#415: Future of Pydantic and FastAPI Transcript
00:00 The release of Pydantic 2.0, its partial rewrite in Rust, and its refactoring into Pydantic Core and top-level Pydantic in Python is big news.
00:09 In fact, the alpha of Pydantic 2 was just released.
00:12 Of course, these changes will have potentially wide-ranging and positive effects on the libraries that are built upon Pydantic, such as FastAPI, Beanie, and others.
00:22 That's why this chance I had to catch up with Samuel Colvin from Pydantic and Sebastian Ramirez from FastAPI together, live from PyCon 2023, was really timely.
00:32 It's a super fun and wide-ranging interview I'm sure you'll enjoy.
00:36 Plus, there's a bit of an Easter egg in the middle.
00:38 This is Talk Python to Me, episode 415, recorded on location at PyCon in Salt Lake City on April 23rd, 2023.
00:47 Welcome to Talk Python to Me, a weekly podcast on Python.
01:02 This is your host, Michael Kennedy.
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01:53 Samuel, Sebastian, super nice to see you here at PyCon.
01:56 Welcome to the show.
01:57 Thank you very much for having us.
01:59 It's strange and exciting to do this live and to see you.
02:03 Yes, I know.
02:04 Normally it's remote over screen share over half the world or something like that.
02:09 Yeah, I've been able to talk with you directly.
02:11 Also with Samuel here.
02:12 It's super cool, super cool to hear you.
02:14 Yeah, thank you very much.
02:15 Yes, it's great to be here.
02:16 It's really fun being at PyCon and then doing this is like, yeah, even more fun.
02:19 I've done my talk, so I'm much more relaxed than I would have been if it had been this time yesterday.
02:23 I was just thinking, talking to someone else, like one of the best parts about giving a talk is that when it's over, you can really relax.
02:30 You know what I mean? You're like, okay, now I can enjoy the conference.
02:33 Absolutely, yeah.
02:34 And the parties, because you can't go too big on the parties if you've got to talk.
02:36 I feel like all the best ones were last night.
02:38 I'm afraid. We were at a pretty good one last night, weren't we?
02:41 Yeah.
02:41 Yeah.
02:42 But that was excellent.
02:43 All right, well, really good to have you both at the show.
02:46 I guess you hardly need introductions.
02:49 You both are doing such cool work.
02:51 We've had you on the show several times each.
02:53 So maybe just let's start with a catch up.
02:55 Like you both have lots of big news.
02:57 Don't want to necessarily spoil too much, but you know.
03:00 What have you been up to?
03:01 Yeah, so I raised money earlier this year.
03:03 Well, it was all sorted last year.
03:05 Money came in in January this year.
03:06 Started a company around Pydantic.
03:08 So I've been busy hiring.
03:10 Got a team of seven now.
03:12 One more going to join in June.
03:13 And yeah, currently we're working full-time on Pydantic version 2, getting that released.
03:18 And then after that, we're going to move on to the commercial plans, which I'm not talking about too much, mostly because they're up in the air a bit.
03:25 Also because if you start talking about them, you have to finish talking about them.
03:28 And then that's like, I'll just like take over the whole podcast.
03:30 So I'll say that, yeah, working on Pydantic V2 for now and then moving on soon.
03:35 Well, first from the whole community, congratulations.
03:36 You must be really thrilled.
03:38 Yeah, it's amazing.
03:39 It's very surreal, right?
03:41 Because I was going to say, did you see this coming?
03:43 No, I didn't.
03:44 My plan had been to start a different company once Pydantic V2 was done.
03:49 And then in November, Bogomil from Sequoia, who Sebastian knew, Sebastian recommended,
03:55 he chatted to me.
03:56 We had a call.
03:57 We had another call two weeks later.
03:58 And then he said, let's have the final meeting with like a few more partners to decide whether
04:02 to invest in two weeks time.
04:03 So I thought, oh, I should probably go and speak to some other VCs.
04:07 So Sebastian very kindly got me lots of intros.
04:08 My girlfriend also got me some intros.
04:10 I had like five meetings lined up.
04:12 And then the like floodgates opened and I got another like 20 or so VCs emailing me being
04:17 like, please, can I call?
04:17 Starting to hear about, oh, why are we not part of this?
04:20 Right.
04:21 And then I got COVID.
04:23 So I spent a week like locked in the bedroom upstairs doing VC calls.
04:27 Most of them with the like camera off feeling absolutely horrific.
04:29 And yeah, and then came back full circle back and had the big call with Sequoia and took
04:35 their money.
04:35 They've been amazing.
04:36 So it was Sequoia that invested.
04:37 Yeah.
04:37 Wow.
04:38 Awesome.
04:38 That's a big name to have behind you.
04:40 So Sequoia and Partec who are the smaller VC who are like French American and then Irregular
04:45 Expression, which is this really cool CTO network based kind of again, like New York and Paris.
04:51 And then a bunch of angels.
04:52 Yeah.
04:53 Last time we spoke, it was about Pydantic V2 and then all of this broke.
04:56 Yeah.
04:57 Yeah.
04:57 So I feel like I'm just back up to, as in problem was, although I was doing it to speed
05:02 up, that was there were then two months of basically doing meetings and doing legals.
05:06 So I think I've now got a team sufficiently that I'm like caught up to where I would have
05:09 been if I had just sat there and written code all along.
05:11 Yeah.
05:12 That's how it goes, right?
05:14 Yeah.
05:15 You got to put a little more sand in the gears to grow, I guess.
05:19 And Sebastian, how about you?
05:21 What do you, what have you been up to?
05:22 How have you been?
05:22 Oh, I've been good.
05:24 I've been good.
05:24 Yeah.
05:25 Very excited about like what they are doing at Pydantic is like the team they are assembling
05:29 is like just amazing.
05:30 And like, yeah, just like recently working a bunch in FastAPI and like Typer and actually
05:36 like in also some of the low level things of FastAPI and also not just FastAPI, but like
05:43 the things that go underneath.
05:44 Right now, like one of the things that I am pushing for is having documentation of the
05:50 API reference of the reference of the, each one of the parameters for what it is for each
05:54 one of the methods, like all that stuff.
05:56 Yeah.
05:56 And I want to do it in a, in a better way that is more maintainable and that I can test
06:01 the actual documentation for those parameters and consistency between like, there's a bunch
06:06 of things that I'm trying to do.
06:08 And like, it also goes to the low levels of like typing and interacting with the people
06:12 that is handling typing and like all the stuff that is super cool, super exciting.
