmented more.

09:14 So it was hard to get the reach and get enough CFP proposals, but we did get a few and ended up

09:21 accepting two people from the community that gave just wonderful talks.

09:25 I saw one on doing PWAs. What was the other one on?

09:30 Was it progressive monomers? No, there was one on-

09:34 Single page, sorry.

09:36 And there was one on observability, and then PWAs or single page apps, and the extension

09:44 ecosystem and the idea around defining Flask plugins. Then there was my talk, which was just

09:49 the subject of this podcast.

09:52 Welcome, people.

09:53 So will it maybe be at PyCon next year, or are you going to branch out?

10:01 I don't know yet. I think they would accept me back, but I wouldn't want to... I kind of

10:06 view the hat tree... I don't know if this is true, but I kind of view the hat tree as like,

10:09 "We're going to help you get started, but not keep coming back for the same thing."

10:12 But I don't want to take it...

10:14 Right, right, right. I'm a 10-year rookie. You're not a rookie anymore. Get out here with the...

10:18 I would still love to run a conference, somewhat selfishly, so that I can run one in San Diego or

10:27 on the West Coast at least.

10:28 That's what I was going to say. How about San Diego? Then we can all come down there and stay

10:32 by the beach.

10:33 Yeah, I mentioned DjangoCon before, but they stayed in San Diego for three years straight

10:37 at this little hotel that was really nice, had a pool. People just kind of congregated,

10:43 and it was like a 15-minute drive for me. So yeah, next year at PyCon, I might not be there.

10:49 We're expecting our daughter to be born in January next year.

10:54 Congratulations. And that might take precedence over PyCon?

10:57 I'm going to have a lot less time in general, which will come up in other things we're going

11:01 to talk about. But yeah, I probably, for the first time since 2016 or 2015, I will not go to PyCon,

11:08 probably. But there was a conference, right? This was the last conference I went to before

11:14 quarantine. Two weeks before quarantine hit, I went up to Los Angeles for PyBeach, which was this

11:19 very, very small first-time conference. I just love those little ones. And I met the organizer

11:28 Nick Kentar at North Bay Python a few times now, and I've told him, "We should try to bring that

11:33 back." I think there's a few other people who are interested as well. It doesn't have to be FlaskCon

11:38 specifically, but if I could run some sort of local conference and I could do some Flask stuff

11:42 or attract some Flask stuff. Well, I'm pretty excited that PyCon is going to be in Long Beach

11:48 year after next. Yeah, two years from now, that'll be really nice as well.

11:52 So that'll be really nice. But maybe you can drum up a bunch of interests and connect with

11:57 a lot of people who are conference goers of that place, but encourage them to sign up for a list

12:02 and get notified about whatever this other thing is. Because it'll be in the same basic neighborhood.

12:06 Yeah. So Jazzy out in the audience asked, "Can we attend FlaskCon online?"

12:13 This year, or this in-person one in 2024, we weren't able to do that. But all the talks are

12:20 available now on our YouTube channel. If you just search FlaskCon 2024, you'll find it. Or

12:27 pyvideo.org has all of them listed. The first three we ran were purely online. So you could

12:33 watch them streaming. This year, we just didn't have the infrastructure for it. So we couldn't

12:37 really manage to do a live stream and the recordings at the same time. I was lucky enough

12:42 to get Elaine Wong's help doing the recordings. And she brought all her cool specialized equipment.

12:48 So we were able to get the recordings up really fast, at least.

12:50 Yeah, that's really good. Are the ones for PyCon even up yet? I don't think they are.

12:54 Not that I'm aware of.

12:55 Maybe they're going really slowly. But yeah, it was really nice. We just recorded this hard drive

12:59 and she was like, "Oh, you guys timed all your starts and stops really well." So all I have to

13:05 do is do these simple cuts and it's all up. Just trim the edges and upload. Perfect.

13:10 Yeah.

13:10 Yeah. That's really cool. So yeah, I'll link to the playlist of FlaskCon 2024 for folks in the

13:16 show notes. They can check that out. Awesome. Well, we'll see what 2025 brings. Hopefully,

13:21 some more good conference. So let's-

13:23 Yeah, we might have other team members besides me attending PyCon as well. So we'll see what

13:30 happens.

13:30 Sure.

13:31 If nothing else, I usually just run out of space or something. So there's always something going on.

13:35 Yeah, for sure. Now, I want to talk about the state of palettes in 2024. But surely there are

13:42 quite a few people out there who listen who are really new to Python and programming. You'd be

13:47 surprised. A lot of people say they use it like this podcast, like language immersion. Like you

13:51 want to learn Portuguese, you move to Brazil, you want to learn Python, you just put it on your

13:56 earbuds and listen until it makes sense. So especially for those folks, what is palettes?

13:59 Palettes is an open source organization. So we're not a company, but we do have a team of

14:07 volunteer open source maintainers who volunteer their free time to work on Flask and the libraries

14:13 that make up Flask.

14:14 This portion of Talk Python to Me is brought to you by Sentry. Code breaks, it's a fact of life.

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16:11 That was kind of its purpose when it was created was, hey, Flask has these set of libraries,

16:17 Armin, the original author of them, was not as involved in them anymore. And like the community,

16:23 he wanted the community to be more involved in them. So he created this organization. This was

16:26 right around when I was becoming maintainer, too, eight years ago. And so it's kind of the

16:31 organization that holds those projects and like the team that kind of maintains and sets policies

16:39 and that sort of thing. So Flask is like the most popular library that everybody heard of,

16:45 followed by Jinja and Click. But then we also have WerkZeug, which is the lower level stuff

16:50 below Flask, and then MarkupSafe and It's Dangerous are two little helper libraries

16:54 for those things. And then now we've also got Quart, which is the async version of Flask.

