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Talk Python To Me

A podcast on Python and related technologies

Latest episode:
#476 Unified Python packaging with uv

A couple of weeks ago, Charlie Marsh and the folks at Astral made another big splash with a major release of uv called "uv: Unified Python packaging" which has many far reaching features. We had to have Charlie on the show to give us the inside look into this development. Let's get to it.
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Charlie Marsh
Charlie Marsh

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Vincent D. Warmerdam
Vincent D. Warmerdam
(up next)
Awesome Text Tricks with NLP and spaCy

Do you have text that you want to process automatically? Maybe you want to pull out key products or topics of conversation? Maybe you want to get the sentiment? The possibilities are many with this week's topic: NLP with spaCy and Python. Our guest, Vincent D. Warmerdam, has worked on spaCy and other tools at Explosion AI and he's here to give us his tips and tricks for working with text from Python.

Anna-Lena Popkes
Anna-Lena Popkes
(and then)
When and how to start coding with kids

Anthony Shaw
Anthony Shaw
Designing Effective Load Tests for Your Python App

What listeners think

The best python podcast I’ve ever encountered
Thank you for the deepest python podcast I’ve ever met! I’m learning a lot by just listening to it! Cheers.
Alex S.
Great show!
My number one podcast. Thank you so much Michael!
Great show
Michael finds great guests for the show and really motivates me to become a better Python programmer. Thanks for all the effort.
Nigel Hall
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Python Bytes:
Python headlines delivered directly to your earbuds

If you are looking for a 15 minute conversation on the topical items of the week in the Python ecosystem, be sure to jump over to Python Bytes and subscribe.
Python Bytes Podcast

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Michael Kennedy
Your host
Michael Kennedy

More about Talk Python to Me

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy. The show covers a wide array of Python topics as well as many related topics.

The format is a casual 1-hour conversation with industry experts.

Have feedback for the show? Send it to contact@talkpython.fm. We'd love to hear from you.

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Do you have a great idea for a show? Do know a dynamic Python personality who we should be speaking to? Send us an email!

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