06:16 But like, I think it can work and it can, it can make these things have like, you know,
06:21 like the API reference for the tools is something that a lot of people have been requesting and
06:26 like being able to have that in a way that is easy to maintain and that can work well and
06:31 that I can handle.
06:32 Like, I think that's, that's super exciting on that side.
06:34 And on the other side, of course, like the integration with Pydantic V2 is super exciting
06:38 now that they have like the first alpha available.
06:41 It is.
06:42 I mean, here you are going along working on FastAPI.
06:45 Everyone I talked to was just universally impressed with it.
06:49 You know, honestly, like I've never heard a bad thing about FastAPI and people are really
06:54 enjoying it.
06:54 And then here comes Samuel just changing the foundation, changing up Pydantic.
07:00 No, no, no.
07:02 I'm just teasing.
07:03 So how much work is that actually going to be to kind of make the change?
07:07 Is it kind of nothing or is it some work?
07:09 No, like there will be some working FastAPI.
07:11 The thing is for final users, it will be like almost transparent.
07:15 Right.
07:15 They will probably like, if they are doing like weird stuff, complex things like that touches
07:21 the corner cases or things like that, like they will probably have to update some things.
07:25 But for most of the use cases, it will be pretty much transparent for people.
07:29 And they will just like get like the, like, I don't know, like 10, 20x performance from
07:33 Pydantic v2.
07:33 And also like the...
07:35 I was going to say, just on the performance, I'm sorry to interrupt you.
07:37 One of the big things that we will be able to, you'll be able to drop from FastAPI is the,
07:42 I'm going to call it a hack, but it's not your fault.
07:44 It's my fault.
07:44 Of like, don't ask the type problem of serialization.
07:48 So I think that the like speed up on serialization in FastAPI could exceed, like, you know,
07:54 could be even bigger than that.
07:54 I don't know that yet, but I'm really hopeful for some like massive improvements because of
07:59 fixes in Pydantic that make FastAPI simpler and more elegant.
08:03 Yeah.
08:03 And since they're turning up the lights, we'll see how long we last here.
08:07 We'll stay as long as we can.
08:10 If you hear any noise in the background, that's because they're trying to tear down PyCon,
08:13 but we're going to...
08:14 They're tearing down PyCon around us, it seems.
08:16 We will not let it be torn out.
08:17 It will live on.
08:19 It's not because of Pydantic V2.
08:20 So, yeah, we may have to pause and move, but we'll find out.
08:24 Anyway, from a user for Pydantic, Samuel, if you haven't gone to like deeply gone into like
08:32 root object validation and all that kind of stuff, it's probably you won't even know, right?
08:36 So I think the hardest thing...
08:38 Yeah, you're right.
08:38 The vast majority of your code will either continue to work or we'll have a...
08:44 If you get run over by a forklift, it's going to really slow down the development of Pydantic,
08:49 by the way.
08:49 We're going to have a mod tool to change the name of methods.
08:55 So with luck, the vast majority of the changes should be automated.
09:00 I suspect that, and I was saying this earlier in the open space, the hardest thing is probably
09:05 going to be where your API subtly changes in its restrictions because of effectively edge
09:11 cases that Pydantic has fixed.
09:13 So for example, in Pydantic v1, we would coerce a int to a string.
09:17 If you passed a string to an int to a string field, we would coerce it.
09:21 I think that that's wrong and we shouldn't have done it.
09:23 And so now we don't.
09:24 But I was saying in the example, if for some reason you stored your IDs as strings and therefore
09:29 your API had the ID field as a string, but your user was just like pumping them into your
09:34 API as integers because that seemed to make sense to them, that's going to break.
09:38 And you probably haven't gotten a unit test that test that because you know your ID field
09:41 is a string.
09:42 So I feel sorry for those people.
09:44 And my biggest request would be if you're a user, try Pydantic v2 as soon as possible.
09:50 I know if you use it via FastAPI, you can't yet, but like all the other libraries.
09:54 But the sooner you can try it, the sooner you can tell us and the more easily we can fix things.
09:59 And we are prepared to add compatibility shims.
10:02 Okay.
10:03 Well, there, I mean, in Python, we have sort of a from futures import.
10:06 Well, there'd be from a, from history import type of like reverse thing.
10:10 Just slow that down or is it going to be a deprecation or is it just...
10:14 So we're doing deprecation warnings everywhere we can or deprecation errors saying this has
10:19 gone away.
10:19 You probably want to replace it with this thing.
10:20 We're working really hard on that.
10:22 We haven't got a like from future import or a compact layer yet for actual like validation
10:28 logic.
10:29 But if we have to, we will.
10:30 Yeah.
10:31 Okay.
10:31 You'll see, right?
10:32 See how much screaming...
10:34 What we didn't want to do was try and guess at what the problems were and build a compatibility
10:38 layer that people didn't need.
10:39 Yeah, of course.
10:40 So that's why we're doing it this way.
10:41 Yeah.
10:42 That makes a lot of sense.
10:43 You want to go as minimal backwards trying to fill those gaps as possible, right?
10:48 And if I'm brutal about it, if insert name of big bank that use Pydantic locks and never
10:53 engage with the open source community, get stung by this, they never paid me a penny and they've
10:57 never engaged, then like, I'm sorry for them, but I'm not as sorry as I would be if they
11:02 had like come and reported an issue and tried to like help along the way.
11:05 Yeah.
11:06 Yeah.
11:06 Like, can we work with you to just like smooth this over?
11:08 And, you know, worst case, can it be, you know, equal, equal, Pydantic, equal, equal,
11:13 1.10?
11:14 I think we'll carry on supporting critical security fixes for a year.
11:18 Okay.
11:19 So there's something of an LTS type of thing you're thinking?
11:21 Yeah.
11:21 For a while.
11:22 We have to, right?
11:23 For a while.
11:24 And yeah, we'll see.
11:25 Look at the download numbers and play it by ear.
11:27 Yeah.
11:27 All right.
11:28 Cool.
11:28 While we're talking about compatibility, if people are like doing a lot of the overriding
11:33 functions and stuff in their Pydantic models, like what do they, what should they expect?
11:37 Too many changes are pretty similar.
11:38 One of the biggest changes is that the init method of a model is now no longer called when
11:45 you're, unless you literally call init.
11:47 So if you call model validate, or if your model is nested inside another model, init is no longer
11:53 called.
11:53 The solution for that is to use a wrap validator or a model validator, but that's going to
11:58 be one of the pain points for people.