17:01 That's an official Palettes project now, even though it started as just kind of a separate

17:06 thing made by Flask. Yeah, it was an outside thing that Philip Jones worked on, and now it's coming closer and closer to being official.

17:14 Yeah. And like we're doing a lot of work on that to kind of try to unify Flask and Quart as much

17:22 as possible. So behind the scenes, they're sharing a lot more code now. Quart, like Werkzeug,

17:28 is all like the low level request response handling for the Flask users. And Quart wasn't

17:33 using that at first because it needed like much more async things. But we've managed to

17:38 develop a lot more things called, the term is called SyncIO, like without input/output,

17:44 where we have all like the behavior that's common to both. It doesn't require asyncIO versus

17:50 sync processes shared between Quart and Flask. And eventually we're slowly moving in that

17:56 direction. The idea is that at some point you will not pip install Quart or import Quart anymore.

18:03 You'll just pip install Flask and then do like from Flask import Quart instead.

18:07 Oh, interesting.

18:09 Library as well. Once we get to like a point that we're really comfortable with.

18:12 See, you're shipping one thing.

18:14 Yeah.

18:15 Will you be able to use the same app? You want to say @appget or will that be a...

18:19 Yeah. That's the one thing.

18:22 App F equals Flask and app Q equals Quart?

18:25 Yeah. You'll still have one single app, but you're going to have to pick ahead of time.

18:30 We've tried to think of ways around this, but just the way that Flask is constructed

18:36 means that so much of it is customizable by extensions. And those hook APIs that extensions

18:44 can customize, all the extensions out there expect that they're sync, they're def whatever,

18:48 not async def. And maybe we'll figure out something, but so far we can't figure out a way

18:55 to unify that into a single object. So you're going to have to still pick, I want to be async

19:01 first or sync first. And...

19:03 Yeah.

19:04 Yeah. But at least it'll be in one place. You're not going to have to decide,

19:08 "Oh, I need to know about Quart." You can just look at the Flask docs and see, "Oh,

19:12 I'm going to be doing mostly web requests or video processing or something that's I/O

19:17 intensive. I should pick Quart or I'm just doing the basic API that everybody makes for their

19:24 data science project. I just need Flask." Hopefully it makes it a little easier.

19:27 Yeah. Yeah. Really interesting. Question out in the audience. It sounds like it'll work both

19:33 WWSGI, WSGI and ASGI. Any future where it just goes all async? Not likely in the short term,

19:42 it sounds like, right?

19:43 Yeah. Flask will always be WSGI because it's so tied to how sync processes work. ASGI has

19:53 an ability to... And so if you use Hypercorn, which is a popular ASGI server, which is also

19:59 by Phil from Quart, you can run a WSGI application as an ASGI application. You don't necessarily get

20:08 all the benefits of ASGI, but you can at least run it with that. And in a similar vein, if you're

20:14 using Quart, you can write both sync and async things and they all just work together. And with

20:20 Flask, you can write async stuff in Flask right now. You just don't get the benefits of ASGI's

20:26 connection pooling. So you're still doing one worker per request response, but you can in that

20:32 worker kick off async code.

20:35 Right. Okay.

20:35 Interesting. Yeah. I've done stuff for like a FastAPI. I've written a decorator that it decorates

20:42 both sync and async methods. And it's pretty tricky. There's just basically...

20:47 Yeah.

20:48 It has two wrappers. It goes, "All right. Well, which are you? We're going to actually apply

20:52 that one too." It's tricky to juggle. And then all the plugins, it's got to be a gnarly combination.

20:58 Yeah. Basically, we're just taking it in baby steps and we're hoping as we keep unifying their

21:05 shared code more and more, we can start discovering good patterns for writing an extension that works

21:12 in both, for example, and documenting those and maybe helping some extensions that are popular

21:18 update to that.

21:19 Yeah.

21:20 So it's a slow process, but it's surmountable.

21:23 Yeah. Maybe you get to a point where they're close enough. You're like, "Oh, now it's really

21:27 obvious how these things unify. At the beginning, it wasn't right." Okay. So what's the state?

21:33 How are things?

21:34 What's the state?

21:35 Maybe you start with the big boy flask. And inbox zero is one of the biggest takeaways I've heard.

21:41 Inbox zero. That was... It was actually... That wasn't 2024. That was a 2021 or 22, I think.

21:46 Still look at that.

21:48 Look at that.

21:48 Yeah. We don't have true zero most of the time, although I do get down to it every now and then.

21:53 But I did hit inbox zero. So when I first started maintaining all these libraries,

21:59 I think combined, there was probably over a thousand open issues and PRs.

22:03 And that's a nightmare if you know all the code. If you were the author, but I was not the author

22:10 of this code. So I was both unfamiliar with the internals of all these libraries and had to keep

22:16 track of all these issues. So I was learning libraries, learning how to be a maintainer,

22:20 and trying to keep track of all these requests going back and forth and computing PRs and all

22:25 that sort of stuff. So early on, it was a goal I identified of, "I just need to make this manageable."

22:31 And once I got there, it's become a lot easier. Once you're at inbox zero,

22:35 it's a lot easier to keep it hovering around there.

22:37 It is. I'm really feeling... I'm feeling rough about my true inbox. I'm looking at five or

22:42 six persistent emails. I really got to get back to you, but it's a whole different deal than if

22:46 it's 10,000. Did you declare any sort of bankruptcy equivalent of inbox bank, where you just go like,

22:52 "Archive a good... If it's two years or older, I'm just going to archive it and it'll come back

22:56 if it matters." Or did you literally go through every one and deal with it?

