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Game Theory in Python

Episode #104, published Thu, Mar 23, 2017, recorded Wed, Mar 8, 2017

Game theory is the study competing interests, be it individual actors within an economy or healthy vs. cancer cells within a body.

Our guests this week, Vince Knight, Marc Harper, and Owen Campbell, are here to discuss their python project built to study and simulate one of the central problems in Game Theory: The prisoners' dilemma.

Links from the show:

Axelrod on GitHub: github.com/Axelrod-Python/Axelrod
The docs: axelrod.readthedocs.io/en/latest
The tournament: axelrod-tournament.readthedocs.io/en/latest
Chat: Gitter room: gitter.im/Axelrod-Python
Peer reviewed paper: openresearchsoftware.metajnl.com/articles/10.5334/jors.125
Djaxelrod v2: github.com/Axelrod-Python/axelrod-api
Some examples with jupyter: github.com/Axelrod-Python/Axelrod-notebooks

Find them on Twitter
The project: @AxelrodPython
Owen on Twitter: @opcampbell
Vince on on Twitter: @drvinceknight

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