12:00 But there's just, it turns out with the Rust API, it's literally impossible without a massive
12:04 performance hit to do that.
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13:27 Do you already have a roadmap?
13:30 Have you already tried the alpha on FastAPI?
13:33 Like, what's the story for you guys?
13:35 So, like...
13:36 Pedantic-wise.
13:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:37 So, like, we have actually been interacting a lot, like, with what are the changes that are
13:42 needed?
13:42 Like, what is it going to be?
13:43 And like, as someone was saying, like, I have a lot of code that is quite hacky.
13:48 I was actually surprised it didn't break much.
13:51 It just, like, really worked.
13:52 And like, it's for this particular use case where you can have, like, they are so loud.
13:58 They really want to tear us down.
13:59 I know.
14:00 We might have to be weird to say it.
14:02 But let's go ahead.
14:02 Let's finish this up.
14:03 Yeah.
14:03 So, like, validation error.
14:08 Can it concentrate?
14:09 So, imagine this use case where you have user model.
14:13 And then this, you want to return this user model.
14:16 But then you have an authenticated user model, as you were showing in the talk, in the PyCon talk.
14:22 And then this authenticated user model has a field that is a password.
14:26 If you return that use, the authenticated user directly, FastAPI does a lot of tricks to make
14:33 sure that what you receive in the client side is the actual user without the password.
14:38 That is the thing that you declared that you were going to return.
14:41 But by default, if you don't do it through FastAPI, but you do it with just plain Pydantic,
14:46 it will just check, like, hey, is this an instance of the other?
14:48 And then it will include the field.
14:50 Because, like, you know, because in thinking about types, it makes sense.
14:54 Like, oh, this is a subclass of that.
14:56 So, it makes sense that it's valid.
14:58 But when you think about data in an API, it doesn't make sense that it will include more
15:02 data than what it should.
15:03 Right, right, right.
15:04 Because you don't want to either have a mass injection attack on the inbound data or an
15:10 over-exposure on the way out, right?
15:12 You know, give away the password from users.
15:14 Is that bad?
15:15 I think it's pretty bad.
15:16 Okay, yeah, all right.
15:18 Like, you know, for example, like, some months ago or years or something, like, I remember
15:23 that Kaggle, the Kaggle API was returning, like, some of the hashes of the experiments.
15:28 So, like, you know, it's like, it's a mistake and a bit, but it's sad that it will end up
15:33 just, like, filtering more data than what it should be returning.
15:36 And it's something that can happen very easily.
15:38 It can happen very easily to FastAPI applications if people don't specify what is the response
15:43 model, the thing that they want to return.
15:45 And they just return a bunch of data directly.
15:47 So FastAPI does a lot of things to make sure that when you declare a response model that
15:52 should filter this data, the data is filtered.
15:55 But that's a lot of code in FastAPI to make it compatible.
15:58 With the new Pydantic V2, that's going to be pretty much transparent.
16:02 So that's amazing.
16:03 That is amazing.
16:04 Yeah.
16:04 There's going to be, like, a bunch of things that require, like, some refactoring and
16:08 also making sure that the Pydantic V1 and V2 are compatible at the same time in some way
16:14 so that people can have, like, a migration path.
16:16 But yeah, like, we have been making sure that, like, all the things that need to be changed
16:21 or that need to be updated or, like, all the things that need to be exposed from the Pydantic
16:25 side are actually available.
16:26 Yeah, it's awesome that you guys are working so closely together on this.
16:29 I mean, it's going to make it.
16:30 Yeah, absolutely.
16:31 So in my mind, these two projects are pretty closely tied.
16:34 I know that they're not, but that's a big use case.
16:36 Yeah, I think that's true.
16:37 And we know that FastAPI is by far our biggest dependent.
16:41 But also Django Ninja, which is, I think, now second or third, maybe third after SQL model
16:46 by Starz, is, like, Vitaly, who maintains that, has been engaging a lot with us on V2.
16:51 So yeah, lots of other projects are interested in it.
16:54 And I think, yeah, lots of people will be able to remove messy code because of that problem.
16:57 Because, yeah, like, the invariance of the response interface problem.
17:01 That's fantastic.
17:02 Coming back to your previous question about...
17:04 Before we go to that, I think we should probably find it.
17:06 What do you think?
17:07 Yeah, I think you might be right.
17:08 Not even necessarily, I think the audio may be okay, but just for a concentration, it's
17:11 very loud with the trucks around us.
17:13 I feel like I'm on the deck of that aircraft carrier, so I throw things off the side.
17:16 Yeah, okay, let's pause this for a moment.
17:17 We'll be back.
17:18 Hold on.
17:18 So we have survived the disassembly.
17:22 We have returned to continue.
17:24 We were talking about the integration of FastAPI and Pydantic, and that was really cool.
17:29 I think something I'd like to kind of move to real quick is this big announcement, alpha
17:34 of version two.
17:35 Samuel, last time you were on the show, we spoke about the plan for version two, and
17:40 now you're released in an alpha stage.
17:41 Tell people where we are with this.
17:43 Yeah, so we're, yeah, we've had two alphas, maybe three alphas now out.
17:47 We're basically pretty close to a feature freeze, and the plan is to release the package, release
17:54 a beta, and effectively, we hope that we can then release the full release, say two weeks
17:58 after that.
17:59 But there'll be bugs, and we'll fix them, and we'll have more betas.
18:01 But effectively, once we get to beta, the plan is that active development is stopping
18:06 bar fixing bugs.
18:07 Now it's performance and bugs, right?
18:09 Yeah.
18:10 And obviously, one of the big things will be once that's out, there'll be a lot more work
18:13 on, say, FastAPI, Django Ninja, et cetera, et cetera.
18:16 And that might come back with, we really need this thing.
18:18 Either this is broken, or we really need that to make it, you know, to reduce the overhead
18:23 of upgrading.
18:24 One of the things I did for Pydantic 1.10, which was super valuable in beta, was to go
18:30 through packages that use Pydantic, initially sorting by star, but then looking at what they
18:35 actually do, and trying to upgrade them.
18:37 And that, like, found me a bunch of bugs in either libraries or in Pydantic.
18:41 So we're not promising we're going to go and upgrade the whole of GitHub to Pydantic V2,
18:46 but we'll do a bit of that mostly to try and find bugs.
18:50 One of the things that would be really useful is if anyone has an application that uses Pydantic,
18:54 preferably without FastAPI or another library, that they would like help upgrading, we would
18:59 love to come and help.