23:00 I did go through every one individually. I didn't just blanket say, "Everything older than two years

23:05 is closed." But I did treat things as... I don't like stale bots. So we don't run a stale bot.

23:13 Yeah, I don't like those either.

23:15 Yeah.

23:15 I don't object to things being closed as the resolution versus fixed, but I want somebody to

23:24 be making that decision and put a reason behind it. So yeah, I tried going through every single

23:32 issue. Basically, my workflow is just every single day, pick an issue, work on it. Pick another one,

23:38 okay, spend a couple hours, wait until the next day. And yeah, just had to keep making calls on

23:44 them.

23:44 Yeah. You're like, "All right, two come in a day. I'm going to do 20 a day until

23:48 I catch up." Or something like that, right?

23:50 There was a lot of stuff also where it had just been sitting open for years and nobody had

23:57 really commented on it besides... Or maybe the most people had commented on it was saying, "Me

24:03 too." But they hadn't actually moved the discussion forward. And it would be nice if open source,

24:11 if more people contribute. I don't blame anybody for not contributing or being a contributor,

24:16 but I would love to attract more long-term contributors and stuff. But that's the way

24:20 it starts is you need to help people make calls on stuff, evaluate things, right?

24:25 So instead of saying, "Me too," start looking into it and saying, "Okay, me too. And okay,

24:30 here's all the issues that might come up when we do this." Or, "I looked at the code base and

24:34 we could do it this way." Right, exactly.

24:36 People weren't doing that.

24:37 I also want it, but I want it and I think here's a path forward or here's a prototype.

24:41 Yeah. They have to advance the conversation. And that wasn't happening in a lot of the old

24:47 issues. So I did kind of... I didn't outright just close old issues, but I did say, "Okay,

24:52 this thing is old and it hasn't seen any movement." There's a lot of things also where it's like,

24:56 yeah, it's a reasonable request, but is it necessary for Flask? Does it belong in Flask

25:03 or in extension? This is something I'm trying to figure out. I want to be writing documentation

25:09 for other maintainers on the team so they understand how I did this sort of stuff.

25:14 This is the trickiest problem. I don't know how I'm going to document yet, but I got a sense over

25:20 time of just being able to really quickly make a call of yes or no on things. I can look at an

25:25 issue and say, "Okay, no, this doesn't belong in for X, Y, Z or something." Because Flask,

25:33 like all the libraries in Palettes have very focused core goal of them. And they try to be

25:39 extensible to some degree. So a lot of the things you can do by picking extension. So really what I

25:44 try to look for is I need this thing in Flask because it is literally not possible to write

25:49 an extension to do this without being able to hook into it this way or something like that.

25:52 Oh, that makes sense. Sure. Part of the Zen of Flask is that it's minimal. And then you build

25:58 around it. You pick your database, you pick your whatever, and then go from there. Yeah.

26:03 Yeah. Cool. All right. Well, three open issues is incredible. As in 67,000 stars,

26:10 that's also pretty incredible. Let's see. So you joined each one of these different ones. You

26:14 gave a sense of how many downloads. So for Flask, maybe these numbers change, but I think it hasn't

26:19 been but a couple of months. It's around 75 million downloads a month. That's a hefty chunk of user

26:25 base there. Yeah. I occasionally look at pypistats.org or pypi.tech are the two websites that

26:33 track these numbers. So I can look at the current one. Flask is downloads in the last day, 3.15

26:43 million downloads in the last month, 66 million. OK. It's not what people are telling. Yeah. Look

26:49 at that. Look at that. Yeah. Yeah. And there's like sometimes there's like random. You can see

26:55 in this graph here, like there's just random times where it just suddenly drops by like a

27:00 couple of hundred thousand or right or rises. Yeah. Like if you look at the left half of this

27:05 graph, it's higher. But like I think that's just because like big services like come in and out

27:10 of existence or like do an upgrade or whatever. So there are some very big systems out there that

27:17 are just downloading, doing a ton of downloads. Yeah, it's pretty wild. You'll probably also spot

27:23 some PyPI outages. Well, I imagine that got nothing to do. And like they also change the

27:29 way they report over time, like pip and stuff change how they report statistics. So I usually

27:36 just look at like the overall numbers. Pretty consistent. Yeah. Try not to look at it too

27:41 often. Like I said at the beginning, like it's a it's a big number to know that like this many

27:45 people are about to download any change you make. Yeah. And when I think about these kinds of

27:50 numbers, it's not just if you make a change to Flask, then it affects this many people. But

27:56 these are themselves applications using this, each of which has many, many, many users potentially.

28:02 So there's a multiplier on top of this, right? Yeah. And yeah, that's been that's been

28:07 difficult. That's one of the other state of Flask. That's the other half of the state of Flask. It's

28:12 like we've been making a lot of progress, but like this amount of responsibility rests pretty heavily

28:19 on it. It's like it can be pretty stressful. And you did mention a baby and being potentially tired

28:24 in the future and stuff like that as well. Yeah, absolutely. But like combined, you know,

28:29 these numbers combined with the thought that anything I do could break a bunch of people and

28:34 get them to complain at me or people will complain to me even if I don't break a ton of people. And

28:39 just kind of like the ever present notion of we are not at inbox zero on some of the projects

28:44 and stuff. So there is still a lot of open stuff. It's. Yeah, it's a lot of stress for me. And it's

28:49 been I've like suffered burnout a few times from her year for the last four years or so.

28:55 Oh, man, that's rough. Are you getting some support from the other people at the org and

28:59 potentially from the outside? Yeah, I there is there are other people on the team. So it's not

29:04 like we're a bus factor of one in the sense of like if I was not here for some reason,

29:09 other people would have access to these things and could keep them going. But the reality is

29:15 not to downplay all the work that they do in the community and when they are working on code.

29:21 But like I do probably 90 percent of the code and like the decision making and all that sort of

29:27 stuff. So it would definitely be a very different project if I wasn't around. It would at minimum

29:32 be a scramble. Right. Like when Guido stepped down, like, wait a minute. Yeah. What now? Yeah.

29:39 So like I so this is what I've been like trying to work for a long time because I've kind of

29:44 always recognized that I've been kind of the not limiting factor, but like I'm like the point of

29:51 failure in this thing. And so I've been trying to grow the team and trying to make our processes

29:57 more automated, you know, try. And then now what I'm trying to do is because I know I have this

30:04 hard deadline in January when I'm going to have less time is I'm trying to document how to do

30:10 what I've learned to do, like how to be a maintainer is something we don't really have a

30:14 lot of. It feels like is we have we have a contributing guide, right? Or we have user

30:20 documentation or a developer guide, like how to use Flask, but we don't have a how to maintain

30:25 Flask documentation. Yeah. It's kind of missing from the community in general. Yeah. I presume

30:31 that'd be out in public. People interested could check it out whenever that gets written. Oh,

30:35 yeah. It's not like a private it's not going to be a private thing, but yeah, of course it's not.

30:39 It's not ready yet, but it's something I'm actively working on this, like identifying,

30:43 like all the stuff I've accumulated in my head and what I've learned how to do or decisions I've

30:50 made or like services we use, like just the fact that, oh, you know, we're part of the PSF.

30:55 This is how you contact the PSF. Yeah. It's not written down. Yeah, exactly. Or like that we're

31:02 part of Tidelift and, you know, these other donation sources. Yeah. Also, like stuff like

31:09 how do I make a decision on whether to keep something closed or open or when is it time to

31:15 make a new release or what is our version policy or our support policy or our security policy? Like

31:21 a lot of these things are under documented right now if they're documented at all. And so that's

31:26 kind of my goal for the rest of this year is to like make palettes more sustainable, regardless of

31:32 how much availability I have. Maybe a little more systematized, maybe a little bit. Yeah. So before

31:39 we move off of PyPI stats, Gusra has an interesting meta question. Is PyPI stats built on Flask

31:45 itself? Do you have any idea? I have no idea. I know they're open source. Oh yeah. Okay. So maybe

31:52 you could tell. I was going to say there's not like a header or something that Flask sends. So

31:56 yeah. I can't find it. Yeah. We don't know. It is open source. Oh, here we go. Here we go.

32:02 Have we got a requirement? We've got a project.toml. Oh yeah. It's Flask.

32:08 There you have it. I love that. There we go. Beautiful. It's very rewarding every time I find

32:14 out a new place that like just decided to use Flask and has been using it and it's just completely

32:19 behind the scenes and you can't tell like nothing's like it's all just working. Yeah. But I love going

32:24 to like conferences for that reason too. Cause so many people come up to me and like say like,

32:28 oh yeah, we use Flask to like run the Mars Rover or somebody, one of the people giving a talk

32:38 at FlaskCon was like, my company writes the like energy management software for this conference

32:46 center and it's in Flask. It's very fun to learn all those new uses. Have you ever gotten onto the

32:53 JPL? I know it's like a blower's drive. That'd be fun, right? To go out there and actually see the

32:58 Flask. I would see it. This is what runs in the Rover and the helicopter. Awesome. All right. So

33:03 that's Flask. What one do you want to talk about next? Next on my tab list, I got Jinja,

33:08 we can go wherever you want. So maybe that a good foundation? Yeah, we did like Flask and

33:12 Werkzeug are pretty tied because most of the stuff that people report to Flask is actually

33:18 an issue with one of the other libraries that Flask is using. And most often that's with Werkzeug.

33:24 So you can see we're not at inbox zero, we're at inbox nine right now. That's incredible. You know,

33:28 maybe like I asked you to explain palettes like Werkzeug, you know, that's probably not how

33:33 English speaking folks would say that. Werkzeug or Werkzug or something. Right. But Armen,

33:38 I don't know if you're the creator of this, is German or Austrian but speaks German. And so

33:43 that's the German pronunciation. And hence, that's why we're saying it that way. Right?

33:46 That's my best approximation. I'm sure I'm doing it wrong also.

33:50 Pretty close.

33:51 Yeah. It literally is like, it means like work thing, which is like tool.

33:56 Yeah. Yeah. Basically tool. Yeah. It's like tools like work, your carpentry tools or yes,

34:02 handyman tools type thing. Yeah.

34:03 Yeah. But this was written before Flask existed. And I think it was written more when like WSGI

34:11 was becoming a spec or had just become a spec because it is just a bunch of utilities for

34:16 doing HTTP header parsing, doing all the low level WSGI environment management,

34:24 wrapping that information in request and response objects. So you can kind of work with them a

34:29 little easier. So it's all like the underlying tools that you need to build Flask. There's also

34:37 like the whole routing system, you know, so you can in Flask, you just do at app dot route. But

34:43 behind the scenes, what that's doing is it's adding it to a route map that Werkzeug defines.

34:49 And that defines like, here's how we actually like collect that and like turn it into a bunch

34:53 of rules that we can match URLs against. And there's other things in there as well. The

34:57 reloader, the debugger, the dev server. Yeah. So one of the updates you gave on

35:02 Werkzeug is a performance improvement by way of getting rid of the stir bytes duopoly.