19:00 And it might be a really powerful way of us, again, seeing the real pain points and identifying
19:05 bugs before we get to V2.
19:07 Yeah.
19:07 And I guess another thing to mention that is a real headline, and I also want to get your
19:12 thoughts on this, Sebastian, is the performance numbers, right?
19:15 I mean, you put out some pretty impressive performance numbers, and Sebastian gets to
19:19 piggyback on that, right?
19:20 Yeah.
19:20 I mean, yeah, I'm really proud of it, right?
19:23 Yeah, you should be.
19:24 I think to go in a change of release, in a bump of release, to be in the ballpark of 22
19:30 times faster, not 22%, but 22 times faster, I don't know of another package that's made
19:35 an upgrade of that kind of order of magnitude.
19:37 What's crazy is it's not numerical computing, right?
19:41 It's general purpose.
19:42 If you look at the example I gave in my talk earlier, it's a completely standard Pynantic
19:46 model with four fields.
19:47 And that's where we're seeing that kind of like 22 times speed up.
19:50 So I think it's going to be massive.
19:51 I have my own cynicism about people who hype about performance as being the most important
19:57 thing.
19:57 I don't think most applications, it's actually the thing that matters most.
20:01 But I think it matters.
20:02 A, it matters to everyone, and everyone wants it to go in the same direction.
20:05 And two, it matters to the whole world and to the whole community that we effectively reduce
20:10 the energy that we consume, like doing compute, basically.
20:14 Right.
20:14 That's absolutely true.
20:15 And also, even if people don't actually need it, there's a group of people who are like,
20:20 well, I'm going to leave for Go because it's not fast enough.
20:22 I can't do enough concurrency or whatever.
20:24 And if they don't have that feeling, even if they didn't actually need that percentage
20:28 increase, that's still really good for the Python community.
20:30 Even me, I was saying I had a gigabyte of data from web analytics that I needed to load
20:36 into a Polar's data frame.
20:38 And for that, I needed to A, extract some attributes from nested fields and B, parse dates and things
20:43 like that.
20:44 And I used Pynantic V2.
20:45 And it was vastly faster with V2.
20:49 It went from like toodling, what's the word I'm looking for?
20:51 Twiddling your thumbs to like it happens virtually instantly, right?
20:56 And that's fantastic.
20:57 And that'll be even more true when you have an order of magnitude or two orders of magnitude
21:01 more data.
21:02 Yeah, for sure.
21:03 Sebastian, how about you?
21:04 What's the knock-on effect for FastAPI?
21:06 So I think one of the coolest things is that people won't have to change the code to get
21:11 that performance benefit.
21:12 It's just going to be like a bump suddenly.
21:13 And because of the new ways that Pynantic can handle the data, we're going to be able
21:19 to, there's something that needs to be done in FastAPI, but we're going to
21:21 be able to let the parsing of the data, let Pynantic handle that in the Rust site.
21:28 So Pynantic will be able to just read the JSON bytes instead of reading them in the Python
21:34 site and let Pynantic do that.
21:35 And then Pynantic give the models back to the rest of the code of FastAPI.
21:39 That alone will boost performance a lot.
21:41 But the fact that it's being done in Rust, in the Rust site, it's just going to be amazing.
21:45 Yeah.
21:46 Like one of the other things that I want to do that is on the plans is to let users
21:50 define how they want to serialize data and not have like, this is just like by default,
21:55 it's just like Pynantic models and like it converts automatically to JSON.
21:59 But I want to allow users to decide how to serialize the objects and the data so that
22:03 they can just...
22:04 Like data classes or something like that?
22:06 Yeah.
22:06 For example, they can say like, oh, I don't want to serialize with the standard JSON serializer.
22:10 I want to serialize with our JSON, which is like the...
22:13 I see.
22:14 Rust based implementation to serialize JSON.
22:17 Or they can say like, I want Pynantic to be the one that serializes this because I know
22:21 that this is just a model that can handle that.
22:22 They can also like...
22:23 And this is one of the things that I think is super cool.
22:25 They can also create...
22:27 They will be able to create a way to say, I want to serialize this response to XML or something
22:33 like that or to YAML and to let Pynantic handle the validation, but then like do the serialization
22:38 in a way that they can customize the whole thing without having to do it directly in the code.
22:43 Maybe even some of these crazy stream buffer type of protocols.
22:47 You know, like, yeah, like protocol buffers with GRPC or like even message pack or like,
22:51 you know, like a bunch of these things that there's no obvious way and there's no native
22:56 way to have support for that, for reading the data and for exporting the data.
23:00 And like, that's one of the things that I have like implants.
23:02 I like, I'm probably saying too much and then I'm going to account all the pieces of the code.
23:06 And now they're like, you know what?
23:07 You promised this.
23:08 You did promise it.
23:09 Well.
23:10 Can I just come back on serialization for a minute?
23:12 Yeah, please.
23:12 Yeah, please.
23:13 Yeah.
23:13 So what we've, I've worked from October, quite like putting to one side, the whole funding
23:19 round in the middle of it was working solidly on serialization.
23:21 So we have, there's almost as much code in Pynantic core now for serialization as there
23:26 is for validation.
23:26 Yeah.
23:27 Well, we can serialize directly to, to Jason using the same underlying library that, or Jason
23:32 uses using Serdi, but one, and also we can, you can customize how your serialization
23:38 goes on a per field basis rather than on a per type basis, which is like incredibly powerful.
23:42 But we also allow you to effectively serialize to Python.
23:46 So not just what used to be the dict method, but basically do JSONable Python.
23:51 So you effectively set the mode when serializing to Python, to Jason, and you will only get the
23:55 like, whatever it is, seven primitive Jason types in Python, which is super valuable if you
24:00 want your output to be XML, because then you know your XML encoder only needs to bother,
24:04 needs to take in dictionaries, list, ints, floats, none, bool.
24:08 Yeah.
24:08 Rather than whatever complex data you have.
24:11 So there's an, or I, yeah, I'm like super proud of lots of the advantages of serialization.
24:15 My 45 minute talk earlier, I was able to touch about half of the, the big new features, which
24:20 kind of talks about quite how much has changed.
24:23 Yeah.
24:23 That's really exciting.
24:24 I think we definitely, I was saying earlier, if I had known how long it was going to take,
24:28 I would never have set out on this journey.
24:30 So the best thing about it is I didn't, I didn't think about how long it was going to
24:33 take because we didn't try and do a bit more.
24:36 We tried to do everything or I tried to do everything.
24:38 And that's how it's disadvantaged.
24:40 It's taken longer than we had hoped, but.
24:41 But here you are.
24:42 You're pretty much here.
24:43 That's really good.
24:43 That's really good.
24:44 And so when you think about performance, right, obviously the 22 times faster is awesome.
24:49 The FastAPI speedup is awesome.
24:51 But if you do something like SQL model and FastAPI or Beanie and FastAPI, you're getting
24:58 on both ends, you're getting that Beanie or the Pydantic benefits with the Beanie integration
25:03 and the fast.
25:04 So you, you're kind of putting Pydantic in both those layers.
25:08 And so those speedups are like twice as good or something like that.
25:11 Yeah.
25:12 Right.
25:12 I think you, well, they're probably, yeah, they're like, they're the same relatively,
25:16 but more in absolute terms.
25:17 Yeah.
25:18 Yeah.
25:18 Yeah, absolutely.
25:19 So, yeah, I think it's, you know, the fact that it's a lot of people, so many things have been built upon Pydantic means you've just sped up a bunch of projects
25:26 without them doing too much.
25:28 Yeah.
25:29 We get the, like the win.
25:30 It's like CPython itself getting faster, helps everyone.
25:32 This is like the next layer down, but we, you know, as a dependency of lots of packages,
25:36 we get to speed up lots of the community with one package, like one person devoting a year
25:41 to it.
25:41 Does this surprise you to see all these projects coming out?
25:44 Like here's another project based on Pydantic plus, you know, name your other thing that
25:48 it's been crazy, particularly in the like machine learning space where, you know, Langchain, who are one of the like big names right now in these like big language
25:56 models, large language models, all based on Pydantic, right?
25:59 Yeah.
25:59 You were saying, I think on Twitter, that OpenAPI use a bunch of FastAPI, right?
26:04 OpenAI?
26:04 Sorry.
26:05 Yeah.
26:06 OpenAI, not OpenAPI.
26:08 Marvin from, I think from Prefect is built on Pydantic again.
26:11 So like the wave of machine learning stuff seems to have leveraged Pydantic a whole lot.
26:16 Docker array being another, another big example.
26:18 Some for Elastic and some other things as well.
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27:36 I'm sure one of the big things you're thinking going forward with FastAPI is like how do you
27:42 guys work together and make this a seamless change?
27:44 What else you got?
27:45 What else are you working on?
27:46 What else do you see in the future?
27:48 I have a bunch of things.
27:49 Are they secret or can you tell us?
27:51 No, no, no.
27:52 I can't tell.
27:52 Most of it I can't tell.
27:54 I just feel the accountability.
27:57 But I can't tell.
27:59 So like I have a bunch of projects and like the funny thing is that in some way it's kind
28:04 of a dependency graph of things that I should work on.
28:07 So for example, I have this project generator for FastAPI to generate a project with a SQL
28:12 database.
28:12 I haven't updated it in a long time and it uses SQLAlchemy.
28:16 I built SQL model for that project to use it there.
28:19 But I haven't updated it there because first I want to upgrade more things in SQL model.
28:23 I want to finish the documentation, finish the story about migration.
28:26 But then for the story about migration, I need typer for SQL model.
28:30 So I need to update things in typer.
28:32 And then for typer, I want to add support for annotated, which is actually one of the big
28:36 things.
28:36 One of the recent big things in FastAPI is that now there's support for annotated.
28:41 So annotated is this feature from Python.
28:44 It's like standard Python typings.
28:46 You import from typing, from typings import annotated, and then you can use that to meet
28:52 information to the types that you define for parameters.
28:54 Like what?
28:55 I haven't used this.
28:56 I love typing.
28:56 I use it all the time.
28:57 And here I'm learning more about typing.
28:59 The thing is it exists there in the standard library, but it doesn't have like a canonical
29:04 use in Python itself.
29:05 It's there mainly for FastAPI and Pydantic to use it.
29:09 You know, like it's just that like I haven't, I hadn't pushed for that before.
29:13 But the thing is you import from typings, import annotated, and then you create a function that
29:19 takes like a username.
29:20 And then this function will normally be of type string.
29:23 So it will be like the parameter of the function will be username colon str.
29:28 Now you can say username colon annotated, and then open square brackets as if it was like
29:33 a list or like a dict or something.
29:35 Open square brackets.
29:36 And then the first thing that you put there, that's the actual type.
29:38 So you will say annotated string.
29:40 Ah, okay.
29:41 And then you can pass additional metadata afterwards.
29:43 And the additional metadata is the thing that you will use to tell FastAPI this will be extracted
29:48 from the query parameters or from the cookies or from headers.
29:51 Before, and like up to recently in FastAPI, the only way to do that was using the default value of the parameter.
29:57 Right.
29:57 You would set the default to like a depends or...
29:59 Yeah, to depends or equals a cookie or equals header or something like that.
30:04 And then FastAPI can take the information from that to give you the data in your function.
30:08 But the thing is, if you call that function manually somewhere else, the editor and Python
30:13 won't complain that you are not passing some parameter that is required.
30:16 And then you're going to end up with some strange value internally that is just for FastAPI.
30:20 Right.
30:21 Or the type checker complains, you're not passing a depends.
30:24 Like, no, I'm passing a string.
30:25 That's what it's supposed to be.
30:26 But that's...
30:26 Yeah, exactly.
30:27 Some weird thing like that.
30:28 Exactly.
30:28 Yeah, okay.
30:29 So for those cases, having annotated, like all the type is exactly what it is.
30:32 And if it has a default value, it's the actual default value instead of like some strange
30:37 internal concept in FastAPI.
30:40 And having support for that allows having like much better support for typings, for editors,
30:45 autocompletion, inline errors, all these things.
30:47 It's reusing the same functions in other places.
30:49 And it will also, having support for that in typer, will allow users to have the same
30:54 function being used for FastAPI and typer, having the custom metadata necessary for each
31:01 one of the parameters for FastAPI and for typer and things like that.
31:04 So it's something that is super powerful and super interesting.
31:06 Yeah.
31:07 I'm going to come in on annotated because I'm excited about it too.
31:09 So Pydantic V2, we use annotated for all of our custom types.
31:13 So for example, positive int type is just annotated of int.
31:17 And then we use the annotated types package, which is some reusable metadata for annotated.
31:22 So we would use like positive int is annotated of int and then greater than zero.
31:28 And what's even cooler is that will be used by Pydantic, of course.
31:33 Hypothesis is going to get support for that really soon.