35:10 Yeah. I've been doing a lot in Werkzeug. So that one and the URL lib one that we'll talk about

35:17 were two big things. But basically like this library, like I just described it,

35:22 it's like just a huge collection of tools and little utility functions.

35:26 And there's a history there because when all these libraries first started, Python 3 didn't

35:33 exist or barely existed. And so everything was written originally for Python 2 where

35:38 strings and bytes worked a lot differently. It was one of the primary break-in changes.

35:46 There were other changes, but that was the long, the one that people really had a long live

35:50 bug tracking. If it's different syntax, you just change the syntax, but if it's

35:55 subtle behavior changes, then trouble looms.

35:58 Yeah. And so, yeah, in Python 2, it was much easier to like, well not, yeah, it was easier

36:05 to treat like incoming data as bytes, but like treat it as a string. There wasn't like as big

36:10 a distinction between strings and bytes, which was convenient in some ways, especially for like

36:15 low level tools like HTTP, where you just work in ASCII bytes.

36:19 Say if you like ASCII, it's probably fine. If you don't like ASCII, you might not like it so much.

36:23 Yeah. But it also like caused, like, I first learned Python 3, so I like, I don't have a

36:29 difference on this, but I like Python 3's distinction. I think it's much better to

36:34 have that distinction.

36:35 Yeah. You and me both.

36:37 Strings and bytes. But at the time, like when it was first happening, it wasn't as clear cut.

36:41 Like, oh yeah, this is better or this is easier because you had to support both. And so when

36:46 Python 3 came out and started getting like more momentum, all these libraries tacked on

36:52 support for both Python 2 and Python 3, which among other things meant that you had to

36:57 now check for like whether you were getting strings or bytes everywhere. Because you might

37:04 be in Python 2 land where you're getting bytes, or you might be in Python 3 land where you're

37:07 getting strings and need to like do other conversions. There, so it was especially bad

37:13 because it's a collection of like kind of independent utility functions. Some functions

37:18 build on each other, but every function could potentially be imported and used for its own

37:23 little piece of functionality. And so every single function needed to check all its arguments

37:28 for like my string or bytes. Even if most of the time, especially nowadays, people aren't

37:33 using Werkzeug directly and all these tools. They're using Flask, which just does the right

37:37 thing from the get-go, which means all those intermediate checks on the way are totally

37:41 unnecessary. Because you already knew from like the first function that started calling.

37:45 Right.

37:45 It's already handled.

37:45 Testing 10 times for the same thing down the process.

37:48 Right. And this was just pervasive throughout. Werkzeug was just everywhere with all these

37:53 unnecessary checks. And it made the code more complex to maintain, reason about,

37:58 made the execution slower. There's kind of another thing going on at the same time, which is like

38:05 we had, because we could support, like because we were working with bytes in a lot of places,

38:10 there was also like a lot more support for, well, maybe the data is encoded in this encoding or this

38:15 one. But nowadays everybody, like I looked at, before I made this decision, I looked at stats.

38:21 Everybody, 99.5% of people, web applications on the web right now are using UTF-8. So they're

38:29 never dealing with their encodings. And UTF-8 can encode everything.

38:32 Yeah.

38:33 And so like Werkzeug was doing all these things about letting you pass encodings all over the

38:38 place and switch between things. And that was also complexity. So I finally decided, okay,

38:45 I had heard some anecdotes as well from people who had switched from using Python 2 to Python 3,

38:50 or had stuck with Python 2 and old versions of Werkzeug because they had noticed a significant

38:56 performance difference in the first versions of Werkzeug that added that 2 and 3 compatibility.

39:00 And so I figured, okay, I'm going to get a similar speed up if I remove that now,

39:05 now that we don't support Python 2 at all. That was very complicated. I basically just had to

39:12 go through every single function and start removing it, run all the tests, see what failed,

39:16 pick another function to keep working on and just slowly, slowly pull it all apart.

39:20 But I did end up with, so now Werkzeug just supports strings everywhere, except in the

39:27 very few places where it works directly with the request and response data where it handles bytes.

39:33 Like multi-part form file.

39:35 Yeah. When you first get the request in and it's just the raw body that you might turn into JSON

39:40 or form data, et cetera. Or when you're finally producing the response and taking either file

39:47 data, which is binary or string data and turning it into the bytes. That's the only place now where

39:53 it deals with bytes. Everywhere else is strings. And the boundary there is always UTF-8. And if

40:00 UTF-8 isn't your thing, we're not preventing you from using other things. It just means that when

40:04 you're at those boundaries, you can take the bytes directly and work with them. Surprisingly,

40:12 this was a huge, massive change and I have not gotten any bug reports about it.

40:18 Wow.

40:19 I was stressing so much about, okay, this is huge. We tested it first and made beta releases and

40:28 everything, but those go to almost no attempt. Talk Python to Me is partially supported by our

40:33 training courses. Do you want to learn Python, but you can't bear to subscribe to yet another service?

40:38 At Talk Python Training, we hate subscriptions too. That's why our course bundle gives you full

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40:55 That includes the courses published at the time of purchase, as well as courses released within

40:59 about a year after the bundle. Stop subscribing and start learning at talkpython.fm/everything.

41:06 All right. I can't leave the house for the next week. Publish.

41:11 Yeah. No, like you joke, but like, seriously, when I hit the publish button or when I used to hit the

41:16 publish button, I would be like, I want to go for a walk now because I just did a ton of work and I

41:21 just want to clear my head. But oh God, then an hour from now when I get back, what is my inbox

41:26 going to look like? Yeah. Yeah. That's great. You know, you talk another part of your presentation

41:33 at FlaskCon was about project level stuff. And you also talked about the systemization type of

41:40 thing you're looking for. So one of the things you switched to is the trusted publishers. That's kind

41:45 of cool, right? Yeah. So I mentioned a little bit about like when we were talking about, sorry,

41:51 when we were talking about pinning requirements, I was saying, oh, you know, it makes it a lot

41:56 easier for every contributor to work on things at Sprint if every single environment is the same.

42:02 And so kind of on a meta level, there's a lot of like different tools and configurations and

42:10 workflows we use across projects, but they've kind of been developed over time as I've learned them.

42:17 And so I've been doing work on like a meta level. So every project now, if you go look at Flask

42:23 and Quart, so again, Jinja and you clone all the repos, all the repos look exactly the same. They

42:28 all have the same files, the same directory layout, same tool configurations, et cetera.

42:33 Because just like it should be easy for every contributor to get the same environment,

42:38 it should be easy for anybody who's used to contributing to Flask to go over to Werkzeug

42:41 and be just as comfortable in that project. It's the Flask way and it all goes the same, right?

42:47 So yeah, like trusted publishing, that was another big part of this was like making workflows. So we

42:54 have a workflow for running tests, for example. But publishing used to be a very manual process

43:00 and it's evolved over the years too, because we were on Travis before and then we needed to make

43:06 like Windows builds for Markup Safe, which has wheels. So we were on AppViewer also.

43:12 Then Travis went away and stuff and GitHub Actions became more. But that was all for tests.

43:18 Like for building, we basically, when we wanted to make a new release, it was way harder in the

43:24 past, which is why releases happened less often, because I would have to say like, "Okay, I'm ready.

43:31 Do all the little bookkeeping stuff to set the release version and the release date and

43:35 everything. Now I have to go get my Mac, get my Windows machine, get my Linux machine, make the

43:41 builds on all of them, then manually consolidate them, upload them manually to PyPI, et cetera,

43:47 and make sure that all worked." So what I have now is I have a standard publish workflow on every

43:53 single project. It works exactly the same way. And you make a PR so that you can see all the

43:58 tests run. You make a PR that just does that version bump and the date, says the release date.

44:03 You watch all the tests pass and then you push a tag before you merge. You push the release tag,

44:08 and that kicks off the build workflow. So we run our build. We do SLSA or Salsa out of station.

44:17 Say like these builds are associated with these commits in Git and were built by these workers.

44:22 It's kind of like a supply chain level thing. And then we automatically, it will collect all

44:28 that stuff, show you here's the release, like here's a draft release for this. Here are all

44:32 the, like you have one more opportunity to look at the files and then a maintainer can go in and

44:36 click publish in GitHub's UI. And that will kick off like, okay, maintainer said everything's good.

44:43 We're just going to upload it now. And that's all automated. We're using the trusted publishing

44:49 workflow between PyPI and GitHub. So I no longer have to have my password stored locally for PyPI

44:57 or have like tokens made for each project. All the authentication happens between GitHub and

45:02 PyPI automatically and securely. It's pretty cool. If you go look up like trusted publishing on

45:08 PyPI has like a blog or documentation that explains it. But it is really, really convenient.

45:14 And it makes like this whole workflow means that whenever I want to make a new release,

45:17 I just make a regular PR, push a tag and then see everything pass and say, yes, we're good.

45:23 So I just basically have to push three buttons now. It's a lot easier to just make more regular

45:29 releases, like even bug fix releases. I was always willing to make them fast because it was so much

45:33 work. Well, if it's a matter of just pushing, pushing a commit and then saying, okay,

45:37 you're way more likely to quickly ship fixes and ship smaller releases and all sorts of stuff.

45:42 It's really good. And you don't have the whole supply chain problem of your machine somehow

45:47 got hacked. But then now when you do your build, somebody's injected something gnarly into the

45:53 wheel, right? Because it never goes through you. It just goes from GitHub directly to PyPI through

45:58 GitHub actions, right? Yeah. And GitHub added their own. So the SLSA out of station that

46:04 I was talking about, if you scroll down on this screen, you can see that multiple.intodo.json.

46:11 If you click on it, it's just a big blob of text, but that's basically describing here are these

46:16 wheel files, like those wheel files and S dist files. And here's like signatures and about like

46:23 the GitHub environment that built this and everything. GitHub itself is adding that similar

46:29 sort of out of station. And then PyPI is also adding more out of stations. It's not out yet

46:35 though, but I'm sure I will be testing it once they're starting it and they release it in beta.

46:40 So being able to attest that like our build environment was consistent with what the

46:45 artifacts you're seeing and like the upload along the way was secured and like it is gaining more,

46:51 like that's more gaining more attention nowadays and importance. Yeah, that's really-

46:55 Trying to keep up with it all. It's excellent. It also makes it easier to

46:58 hand it over to someone else and trust that they're doing it right. Not like something,

47:03 they only like wheel seven, so you got a weird wheel or something now.

47:07 Yeah. I mean, this, yeah, this line of silence like was such an impediment to finding other

47:12 maintainers because you had to teach like, I think I probably had some document that explained how to

47:17 do this build before, like all the steps I went through, but it was like, it was so complicated.

47:22 And like, yeah, if somebody else wanted to make a release, I would have to make sure they did

47:25 everything correctly. I had just gotten used to it. It was like rote for me, but it was a lot of

47:30 steps. Now it's just anybody does the same, you know, make a PR, push a button. Everything else

47:36 is done for them. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. All right. So the two takeaways that I got from

47:41 Werkzeug update was this dropping of the two to three juggling made it 50% faster for request

47:48 response and URL lib is no longer URL lib-ish. Yeah. Yeah. So that was the other part of it.