31:36 So it will only pass a positive value in if it sees greater than zero there.
31:40 And then typer, I guess, could like, even if it's still based on click, it can go and take
31:44 that greater than and infer it as, you know, must be greater than zero.
31:47 So I think it was one of the things that typing guys, when they first created annotated, hoped
31:52 was going to build a rich network of libraries that interchanged metadata.
31:56 It's taken a bit longer than they expected, but we're getting there.
31:59 Here the two of you are kind of doing that a little bit, right?
32:02 That's cool.
32:02 That's really cool.
32:03 One of the areas where I feel like typing is a little janky is on ORMs and ODMs.
32:08 When you define a class, you say, for example, it's like a SQLAlchemy column, or it's a beanie
32:15 column or something like that.
32:17 And the type is it's a string column, but really it's a string.
32:21 It's not a string column.
32:22 And so there's this weirdness of using types to kind of drive behavior.
32:28 That's a perfect case for using annotated.
32:31 That's what I was thinking.
32:31 Yeah.
32:31 What it doesn't do is the other case where there is a context where you'd want to get the
32:36 column object of some sort rather than the integer in a row.
32:40 So it does mean two different things, the kind of dot objects in the Django context.
32:44 But yeah, absolutely.
32:45 Yeah.
32:46 It's there precisely to solve this kind of problem.
32:48 And it's also because like currently, as far as I remember, there's no way.
32:52 So the thing is that this is all based on something called descriptors.
32:55 And it's that when you call like, I don't know, class user dot name, it's actually the
33:01 attribute in the class.
33:02 But when you create an instance of that user and then say user dot name, that is the attribute
33:07 on the actual instance.
33:08 And the way that these ODMs or ORMs or these things work is that they have a special way
33:14 to say like when someone calls the actual class, this is a different thing than when someone
33:18 calls an instance attribute.
33:20 Right.
33:20 And there's sort of two behaviors.
33:22 Yeah.
33:22 Yeah.
33:23 And like it's super powerful.
33:24 That's how SQLAlchemy works.
33:26 And it's super powerful because then like all the queries and all the stuff is actually
33:29 like consistent with how Python works.
33:32 And you can say like greater than or equals to using Python syntax, which is great.
33:36 But then currently, as far as I know, there's no way to define that with type annotations
33:41 in a standard way.
33:42 I think it's something that will probably be improvable.
33:45 But I think there's currently no way.
33:46 There will probably be a way at some point.
33:47 But to be able to say like, hey, this SQLAlchemy column is a column when it's accessed
33:53 at the class level.
33:54 But this is going to be a string when it's accessed at the instance level.
33:57 A scope level in the annotated, you know, the class is this and this.
34:01 And it's the instance is that and that.
34:03 Yeah.
34:03 That's really interesting.
34:04 While we're talking types, and I know you both are really big fans because it's such a
34:09 central part, both your libraries.
34:11 What do you want to see coming?
34:13 It feels like this is an area of Python changing fast.
34:15 But is there something like they just if they could just and I have another question on types
34:19 by the way after that.
34:20 If I remember.
34:20 So I gave a talk at the typing summit asking for certain things.
34:23 So now we're going to test my can I remember PEP numbers challenge, which I'm going to fail
34:28 in.
34:28 But pep472 is that keyword args to so one option would be to allow keyword arguments to get
34:36 item, which would make annotated even more powerful because then you could use keyword arguments
34:40 to describe the meaning of your metadata, rather than having to have these kind of identifier
34:44 types like greater than one of the big things that I hope we're going to persuade.
34:49 So I think one of the things that's happened recently is that everyone gets that runtime
34:52 use of type hints is a legitimate thing.
34:54 They might not want to do it themselves, but they get that like, it's a legitimate thing
34:58 to do.
34:58 How much pushback was there when you first came out by Tandic there?
35:01 I think we were like the black sheep of Python.
35:03 I was a black sheep of Python.
35:04 This is supposed to have no meaning.
35:05 What are you doing?
35:06 You're doing it wrong.
35:07 And I think nowadays that's changed and everyone gets it's a real thing.
35:10 But so for example, the hash of a union is independent of the order of the members of the union.
35:16 That makes sense in the context of static typing, where the union of int float is exactly the
35:21 same as a union of float int.
35:23 It turns out in static typing, particularly when you're doing coercion, there are some cases
35:27 where that is not the case.
35:28 And so it's really difficult right now that effectively when you unions are fine on their
35:34 own.
35:34 But if you have a union, say within a string, the capital string square brackets, it will
35:40 the order will be match the order that the first time you call that not what you actually call
35:45 unless you use lowercase string when it is the right order, except there's a PR open right
35:49 now to break it on string to string as well.
35:53 So anyway, we are on lowercase lists as well.
35:58 Anyway, so things like that, where I do think that we'll see what happens on that particular
36:02 case.
36:02 But I feel like the voice of people doing runtime use of types, we're not the only people, are
36:07 being heard better.
36:08 And yeah, I think things are going to continue to improve.
36:11 Yeah, there was a PEP that proposed an optimization for typing that kind of broke the runtime behaviors
36:17 of it a little bit for both of y'all.
36:18 Yeah, it did in some edge cases.
36:20 And that's going to be fixed soon by the successor pep.
36:24 Absolutely.
36:24 So that's really good.
36:26 Generic alias is another thing that kills us internally in Pydantic.
36:30 I won't go into all of the details of it.
36:31 But yeah, the high-level takeaway is that the typing community seemed happy with the idea
36:38 that they might make a change to typing to make it easier for us.
36:41 And I think that's also for the Pydantic team to engage better.
36:44 And instead of spending ages...
36:46 Problem is, right?
36:46 You have a problem.
36:47 You see a solution in typing.
36:49 You submit the PR.
36:50 Even if it gets accepted in a week, which it won't, you wait five years before we can
36:54 remove the code that deals with the other case.
36:56 So it's very tempting not to engage with typing, but just go and write the work around where
37:00 we should be better Python citizens and go and submit the PR to see Python to try and fix
37:04 it properly.
37:05 Yeah.
37:05 What's your wish list for typing?
37:07 So, well, the first thing is like this thing that I have been trying to work on and like
37:11 trying to do to have like better ways to do documentation of the APIs that's also related
37:15 to typing and to the annotations.
37:17 Like, let's see if I can pull it off.
37:19 The other thing is like, it's actually not that necessarily that related to the things
37:23 that we have been talking about, but it's quite relevant for the data science and machine
37:28 learning community.
37:28 That is that there are many, many APIs for many libraries that decorate in some way, some
37:35 function.
37:36 And then the function is expected to give some types of values to the body of the function
37:41 internally, but to be able to receive different types of values.
37:45 That sounds a bit abstract, but like that's the core idea that is like replicated across
37:51 several libraries.
37:52 And this will apply to, for example, to Ray, the distributed machine learning or computing
37:56 system, to Dask, to, I think, Dagster also uses something like that.
38:00 Monad, this system for deploying workloads and machine learning and things like that, also uses
38:06 these types of ideas.
38:07 So there are many of these libraries that like the way that they are designed is that you create
38:12 some function and then you are going to tell something to call this function.
38:16 And then in the function, you say, I want to expect this value.
38:19 And instead of you calling all the functions that will generate that value, you tell it like,
38:23 hey, distributed system, blah, blah, blah.
38:25 Give me this value.
38:26 Execute this for me.
38:27 But that means that you will have or no type annotations or invalid type annotations or red
38:34 squiggly lines in some places or no auto completion or auto completion for the wrong things, just
38:39 because there's currently no way to define this specific thing of saying, hey, this function after
38:45 being decorated is going to be able to receive a different type.
38:49 Oh, yeah.
38:50 Than what it's going to give to internal.
38:52 So I think that's something that, and it's probably quite challenging and like a big thing to tackle,
38:57 but it's something that is replicated across several libraries, in particular for these things
39:01 that do distributed processing of data.
39:04 I think that's something that will be great to improve.
39:07 Does paramspec fix some of that?
39:10 It's very close, but the paramspec only does it for being able to sort of copy the params
39:18 that come from one function to another.
39:20 And actually, I use all that for, for example, for async and for other things to be able to
39:24 get like auto completion for the decorated function or for the generated function or things like
39:30 that.
39:30 And it will probably like the change will probably be somewhere around paramspec to
39:35 be able to say like, not just the paramspec, but like this function will not only have the
39:40 paramspec, but will receive a modification like this of the parameters.
39:45 Almost making paramspec generic.
39:50 All right.
39:50 One more typing question.
39:52 Do you all think typing is going too far with like the generic stuff?
39:56 And is it going too much like C++ and C# and Java?
39:59 Or is it, is it still, still good?
40:02 I think it's, I think the way Python is growing is super interesting because like,
40:07 we all have to agree that Python 3.12 is not the same Python 2.7.
40:12 Yeah.
40:12 It's quite different.
40:13 And I think it's a different in a good way.
40:15 The users are different and the light, the, the focus of the runtime is different.
40:20 And like the things that we can do with types now, and like the fact that in Python, we can
40:26 access these types at runtime, which means like, I don't know, I was always confused with the
40:31 term runtime.
40:32 It's like, what does that mean?
40:33 And it's like, when you execute Python, the same Python code can inspect and like see what
40:38 are those types.
40:39 That's what FastAPI and Pydantic do.
40:40 It's just like seeing like, what are those types?
40:42 We can do that in Python.
40:43 You cannot do that in things like TypeScript, or you cannot do it in Java.
40:48 You cannot do it in many other languages.
40:49 You get access to this typing information to be able to do additional things with that, like
40:53 validation, data serialization, documentation, all that stuff.
40:56 So I think that's, to start, that's super powerful in Python.
41:00 The language in Python for typings is not as powerful as, for example, TypeScript.
41:06 That is just like so much stuff that you can do with that.
41:09 Nevertheless, I feel that in Python is just like, is growing and is growing organically.
41:14 And like, we have growing pains, you know?
41:16 Like, there are some things that is like, oh, this little thing here is slightly incorrectly
41:21 named.
41:22 Yeah.
41:23 But like, now there's a better way to do that in Python 3.10.
41:26 So we don't care much about that slightly incorrect name.
41:29 Things like that.
41:30 Yeah, I feel like there's some tensions of people who are in the mypy side, and they want
41:34 perfect validation of, I want to prove my code hangs together like a static compiler.
41:39 And folks like you all who are like, we want to leverage typing to make it behave in interesting
41:46 ways.
41:46 And maybe that behavior expression doesn't exactly match what it looks statically like, but
41:51 it is.
41:52 Everybody wants it, but it might trip up mypy.
41:55 And I feel like there's this tension between those two things.
41:57 That's kind of what I was thinking when I asked that question.
41:59 I guess there's a little bit of that, but at the same time, there's, is much less than
42:04 you could imagine.
42:05 There are so many people that are so close to, you know, core mypy and these things that are
42:11 actually very excited about the things that we are doing.
42:13 So they're like, you know, like the, it's actually quite friendly, all the communication.
42:17 It's just that there is some people that just don't really care about runtime types and
42:22 that's fine.
42:22 But like, I feel like it's much more, you know, much more closer together and like much more
42:28 stronger the relationship, I think.
42:30 Yeah.
42:30 Yeah.
42:30 That's great.
42:30 Yeah.
42:31 I think actually we've gone in the, we've, typing's got better for someone who's not
42:35 like, it's actually got less verbose, cleaner, easier to understand.
42:38 You don't have to import union.
42:40 You can do pipe operator.
42:41 You don't have to import list from typing.
42:44 You can use list, which makes complete sense.
42:46 Any is an unfortunate one, but I also understand why the any function might, it would not make
42:51 sense.
42:52 I give up.
42:52 I just, I can't deal with this part.
42:54 So yeah.
42:54 No, in general, I think it's got much better.
42:57 I do think that the interchange between runtime, so there's a PEP open now to add to data class
43:03 transforms, a converter function.
43:06 I forget exactly how it works, but I think that is awareness in the static typing space
43:11 that data gets converted when you construct something that looks like a data class.
43:15 So no, I think, I think it's really positive.
43:18 I think we're incredibly lucky that we're like, I could say TypeScript is the other, is in some
43:23 ways the best untyped language typing system.
43:25 But the fact that they're not available at runtime means we're, we're killing it.
43:29 I think I spoke to someone who maintains a library that does a type analysis at runtime in
43:35 TypeScript and all his types are strings and like they're valid TypeScript, but they're
43:40 strings.
43:40 And that's, you know, he was saying that doesn't matter and it's all fine.
43:44 I tend to feel like it probably does a bit.
43:46 We're really lucky to have them at runtime.
43:48 Then you go to the other end where I've been writing a lot of Rust.
43:51 I am like, Rust's great.