47:55 If we're going back to Werkzeug, so we removed the string bytes, testing all over the place.

48:02 And Werkzeug, this was again, historically because of like Python two versus Python three

48:08 differences and then compatibility and stuff. But another of the changes in Python three was

48:12 URL lib. In Python two, there was like URL lib and URL lib two. And that's why there's also the

48:18 project URL lib three. But Python three kind of consolidated that back into URL lib with sub

48:25 packages instead. So it kind of changed the interfaces and where everything was. So at the

48:31 time it made sense for Werkzeug to just copy that code into our own code base and then make

48:37 our own tweaks to it to be compatible with everything. But what that ended up meaning

48:43 was we had an entire copy of URL lib with our own tweaks in our code base. And then we weren't

48:50 keeping up with changes. So like CPython has like a hundred different core devs on it. I mean,

48:56 they're not all paying attention to URL lib, but they're making regular security updates or just

49:02 performance improvements and that sort of stuff. And we're not getting any of those benefits

49:05 because we now have like this vendor copy that we've changed ourselves. We couldn't even bring

49:08 in the changes. And just like the string bytes everywhere, having that our own copy of that

49:14 really complex low level code made it harder to reason about the code and maintain it. And all

49:20 this stuff is kind of like, it's not the essential parts of Werkzeug. Werkzeug is like trying to be

49:25 the WSGI utilities and stuff. It's not trying to be like every single possible, like it's not

49:29 trying to, we don't need to make our own URL lib utility and everything to be Werkzeug. So that

49:34 was another big one where I identified like, okay, this is just a lot of complexity. I didn't

49:38 actually expect this to be a performance improvement, but when I actually went through

49:43 and removed URL lib and our own copy and replaced it with Python's version, we got like a 30% speed

49:51 up just on our own. So the combined of those two big changes was like about a 50% speed up in our

49:56 request response. It turns out that the Python's implementation of all this was just faster than

50:03 ours and it still does all the same things. Yeah. So now you don't have to mess with it.

50:09 You get it for free. Yeah, exactly. Like everyone else.

50:12 A lot of these changes, a lot of the changes in all the libraries are stuff where I've been,

50:19 like I said, I wasn't the original author of this stuff. So I've had to learn the code bases. I've

50:25 had to dig into them and say like, what is written here? Why is it written this way? How is it all

50:29 related? And along the way, I just keep identifying like, okay, this is the actual purpose of this

50:37 library. Does this fit into that purpose or can we be doing something different? And so kind of

50:43 trying to like slim down the libraries and like focus, tighten up the focus on their purposes more.

50:50 Right. If there's parts that are, it needs to work, but it's not its purpose, maybe that can

50:54 come from somewhere else. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah, absolutely. We've got about 10 more minutes

51:01 tops probably. So what else do we want to cover to give us the stage?

51:06 I'll mention Jinja and Click really briefly because these two libraries are also huge. They're used

51:14 everywhere. Downloaded a ton. Jinja is a templating library. You write template files and then you can

51:20 render them with variables to produce output. HTML, but also like text files or all sorts of stuff.

51:28 Yeah. I think people pigeonhole Jinja2 much. They think, okay, well I'm generating dynamic

51:35 HTML from a server request. Like you can use Jinja to generate all sorts of files. I use it on

51:41 stuff basically on Python generate like emails. Somebody wants to reset their password, right?

51:48 Like I'll generate an email body from it, for example. Right. That kind of stuff.

51:53 Yeah. And then Click is a, just like Flask is a framework for web applications, Click is a

51:58 framework for command line applications. And both of these libraries have gotten a lot of attention

52:04 from me, but they are not at inbox zero. Unlike the other libraries, I have not managed to get

52:09 them down there because I was working with the other libraries. And so these are where I'm like

52:16 going to need to focus. Like I said, my current focus for the rest of this year is writing

52:21 maintainer documentation. So I'm trying to do less code and all of these libraries are stable.

52:25 Everybody downloads them. Like ton of people download them. They all work. We can make them

52:29 better and everything, but they're not in like, it's not like they're immediate danger or need of

52:34 anything. But I do want to like clear out the backlogs of those as well. And looking for more

52:39 contributors for that help with that. You said you're looking for contributors who are really

52:45 psyched about typing and also for... Oh God, if anybody is, if anybody knows,

52:50 like is an expert in typing and like type annotations and static type tools, all the

52:56 libraries do pass mypy strict tests and export. Like we do some testing against pyright to

53:05 some degree, but I'm just typing just, it's very hard for me to understand. Like it's a very

53:12 complicated subject on its own versus all the other stuff I have to be doing. So I really would

53:19 like somebody who's like, I am an expert at typing. I'm going to like start fixing up what you're,

53:24 cause I like had to, I had to learn typing as I was like adding it to these libraries.

53:28 Yeah.

53:29 Yeah. That's a big thing that we can improve. And yeah, you know, there's like, we've gotten a lot

53:35 of attention, a lot of the stuff in Click and Jinja also, we have PRs for a lot of stuff. It's just a

53:41 matter of me having the time to go through and review all of them to cut down that backlog,

53:45 but we're getting there. I'll get there eventually.

53:47 Yeah. Beautiful.

53:47 And then the last, so the last thing I want to mention, or we ran out of time completely is

53:52 besides Palettes, the core projects itself. I've kind of mentioned this theme of trying to make

53:58 the projects more maintainable and grow the community and the team. And part of that that

54:03 I've started identifying is the greater ecosystem around these projects. So Flask is great to use on

54:12 its own, but it's made even better by all the extensions out there that people have written,

54:17 you know, for doing email, doing database stuff, authentication, all sorts of things.

54:24 And just like Flask itself, you know, and all those libraries, there was a long period where

54:31 they weren't getting as maintained, you know, as much attention and stuff. And then I started

54:35 stepping in. A lot of those extensions were written quite a long time ago now, and the

54:40 maintainers of those have kind of moved on to different things. And so there's a lot of stuff

54:44 in the ecosystem that isn't getting as much attention as it needs. And a lot of the times,

54:48 maintainers are aware of this and they're willing to like, say, like to take help,

54:54 you know, to get help with those things. And so I was really inspired by a project for Django

54:59 extensions called Jazz Band. Oh, yeah. We're basically they're an organization that says,

55:04 are you a popular Django extension or pip or pip tools? For some reason, they also control pip

55:11 tools. But do you not have time to be the maintainer of it anymore? Come over to Jazz

55:17 Band. You'll still be like, you can still be involved in the project, but we'll also help you

55:22 find more people from the community. Like we will open up the maintaining process to your interested

55:30 users in the community. And so I'm doing a similar thing with palettes called palettes eco

55:36 for ecosystem. Okay. So if you go to github.com/palettes-eco. Yeah, palettes-eco.

55:46 GitHub. What we've started to do is reach out to maintainers of like, Flask SQLAlchemy, Flask

55:53 admin, Flask security, Flask mail, Blinker, caching, debug toolbar, like all these huge

56:00 extensions. So many of them have these huge backlogs, just like Flask and all the other

56:04 projects did when I got started with them, you know, and their maintainers are overwhelmed.

56:08 And so I reach out to them. I've been reaching out to them and kind of explaining, hey, we're

56:13 starting this thing up. Do you want to add your project? So we've had some successful already.

56:18 We've had people at sprints contribute to them. And like I was talking about, I've kind of

56:23 standardized how Flask and the other projects look like all the tools they're using, the layouts

56:28 they're using, the workflows they're using. I'm taking that same approach and trying to

56:33 standardize all the extensions we get to. So the idea is that anybody who's used to contributing

56:39 to one of these extensions, it should be just as familiar to them to jump into another extension

56:44 and contribute there as well. Right. That's a great idea. Yeah. And so with Palettes Eco,

56:49 we can help find maintainers from the community, add them. But the core team for Palettes themselves

56:57 still has access as well. So, you know, if we make some change to Flask that finally

57:03 removes something that some like some internal thing that somebody was relying on, and like

57:07 suddenly this popular live extension no longer works, we at least have access. Like we're not,

57:12 we're probably not going to take on the responsibility of being the like core

57:14 maintainers of all these things, but we can step in and make an emergency release that just,

57:18 oh, you just need to change this line here, make a bug fix release really quick. So we can at least

57:22 keep the ecosystem going while we like work on finding longer term sustainability with more

57:29 maintainers. I love that idea because a lot of times it is a really small change, but if it

57:33 doesn't work, it doesn't work. Right. Right. Exactly. Like a lot of the times it's been like,

57:37 we have made like little deprecations and then reveals and stuff, which have just,

57:42 that was the one thing that some random extension was relying on that every, like half the ecosystem

57:47 ended up relying on. And we just had to like, you know, change a line or change an import or

57:51 add an argument. So yeah, like that's my big focus now. If people are interested in contributing

57:58 to palettes, they're welcome to, you know, contribute to like Jinja and Click or any of

58:03 the projects as well. If there's open issues, they can work on them, but like a huge new source of

58:08 like involvement for people can be, what are the extensions you're using? Let's get you involved

58:12 in those as well. Yeah. It makes a lot of sense because to make a change to Flask is, it's a

58:17 highly polished piece of software, but the extensions potentially are more open to just

58:23 jumping in and getting into it. Yeah. It's really, it's really hard for people. It's hard to tell

58:28 people this, but like, you know, people come in excited, like, oh, I want to contribute to Flask.

58:32 And then they look at it and they're like, oh, three open issues. What do I do? You know,

58:37 or like, and these three issues are like really low level stuff or like, they've already been

58:40 handled or something. Sure. And so we like, yeah, like what we're telling people now is like, okay,

58:46 well, Flask, not only is it made up of these five other libraries, but there's also this whole

58:50 extension ecosystem out there for you to contribute to. Like everybody's heard of Flask, you know,

58:55 so we can point them at the right place. They come to us and then we point them. Yeah. Excellent.

59:00 Well, I'll be sure to link to that in the show notes as well. Yeah. And with that, I think we're

59:04 out of time. Thank you for being here. Just final call to action. You know, people either want to

59:08 contribute or just want to use Flask. What do you tell them? Yeah. Yeah. So like I said, we're like

59:13 developing Alex Eco. I'm currently writing maintainer documentation, so it'll make it

59:18 easier for people to get involved in that way. I'm writing a new website with a lot of our policies

59:22 and everything. But the main point of contact for all of this and the way we coordinate with

59:28 our community is on our Discord server. So if you go to discord.gg/palettes, that will let you join

59:36 the palettes server. It's, you know, open to everybody. We need help, you know, not only

59:41 contributing to the libraries, but answering questions in our questions channel or, you know,

59:47 like triaging issues and all sorts of things. There's lots of different ways to be involved

59:51 in the projects without writing code. And it all starts on that Discord server. Awesome. Well,

59:56 thanks again for being here and catch you next time. Yeah. Thank you. Bye.

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01:01:08 I really appreciate it. Now get out there and write some Python code.

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