43:52 It has many advances, but if you want to just get something done and not have to,
43:55 think too hard about what the types are, it's really nice.
43:58 I write a lot of Python that's untyped when I'm just trying to get something to, something
44:01 to work.
44:01 I'm not a like, everything must have a type on it kind of person.
44:05 So no, I think we're in a really great place.
44:06 And I think most of the advantages are actually cleaning it up.
44:09 So the new six something, 649, the new generics syntax to me, 695.
44:18 There are people who know the names of their numbers of their peps and there's everyone
44:25 everyone's saying.
44:26 That for me, it cleans up generics, right?
44:30 Yes, it's a fundamental change to the language.
44:32 Yes, it makes the syntax of a function look a bit more like Rust or something.
44:36 But like, if you look at it independently of our experience, it's a heck of a lot more elegant
44:41 than importing type var.
44:42 All right.
44:43 Yeah.
44:43 Yeah.
44:44 Let me ask you one that's, this is purely theoretical because I don't think it'll get adopted,
44:48 but we have int, pipe, none.
44:50 We have optional of int.
44:51 A lot of languages have question mark for nullable types.
44:55 Like it'd be int.
44:56 You could even say it like int.
44:57 I'm not sure.
44:58 Is it an int?
44:59 It could be an int.
44:59 It might be nullable.
45:00 I don't know.
45:01 Right?
45:01 Or use int as an int.
45:03 You just know.
45:03 There's no question mark.
45:04 And those types, what are your thoughts about null, call us, annual care?
45:08 I'm really happy with the new situation and not having the optional that isn't optional.
45:12 That's been a problem for a long time.
45:14 So not needing to use optional is being able to use pipe none is great.
45:19 I actually think one of the things that's going to happen with, particularly with the advent
45:23 of the match syntax and with increased use of type dict, we're going to need a new union
45:29 type that operates much more like an enum in Rust.
45:32 So basically a union that keeps track of which member of the enum you have an instance of.
45:38 I keep meaning to build a package to demonstrate what I mean.
45:40 And I haven't got around to it, but like if you have a union.
45:44 Type dict, which is a legitimate thing to do.
45:46 It's effectively impossible without starting to do effectively validation to work out which
45:50 member you're on.
45:51 So I think we need, and it would be really neat if you could use a match expression to process
45:55 each branch of your union.
45:57 Sebastian?
45:57 You already said everything.
45:58 No, but like, you know, like I feel, I feel that way, I was saying that like, I feel
46:04 Python is just like growing and like the typing system is growing.
46:08 I feel it's growing in a very healthy way because it's not, you know, it's not like just some,
46:12 some, some academics hidden in some corners somewhere saying like, this is how it should
46:17 be done.
46:17 I did my thesis on this type system and here we are.
46:19 Yeah.
46:19 And then like everyone should just use it.
46:21 It's just like a lot of hearing everyone and just receiving the feedback from everyone
46:26 and just like growing in the ways that it should grow.
46:29 I think that's amazing.
46:30 I think like we are, you know, it's like a kind of renaissance of like typing in Python
46:35 and like how we can build all these things.
46:37 I think that's amazing.
46:38 I think it absolutely is.
46:39 All right.
46:39 I think we're pretty much out of time.
46:41 We've used up all the various places we've escaped to at a shutting down conference here.
46:44 Final question for you both.
46:46 Just, you know, what's your big takeaway?
46:47 What's the experience like here at PyCon?
46:49 Like how's it been 2023?
46:51 For me, it's been amazing.
46:52 It's my first PyCon in the US.
46:55 Oh, it is.
46:55 Yeah.
46:55 Like I have never been in a PyCon in the US.
46:57 I have been in PyCons in like many other places, but not in the US.
47:00 And like I got to see, I got to put faces to so many handles in Twitter and GitHub.
47:06 I got to meet you in person.
47:08 That's amazing.
47:09 Wow.
47:09 It's great.
47:09 Like a bunch of other people that I only knew, you know, just like on the internet,
47:14 a bunch of core developers and like, that's so cool.
47:16 They are so cool.
47:16 Like I knew they were super cool, but just like, you know, talking on Twitter and like
47:20 didn't see me in person.
47:21 That's amazing.
47:23 It's my favorite part of the whole conference.
47:25 It's just the people and the getting together.
47:27 Definitely.
47:28 I think I attended like two talks.
47:31 I was just on the hallways talking to everyone.
47:34 You feel the hallway track.
47:35 Yeah.
47:35 I was all the way on the hallway track.
47:38 Awesome.
47:38 Well, that's great.
47:38 Yeah.
47:39 I absolutely love it.
47:40 I remember Sebastian and I joined the Language Summit remotely two years ago, the year when
47:44 there was no PyCon.
47:44 And the most interesting bit of the like four hours Zoom call was the five minutes between
47:49 talks when people just chatted.
47:50 And I remember then thinking how cool PyCon must be to have that same group of people
47:54 like in a room rather than on a Zoom call.
47:57 So no, I love it.
47:58 I think it's, I've really enjoyed it.
48:00 Last year was my first year.
48:01 This year is even more fun.
48:03 Yeah.
48:03 I really enjoy it.
48:03 Awesome.
48:04 Yeah.
48:04 It's been great to meet you both in person.
48:06 Meeting you has been the best bit of all.
48:07 Thank you very much.
48:08 No, no.
48:08 It's been really great to spend some time with you all here.
48:10 Thanks for coming on the podcast.
48:12 Part two now here to wrap things up.
48:14 So it's, thanks for taking the time and congrats both on the success of your projects.
48:18 They're amazing.
48:19 Thanks so much.
48:20 Thank you very much.
48:21 Thanks for having us.
48:21 Thanks for seeing us.
48:23 Yeah.
48:23 Bye guys.
48:24 This has been another episode of Talk Python to Me.
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49:41 This is your host, Michael Kennedy.
49:43 Thanks so much for listening.
49:44 I really appreciate it.
49:45 Now get out there and write some Python code.
49:47 I'll see you next time.
49:48 Bye.
49:48 Bye.
49:48 Bye.
49:48 Bye.
49:49 Bye.
49:50 Bye.
49:50 Bye.
49:50 Bye.
49:51 Bye.
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49:52 Bye.
49:52 Bye.
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49:54 Bye.
49:54 Bye.
49:54 Bye.
49:54 Bye.
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49:54 Bye.
49:54 Bye.
49:54 Bye.
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49:55 Bye.
49:55 Bye.
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49:59 Bye.
50:00 Bye.
50:01 you you Thank you.